# $Id$ # # nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. # # Usage examples (see details below): # nmake -f makefile.vc # nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 # nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 # nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 # ############################################################################### # For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file # named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. !IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") !INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local !ENDIF # nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt !IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT !INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) !ENDIF ############################################################################### # Check version of Visual C++ compiler: # nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx # where xxxx is one of following: # 1500 = 9.0 (2008) # 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ # 1310 = 7.1 (2003) # 1300 = 7.0 (2002) # 1200 = 6.0 # !IFNDEF MSVC_VER #assume msvc VS2008. MSVC_VER=1500 !ENDIF ############################################################################### # Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at # http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld # Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: #MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" ############################################################################### # Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff # Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, # but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. # But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). !IFNDEF GDAL_HOME GDAL_HOME = "C:\warmerda\bld" !ENDIF !IFNDEF BINDIR BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin !ENDIF !IFNDEF PLUGINDIR PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins !ENDIF !IFNDEF LIBDIR LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib !ENDIF !IFNDEF INCDIR INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include !ENDIF !IFNDEF DATADIR DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data !ENDIF !IFNDEF HTMLDIR HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html !ENDIF # Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't # have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). !IFNDEF PYDIR PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" !ENDIF # Set the location of your SWIG installation !IFNDEF SWIG SWIG = swig.exe !ENDIF # SWIG Java settings !IFNDEF JAVA_HOME JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 !ENDIF !IFNDEF ANT_HOME ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 !ENDIF JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 # Compilation flags # Enable code analyzis on request # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx !IFDEF ANALYZE CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze !ELSE CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= !ENDIF !IFNDEF OPTFLAGS !IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 !IFNDEF DEBUG OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG !ELSE OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG !ENDIF !ELSE !IFNDEF DEBUG OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG !ELSE OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG !ENDIF !ENDIF #MSVC_VER !ENDIF # OPTFLAGS # # Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. # !IFNDEF WARNFLAGS WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 !ENDIF # The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source # not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. !IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 !ENDIF # Linker debug options !IFDEF DEBUG LDEBUG= /debug !ENDIF # Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows # (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit # compiles. #WIN64=YES # If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, # comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. # This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. STDCALL=YES # Version number embedded in DLL name. VERSION = 19dev # Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled # by default. PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED # Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL # instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. DLLBUILD=1 # Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable # vector formats. INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES # Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) #VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" # Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility # programs to be able to expand wildcards. #SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj # Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character # recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports # latin1<->utf-8 translations only. # Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to # const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. # If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define # ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. #LIBICONV_DIR = "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32" #LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include #LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\libiconv.lib #LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const # Comment out the following to disable BSB support. BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 # Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 # Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 # This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 #if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines #JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 #JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b #JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib #if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines #PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 #PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 #PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib # if using an external libtiff library #TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff #TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib # uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to # enable BigTIFF support #TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT # if using an external libgeotiff library #GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff #GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib # Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. #LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml #LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 #LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release #LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ # $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ # $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ # $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ # $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ # $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the # 4.1+ readonly SDK #ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" #ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ # -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ # -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ # -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw #ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ # $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ # $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib # To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to # NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will # also need some adjustment. # To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure # to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two # resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. #ECW_PLUGIN = YES # Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. # Significant adaption may be needed. #ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 #ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib #ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ # -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ # /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ # /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI # DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries #TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 #TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ #TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices #TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll # DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance #DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect #DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD #DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. #OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir #OGDIVER = 31 #OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ # $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib # Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). #EXPAT_DIR = "C:\Program Files\Expat 2.0.1" #EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)/source/lib #EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)/bin/libexpat.lib # Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. #XERCES_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\xerces-c_2_6_0 #XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc #XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_2.lib # Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x # is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with # Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. #ILI_ENABLED = YES # Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support #JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid #JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD #JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib # Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version # of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ #JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID # Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer #KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 #KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib #KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N # Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. #HDF4_PLUGIN = NO #HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 #HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. #HDF5_PLUGIN = NO #HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win #HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib # Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, # which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and # will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. # Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features # that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt # for more details. #MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid #MRSID_JP2 = YES !IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) !IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) !INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt !ENDIF !ENDIF # PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL # Replace with these to use an external build. #PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL #PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src #PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib # Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation #PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD # PostGIS Libraries #PG_INC_DIR = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\include #PG_LIB = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\lib\libpqdll.lib wsock32.lib # MySQL Libraries # NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. #MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include #MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib # SQLite Libraries #SQLITE_INC=-IN:\pkg\sqlite-win32 #SQLITE_LIB=N:\pkg\sqlite-win32\sqlite3_i.lib # For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): # The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary # depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. #SQLITE_INC=-IC:\osgeo4w\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION #SQLITE_LIB=C:\osgeo4w\lib\spatialite_i.lib # Informix Data Blade #INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" #IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ # -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql #IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ # $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. #FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme # Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support #FITS_PLUGIN = NO #FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio #FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib # Comment out to disable GRIB support. GRIB_SETTING=yes # Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. #NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO #NETCDF_SETTING=yes #NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib #NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include # Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support #NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes #NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes # PROJ.4 stuff # Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise # it will be linked dynamically during runtime. #PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC #PROJ_INCLUDE = -Id:\projects\proj.4\src #PROJ_LIBRARY = d:\projects\proj.4\src\proj_i.lib # Add ORACLE support. # Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. #ORACLE_HOME = C:/Software/Oracle/Product/10.1.0/db_1 # Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. #OCI_PLUGIN = YES !IFDEF ORACLE_HOME OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\include !ENDIF #SDE_ENABLED = YES #SDE_VERSION=91 #SDE_PLUGIN = NO #SDE_SDK = C:\arcgis\arcsde #SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include #SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ # $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib #FGDB_ENABLED = YES #FGDB_PLUGIN = YES #FGDB_SDK = C:\Users\rburhum\Desktop\FileGDB_API_VS2008_1_0beta3 #FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include #FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib #uncomment to use ArcObjects #ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES #ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES #ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com #ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include # #Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, #but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process #ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib # Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) # The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. #CURL_DIR=C:\curl-7.15.0 #CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include # Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library #CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)/libcurl_imp.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib # Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library #CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)/libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib #CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB # Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support #DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 #DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib # Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 #DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 # Uncomment for GEOS support #GEOS_DIR=C:/warmerda/geos #GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)/capi -I$(GEOS_DIR)/source/headers -DHAVE_GEOS #GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)/source/geos_c_i.lib # Uncomment for SOSI support #SOSI_ENABLED = YES #SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi #SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib # Uncomment for OpenJpeg support #OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES #OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg #OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib # Uncomment for PDF support # Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 #POPPLER_ENABLED = YES #POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler #POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES #POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES #POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib # Uncomment for PDF support #PODOFO_ENABLED = YES #PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo #PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib # Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support #LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include #LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib # Uncomment for WEBP support #WEBP_ENABLED = YES #WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include #WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib # Any extra libraries needed on this platform? ADD_LIBS = # Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but # you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric # integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation # bindings. #HAVE_NUMPY=1 ########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## # Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) #MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts !IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib !ENDIF !IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED !ENDIF #LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) MAKE = nmake /nologo CC = cl INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib !IFDEF DLLBUILD GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib !ELSE GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib !ENDIF !IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib !ENDIF !IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) !IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) !ELSE MRSID_LIB_LINK= !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF ECWDIR !IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) !ELSE ECW_LIB_LINK= !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF FITS_LIB !IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) !ELSE FITS_LIB_LINK = !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF NETCDF_LIB !IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) !ELSE NETCDF_LIB_LINK = !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF HDF4_LIB !IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) !ELSE HDF4_LIB_LINK = !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF HDF5_LIB !IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) !ELSE HDF5_LIB_LINK = !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF FGDB_LIB !IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) !ELSE FGDB_LIB_LINK = !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF XERCES_DIR NAS_ENABLED = YES !ENDIF # Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix # present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. !IFDEF WIN64 !UNDEF STDCALL !ELSE SYM_PREFIX=_ !ENDIF EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c .cpp.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp