OGR supports reading most versions of AutoCAD DXF and writing AutoCAD 2000 version files. The entire contents of the file is represented as a single layer named "entities". DXF is an ASCII format used for interchanging AutoCAD drawings between different software packages.

DXF files are considered to have no georeferencing information through OGR. Features will all have the following generic attributes:

Supported Elements

The following element types are supported:

A reasonable attempt is made to preserve line color, line width, text size and orientation via OGR feature styling information when translating elements. Currently no effort is made to preserve fill styles or complex line style attributes.

The approximation of arcs, ellipses, circles and rounded polylines as linestrings is done by splitting the arcs into subarcs of no more than a threshhold angle. This angle is the OGR_ARC_STEPSIZE. This defaults to four degrees, but may be overridden by setting the configuration variable OGR_ARC_STEPSIZE.

Creation Issues

DXF files are written in AutoCAD 2000 format. A standard header (everything up to the ENTITIES keyword) is written from the $GDAL_DATA/header.dxf file, and the $GDAL_DATA/trailer.dxf file is added after the entities. Only one layer can be created on the output file.

Point features with LABEL styling are written as MTEXT entities based on the styling information.

Point features without LABEL styling are written as POINT entities.

LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon and MultiPolygons are written as one or more LWPOLYLINE entities, closed in the case of polygon rings. An effort is made to preserve line width and color.

The dataset creation supports the following dataset creation options: