OGR Web Migration Tool - Setup and Installation ================================================= OSGeo4W ------- OWMT is normally deployed on top of OSGeo4W, and windows distribution including a variety of FOSS4G software packages, including Apache, Python and GDAL/OGR. To prepare OSGeo4W visit: http://osgeo4w.osgeo.org/ Download the installer, and install. The advanced install option will need to be selected. Ensure that OSGeo4W is installed in the default location - C:\OSGeo4W for minimum problems. The following packages will be required: - gdal-python gdal-oracle10g apache After installing, launch the OSGeo4W command shell and enter the following command to setup Apache on port 80 as a default service: apache-install.bat OWMT ---- The OWMT package is delivered as a .zip ready for unpacking on top of OSGeo4W. The package should be named something like "owmt-0.9-1.zip". Copy this into C:\OSGeo4W and unpack it (ensuring that appropriate unzip options are used to create subdirectories). This should result in: c:\OSGeo4W\bin\owmt_cgi.py - the base cgi script C:\OSGeo4W\httpd.d\httpd_owmt.conf - OWMT related Apache configuration C:\OSGeo4W\apps\owmt - the rest of OWMT - (html+.py) As long as OSGeo4W is at C:\OSGeo4W there should be no need for OWMT configuration. PostgreSQL ---------- OSGeo4W includes the postgres client libraries, but it is still required that PostgreSQL+PostGIS be separately installed and setup on a server. It can be setup on the same server as OWMT or a different one. If on a different server, take care to start Postgres with remote connections enabled (ie. pg_ctl start -o -i), and to update the pg_hba.conf appropriately to connect from the machine with OWMT installed. Oracle ------ The gdal-oracle10g package includes support for oracle access from GDAL/OGR, but it depends on the Oracle OCI client libraries also being installed separately on the machine OWMT is hosted on. The actual oracle instance can be local or remote, but if remove it is generally best to configure a local "TNS name" for the remote database.