/****************************************************************************** * * Purpose: Documentation for the PCIDSKChannel class. * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 * PCI Geomatics, 50 West Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill, Ont, Canada * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ /** ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetWidth() const \brief Fetch image width. @return returns the channel width in pixels. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetHeight() const \brief Fetch image height. @return returns the channel height in pixels. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetBlockWidth() const \brief Fetch image block width. Channel (band) access is done in blocks according to the natural blocking of the data. For PIXEL, BAND and some FILE interleaved files a block is one scanline. For tiled files it is a tile. @return returns the width of a block in pixels. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetBlockHeight() const \brief Fetch image block height. Channel (band) access is done in blocks according to the natural blocking of the data. For PIXEL, BAND and some FILE interleaved files a block is one scanline. For tiled files it is a tile. @return returns the height of a block in pixels. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetBlockCount() const \brief Fetch image block count. @return returns the number of blocks in a channel. ****************************************************************************** \fn eChanType PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetType() const \brief Fetch pixel data type. @return the pixel data type for this channel. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::ReadBlock( int block_index, void *buffer, int win_xoff=-1, int win_yoff=-1, int win_xsize=-1, int win_ysize=-1 ); \brief read block of image data from disk. The buffer into which imagery is read should be preallocated large enough to hold GetBlockWidth() * GetBlockHeight() * DataTypeSize(GetType()) bytes, or win_xsize*win_ysize*DataType(GetType()) if subwindowing is being used. Image data is returned in the pixel data type reported by GetType() and in the local systems byte order (for types larger than one byte). For scanline oriented images the block index is the scanline index. For tiled images the block_index starts at 0 at the top left tile. The tile to the right of that is 1, and the first tile in the second row is equal to "blocks_per_row". Partial (incomplete) blocks at the right or bottom of images that are not a multiple of the block width or height in size will be zero filled out to the block size. The win_xoff, win_yoff, win_xsize, and win_ysize parameters may be used to select a subwindow of the desired block. By default the whole block is returned. Bitmap segment access is also handled via the PCIDSKChannel interface, and the buffer contains eight pixels packed into each byte which the first pixel in the high order bit (0x80) of the first byte. Note that DataTypeSize() does not return an accurate size for bit buffers. @param block_index zero based block index to read. @param buffer the buffer into which the block will be read. @param win_xoff the x (right) offset into the block to start reading. @param win_yoff the y (down) offset into the block to start reading. @param win_xsize the width of the window to read from the block. @param win_ysize the height of the window to read from the block. ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::WriteBlock( int block_index, void *buffer ); \brief write block of image data from disk. The buffer from which imagery is read should be preallocated large enough to hold GetBlockWidth() * GetBlockHeight() * DataTypeSize(GetType()) bytes. Image data is expected in the pixel data type reported by GetType() and in the local systems byte order (for types larger than one byte). For scanline oriented images the block index is the scanline index. For tiled images the block_index starts at 0 at the top left tile. The tile to the right of that is 1, and the first tile in the second row is equal to "blocks_per_row". Partial (incomplete) blocks at the right or bottom of images that are not a multiple of the block width or height in size may be zero filled out to the block size. @param block_index zero based block index to read. @param buffer the buffer from which the block will be written. ****************************************************************************** \fn std::vector PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetMetadataKeys(); \brief Fetch metadata keys Returns a vector of metadata keys that occur on this object. The values associated with each may be fetched with GetMetadataValue(). @return list of keys @see GetMetadataValue() ****************************************************************************** \fn std::string PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetMetadataValue( const std::string &key ); \brief Fetch metadata value Note that the returned pointer is to an internal structure and it may become invalid if another thread modifies the metadata for this object. @param key the key to fetch the value for. @return the value of the indicated metadata item, or an empty string if it does not exist on the target object. @see GetMetadataKeys() ****************************************************************************** \fn void PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::SetMetadataValue( const std::string &key, const std::string &value ); \brief Set metadata value Assign the metadata value associated with the passed key on this object. The file needs to be open for update. Note that keys should be well formed tokens (no special characters, spaces, etc). @param key the key to fetch the value for. @param value the value to assign to the key. An empty string deletes the item. @see GetMetadataValue() ****************************************************************************** \fn int PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetOverviewCount(); \brief Fetch number of overviews @return the number of overviews available for this channel. @see GetOverview() ****************************************************************************** \fn PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel *PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetOverview(int i); \brief Fetch Overview This method fetches a pointer to the requested overview. The return PCIDSKChannel object remains owned by the parent PCIDSKChannel but may be otherwise accessed using the normal PCIDSKChannel mechanisms. The size of the overview in pixels and lines will reveal it's decimation factor relative to the base image. @param i the zero based index of the overview to fetch (from zero to GetOverviewCount()-1) @return the overview channel object. ****************************************************************************** \fn void PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::Synchronize(); \brief Write pending information to disk. Some write and update operations on PCIDSK files are not written to disk immediately after write calls. This method will ensure that any pending writes are flushed through to disk. NOTE: Currently this method does not invalidate read-cached information. At some point in the future it might be extended to do this as well. ****************************************************************************** \fn std::string PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetDescription(); \brief Fetch channel description. @return Returns the contents of the IHi.1 field for the channel, with trailing spaces stripped. ****************************************************************************** \fn void PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::SetDescription( const std::string &description); \brief Set channel description. @param description a string of up to 64 characters. ****************************************************************************** \fn std::vector PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetHistoryEntries() const; \brief fetch history records @return a vector of the 8 history records for this channel. ****************************************************************************** \fn void PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::SetHistoryEntries( const std::vector &entries ); \brief Set all history records. Normally applications will just use the PushHistory() method. This method is used for bulk copying of history for special situations. @param entries - should be a vector of 8 strings of at most 80 characters. ****************************************************************************** \fn void PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::PushHistory( const std::string &app, const std::string &message ); \brief Push a new history message. This method will push a new history message at the front of the history stack. The top seven history messages will be pushed down one to make space and the last one will be lost. The current date is automatically appended to the message. @param app the application name, only 7 characters are used. @param message the history message, only 56 characters are used. ****************************************************************************** \fn std::vector PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetOverviewLevelMapping() const; \brief Get mapping between overview indices and overview levels This method will return a vector representing a mapping between an overview index, used with the PCIDSK::PCIDSKChannel::GetOverview method. @note The overview levels may not be sorted when retrieved via this mechanism. @return a vector, where the index of the entry maps to the overview index. */