/*! \page building Building the PCIDSK SDK As of November 2009 the PCIDSK SDK uses a relatively simplistic set of makefiles for building on linux/unix/macos systems and on windows systems. \section build_win32 Building on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio On Windows system, building is accomplished using Microsoft Visual Studio, but via the commandline tools (NMAKE and CL). For command line builds you will normally have to have run the VCVAR32.BAT script that comes with the compiler. For Visual Studio 2003 this might be found at: \verbatim C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003\VC7\bin\VCVARS32.BAT \endverbatim Some Visual Studios also provide a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" to be found in the start menu, which gives you a shell with the correct environment. If you plan to compile for the 64bit platform be sure to choose the correct bat / command prompt. Once the environment is setup, you can cd to the PCIDSK "src" subdirectory and do the following: \verbatim C:\PCIDSK\SRC> nmake /f makefile.vc \endverbatim Before building as above, you may find you need to modify some commandline switches in the Makefile.vc. Generally the switches requiring adjustment are in the OPTFLAGS and CXXFLAGS macros: \verbatim OPTFLAGS = /Ox CXXFLAGS = /nologo /MD /GR /EHsc $(OPTFLAGS) /W3 /I. \ /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /DLIBPCIDSK_EXPORTS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE \endverbatim Adjust as required to match the needs of your application and visual studio version. The SDK should build with any version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2002 or later. The result of a build should be a pcidsk.lib file in the pcidsk\src directory. \section build_unix Building on Linux, Unix and MacOS X On unix and unix-like operating systems it should be possible to build using the Makefile in the top level PCIDSK directory. Currently the SDK does not provide a configure or similar environment. Instead the src/Makefile, and tests/Makefile can be edited to adjust the compiler switches. Key switches are in the CXXFLAGS macro. Also, in src/Makefile you can comment out, or adjust the JPEG_FLAGS switch to control whether libjpeg is used for JPEG compression support. \verbatim JPEG_FLAGS = -DHAVE_LIBJPEG CXXFLAGS = -O -Wall -fPIC -I. $(JPEG_FLAGS) \endverbatim Then "make" in the main pcidsk directory should build the SDK as well as the test programs. The "make check" command may be used to run the test suite once the test suite data is available. By default the files src/pcidsk.a (a static library) and src/pcidsk.so (a shared library) are built. */