/* * $Id$ * * python specific code for ogr bindings. */ %feature("autodoc"); %init %{ if ( OGRGetDriverCount() == 0 ) { OGRRegisterAll(); } %} %include "ogr_layer_docs.i" %include "ogr_datasource_docs.i" %include "ogr_driver_docs.i" %include "ogr_feature_docs.i" %include "ogr_featuredef_docs.i" %include "ogr_fielddef_docs.i" %include "ogr_geometry_docs.i" %rename (GetDriverCount) OGRGetDriverCount; %rename (GetOpenDSCount) OGRGetOpenDSCount; %rename (SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) OGRSetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER; %rename (RegisterAll) OGRRegisterAll(); %include "python_exceptions.i" %extend OGRDataSourceShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatiblity only" _ogr.delete_DataSource( self ) self.thisown = 0 def Release(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatiblity only" _ogr.delete_DataSource( self ) self.thisown = 0 def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." return self.Reference() def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." self.Dereference() def __len__(self): """Returns the number of layers on the datasource""" return self.GetLayerCount() def __getitem__(self, value): """Support dictionary, list, and slice -like access to the datasource. ds[0] would return the first layer on the datasource. ds['aname'] would return the layer named "aname". ds[0:4] would return a list of the first four layers.""" import types if isinstance(value, types.SliceType): output = [] for i in xrange(value.start,value.stop,value.step): try: output.append(self.GetLayer(i)) except OGRError: #we're done because we're off the end return output return output if isinstance(value, types.IntType): if value > len(self)-1: raise IndexError return self.GetLayer(value) elif isinstance(value,types.StringType): return self.GetLayer(value) else: raise TypeError, 'Input %s is not of String or Int type' % type(value) def GetLayer(self,iLayer=0): """Return the layer given an index or a name""" import types if isinstance(iLayer, types.StringTypes): return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer)) elif isinstance(iLayer, types.IntType): return self.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer) else: raise TypeError, "Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(iLayer) } } %extend OGRLayerShadow { %pythoncode { def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def __len__(self): """Returns the number of features in the layer""" return self.GetFeatureCount() def __getitem__(self, value): """Support list and slice -like access to the layer. layer[0] would return the first feature on the layer. layer[0:4] would return a list of the first four features.""" import types if isinstance(value, types.SliceType): output = [] if value.stop == sys.maxint: #for an unending slice, sys.maxint is used #We need to stop before that or GDAL will write an ##error to stdout stop = len(self) - 1 else: stop = value.stop for i in xrange(value.start,stop,value.step): feature = self.GetFeature(i) if feature: output.append(feature) else: return output return output if isinstance(value, types.IntType): if value > len(self)-1: raise IndexError return self.GetFeature(value) else: raise TypeError,"Input %s is not of IntType or SliceType" % type(value) def CreateFields(fields): """Create a list of fields on the Layer""" for i in fields: self.CreateField(i) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): feature = self.GetNextFeature() if not feature: raise StopIteration else: return feature def schema(self): output = [] defn = self.GetLayerDefn() for n in range(defn.GetFieldCount()): output.append(defn.GetFieldDefn(n)) return output schema = property(schema) } } %extend OGRFeatureShadow { %pythoncode { def Reference(self): pass def Dereference(self): pass def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatiblity only" _ogr.delete_Feature( self ) self.thisown = 0 def __cmp__(self, other): """Compares a feature to another for equality""" return self.Equal(other) def __copy__(self): return self.Clone() def __getattr__(self, name): """Returns the values of fields by the given name""" try: return self.GetField(name) except: raise AttributeError, name def GetField(self, fld_index): import types if isinstance(fld_index, types.StringType): fld_index = self.GetFieldIndex(fld_index) if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()): raise ValueError, "Illegal field requested in GetField()" if not (self.IsFieldSet(fld_index)): return None fld_type = self.GetFieldType(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger: return self.GetFieldAsInteger(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTReal: return self.GetFieldAsDouble(fld_index) # default to returning as a string. Should we add more types? return self.GetFieldAsString(fld_index) def keys(self): names = [] for i in range(self.GetFieldCount()): fieldname = self.GetFieldDefnRef(i).GetName() names.append(fieldname) return names def items(self): keys = self.keys() output = {} for key in keys: output[key] = self.GetField(key) return output def geometry(self): return self.GetGeometryRef() def ExportToJson(self, as_object = False): """Exports a GeoJSON object which represents the Feature. The as_object parameter determines whether the returned value should be a Python object instead of a string. Defaults to False.""" output = {'type':'Feature', 'geometry': self.GetGeometryRef().ExportToJson(as_object=True), 'properties': {} } fid = self.GetFID() if fid: output['id'] = fid for key in self.keys(): output['properties'][key] = self.GetField(key) if not as_object: try: import simplejson except ImportError, error: raise ImportError("Unable to import simplejson, needed for ExportToJson. (%s)" % error) output = simplejson.dumps(output) return output } } %extend OGRGeometryShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): self.__swig_destroy__(self) self.__del__() self.thisown = 0 def __str__(self): return self.ExportToWkt() def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (), self.ExportToWkb()) def __setstate__(self, state): result = CreateGeometryFromWkb(state) self.this = result.this } } %extend OGRFieldDefnShadow { %pythoncode { width = property(GetWidth, SetWidth) type = property(GetType, SetType) precision = property(GetPrecision, SetPrecision) name = property(GetName, SetName) justify = property(GetJustify, SetJustify) } } %extend OGRFeatureDefnShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatiblity only" self.__del__() self.thisown = 0 } } %extend OGRFieldDefnShadow { %pythoncode { def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatiblity only" self.__del__() self.thisown = 0 } } %import typemaps_python.i