= GDAL/OGR 1.5.3 = * #601 (GTiff): Correct handling of non-degree angular units. * #2285 (Python): Handle other pixel types in BandWriteArray() (64bit pct2rgb) * #2604 (configure): Better support for cross compiling. * #2601 (PGeo): Correct TestCapability() return values. * #2593 (ECW): Warn/error on illegal pixel data types written. * #2591 (NetCDF): Fix extreme memory use for large images. * #2589 (Shape): Various fixes for inner/outer ring categorization. * #2598 (ERS): Add support for HeaderOffset keyword. * #2596 (NITF): Fallback to .aux.xml (PAM) for nodata values. * #2586 (alg): Fix gdalsimplewarp on 64bit platforms. * #2575 (SRS): Improve oblique mercator morphing to/from ESRI PE format. * #2579 (FITS): Fix int32 case on 64bit platforms. * #2576 (raw): Fix crash when pixel offset is zero. * #2573 (ISIS3): Fix handling of multiband tiled files. * #2571 (ILWIS): Avoid exporting global called 'line'. * #2243 (HFA): Add FORCETOPESTRING option, ProjectionX applied to all bands. * #2564 (warper): Fix CInt16 support in warper. * #2562 (PAM): Allow empty category in .aux.xml and .vrt * #2546 (GTiff): Fix problems updating geotiff SRS in place. * #2554 (testepsg): Now built by default. * #2548 (esri2wkt): Fixed for use with NG Python bindings. * #???? (SDE): Remove inappropriate errors generation in SDE Open. * #???? (ECW): Correct manifest generation for plugin. * #2443 (JPEG): Improved handling for YCbCr, CMYK and YCbCrK JPEG files. * #2523 (HFA): Fix problem with compressed files with uninitialized blocks. * #2535 (JPEG): Fix restart problem in rare circumstances. * #2532 (NITF): Support decoding 12bit images. * #2533 (SRS): Ensure Clear() properly clears OGRSpatialReference state. * #2220 (OGR SQL): Improved string quote handling in OGR SQL. * #2528 (gcore): Fixed nodata mask handling for negative integer bands. * #1979 (port): Correct problems with CPLSPrintf/CPLString use. * #2525 (HFA): Fix crash in compressing data larger than 16bits. * #2425 (HFA): Open dependent file with same permissions as master file. * #2518 (warper): Fix thread handling in multiprocessing case. * #2513 (E00): Error out instead of crashing on compressed E00 files. * #2512 (GTiff): Ensure flushing works properly. * #1345 (configure): Improve PROJ.4 related search logic. * #2505 (HFA): Support nodata from .aux file. * #2508 (gdal_grid): Fix geotransform when -txe, -tye not provided. * #2504 (gcore): Fix nodata masking generation for odd pixel types. * #2499 (gcore): Fix crash in creation option validation. * #2494 (HDF4): Removed useless and dangerous redefinition of sincos(). * #2459 (swig): Improve handling of strings the caller may not change. * #2475 (NITF): Fix 'adding BLOCKA TRE precludes writing IGEOLO' * #???? (swig): fix typemaps for SetMetadata() * #2426, #1986, #1677 (swig): Added to support GetGCPs, SetGCPs and GCPsToGeoTransform in the C# bindings * #2473 (swig): Avoid boolean related compile warning * #2471 (HFA): Avoid using .aux files with mismatched raster model. * #2472 (PCRaster): Add overview support. * #2465 (ADRG): Fix warning about not supporting update access. * #2464 (NetCDF): Fixed windows plugin name. * #2410 (MRSID): Improve support for DSDK 7.x. * #2457 (gcore): Improve reading when block cache is too small. * #2360 (GTiff): Fix problems writing odd bit depths. * #2455 (ogr2ogr): Fix the -gt option operation. * #2454 (ogr core): improve spatial filtering with polygons with holes. * #2451 (wince): Fix CPLStrtodDelim() building on WinCE. * #2449 (GTiff): Fix crash when using BLOCKYSIZE=1 for tiled files. * #2448 (GTiff): Handle mix of TIFF+PAM metadata properly. * #2428 (Shape): Add OGR_ORGANIZE_POLYGONS configuration option. * #2427 (HFA): Correct some problems with unitialized blocks and updating. * #2422 (HFA): Improve save/load of names for SRS. * #2437 (port): Improve handling of large file errors on different platforms. * #2415 (PAM/VRT): store nodata values in binary form to preserve precision. * #2436 (HFA): Support writing 1/2/4 bit data. * #2320 (ECW/JP2ECW): Fix up plugin naming. * #2435 (GTiff): Push JPEG compressed data into block cache to avoid redecoding * #2434 (alg): Make GeoLoc transformer more robust in case of errors. * #1000 (HFA): Fix reading of reduced precision 32bit floating point blocks. * #2396 (FITS): Fix crash if metadata is found. * #2409 (ogr2ogr): Force -gt to 1 with -skipfailures. = GDAL/OGR 1.5.2 = * #2036 (CPL): Fix precision issues with CPLAtof() functions. * #2386 (OGR): Fix ExecuteSQL() with empty query. * #2349 (GML): Fix memory bug in GetNextFeature() when using attribute filter. * #2145 (GDAL): Fix segfault when building overviews with USE_RRD YES. * #2382 (GDAL): Fix INST_DATA setting (/share/gdal instead of /share) * #2369 (AAIGRID): Fix buffer type in CreateCopy() * #2372 (GTIff): Fix buffer overflow in GTIFGetOGISDefn() * #2366 (NITF): Fix one byte buffer overflow for TEXT data * #2358 (OGR SQL): Fix segfault processing select on layer with no attributes * #2363 (HTTP): Fix logic to read file via /tmp * #2362 (NITF): Fix crash on NITF file with no image segment * #2123 (PG): Use auth_srid for matching against spatial_ref_sys * #2289 (SGI): Avoid reconising SRTMHGT files as SGI files * #2050 (MingW): Fix for Expat detection on MinGW * #2350 (OCI): Fix buffer size problem when reading back negative numbers * #2348 (USGSDEM): Support broken file format variation * #2339 (ODBC): Win32 only support for multi-byte text * #2335 (Interlis): Fix crash in open with empty datasource name * #2334 (OGR): Fix OGRGeometryCollection::getCoordinateDimension() * #2231 (Java): Removed ColorTable from Java Bindings * #2317 (GeoJson): Fix min/max build problem on some platforms * #2323 (OGR): NULL is valid argument to SetGeometry/SetGeometryDirectly * #2135 (NITF): Fix improper reporting of lat/long coordinates in some cases * #2322 (GTiff): Fix formating of driver capabilities XML to be valid * #2321 (ISIS3): Fix earth model meter/kilometer mixup * #2318 (CPL): Normalize /vsimem paths so they work smoothly on windows * #2314 (CPL): Fix bug with url encoding in CPLEscapeString() * #2309 (Shape): Fix crash dealing with unknown field types in debug mode * #2303 (PG): Fix buffer overwrite in PG driver * #1951 (Warp): Fix Lanczos Resample Anomolies near nodata values * #2301 (Warp): Fix memory allocator/deallocator mismatch for TPS * #2300 (Warp): Fix TPS initialization bug causing occational TPS failures * #2291 (CPL): Fix memory corruption in CPLResetExtension() with empty path * #2288 (GDAL): Path fix on win32 for GDALDriverManager::AutoLoadDrivers * #2277 (RMF): fix crash with coordinate system import * #1935 (ECW): Be more careful deciding what geotransform to ignore * #???? (GeoJSON): Support reading/writing 2.5D geometries. = GDAL/OGR 1.5.1 = * #1769 (PNG): Improved handling of corrupt PNG files. * #2104 (RS2): Support 8bit Radarsat 2 datasets. * #1672: Ignore NaN when computing raster min/max * #2111 (gdaltindex): Fix cross heap problem on win32. * #2107 (AAIGRID): consider nodata when establishing pixel type. * #2115 (GTifF): Fix writing 1 bit TIFF files. * #1929: Improved LDFLAGS support on Unix builds. * #2116 (ADRG): Various improvements to ADRG driver. * #2118 (ECW): Fix NULL pointer crash in ECWDataset::Open() * #2119 (Terragen): overflow in implicit constant conversion * #2120 (OCI): Correct memory leaks in Oracle driver. * #2122 (SWIG): Correct handling of null progress func in C# * #2121 (gdalenhance): Various fixes. * #2125 (GMT): Fix quoting problems in GMT output. * #2134 (Geoconcept): Improve coordinate system support, various fixes. * #2132 (Golden Surfer 7): Fix georeferencing problems. * #2172 (Golden Surfer 7): Fix bigendian GS7 support. * #2160 (SRS): PROJ.4 translation of OSGB36 datum broken * #1217 (Shape): Polygon with 4 nested rings not broken up properly * #1794 (AAIGRID): yllcorner georeferencing bug * #2166 (HDF5): Remove debugging printf. * #2131 (GMLJP2): GMLJP2 Honours EPSG Preferred Geographic Axis Ordering * #2167 (HFA): Add missing HFA creation options to driver metadata. * #2170 (GMLJP2): Fix GMLJP2 memory leaks. * #2176 (ISIS3): Support # comments in ISIS3 Labels. * #2177 (Shape): Shapelib errors should not be fatal. * #2179: Fix ILWIS building with gcc 4.3 * #2158: GDALOpen() slow on directories with many files. * #2182 (SWIG): GNUmakefile should use configured python interpreter for build * #2185 (SWIG): NULL passed to Driver.CreateCopy() causes crash. * #2184 (MySQL): TestCapability("CreateField") corrected. * #2183 (GTiff): Better handling of ENVI created GeoTIFF files coordinate sys. * #2187 (Python): fix layer __getitem__ bug * #2189 (GTiff): Writing YCbCr JPEG Compressed TIFFs fixed. * #2190 (PNM): Fix false PNM file recognition. * #2196 (NetCDF): Fix crash on large attributes. * #2201 (Interlis): Fix crash on Interlis 1 files * #2144 (HFA): Fix Xform generation for rotated/skewed geotransforms. * #2178 (BT, ): Fix off-by-half-pixel issues for pixel as point formats. * #2216: Improve VC++ built libs/includes to be MingW usable. * #2215 (GML): Improve GML geometry detection / case sensitivity. * #2219 (PAux): Handle improved spelling of AuxiliaryTarget. * #2222 (Python): Add GetSubDatasets() method. * #2225 (HDF4): Improved NRL projected products georeferencing support. * #2227 (ENVI): Fix ENVI State Plane Handling * #2231: Fix GDALReprojectImage() error handling for null dest srs. * #2229 (VRT): Fix OGR VRT driver thread safety issue (shared opens). * #2240 (VRT): Fix error handling for 2GCP VRT Warped datasset. * #2224 (GSAG): Various golden surfer ascii fixes. * #2202 (OCI): Support Oracle databases without spatial types. * #2245 (AAIGRID): Fix crash when .prj not created. * #2242 (gdalwarp): Fix cross-heap crash bug. * #2249 (NITF): Fix problem with paletted images (new in 1.5) * #2255 (JP2KAK): Fix /vsimem file IO for JP2KAK driver. * #2257 (GTiff): BigTIFF not enabled by default with internal libtiff on win32. * #2199: Support IO using buffers larger than 2GB. * #2259: Try to always set driver on OGRDataSources. * #2258: --with-ogpython= no longer works * #2268 (INGR): Fix alignment crash on Sparc. * #2274 (NDF): Fix crash with non-local NDF 2 files. * #1863 (gdalwarp): Fix quiet mode. * #2263 (gdal_translate): Fix cross heap VRTDataset "new" crash. * #2218 (Shape): Improve error recover with corrupt shapefiles. * #2005 (GTiff): Fix problems with TIFFs with many blocks. = GDAL/OGR 1.5.0 = == GDAL/OGR 1.5.0 - General Changes == Build: * CFG environment variable now ignored. Instead set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables to desired compilation options, or use --enable-debug for a debug build. Default is "-g -O2" like most other packages. * Added --with-hide-internal-symbols to restrict exported API from .so files to be the GDAL public API (as marked with CPL_DLL). Other: * OGR and GDAL C APIs now generally check for NULL objects and recover with an error report instead of crashing. == GDAL 1.5.0 - Overview of Changes == Core: * Enable Persistent Auxilary Metadata (.aux.xml) by default. * Support for "pam proxies" for files in read-only locations. * Create and !CreateCopy pre-Delete output existing dataset. * Added Identify() method on drivers (per RFC 11: Fast Format Identify) * Implement !GetFileList() on datasets (per RFC 12). * Implement Delete(), Rename(), Copy() based on !GetFileList() (per RFC 12). * vrtdataset.h, memdataset.h and rawdataset.h are now considered part of the public GDAL API, and will be installed along with gdal.h, etc. * Support nodata/validity masks per RFC 14: Band Masks. * Plugin drivers test for ABI compatibility at load time. * Creation flags can now be validated (this is used by gdal_translate) * Default block cache size changed to 40MB from 10MB. Algorithms / Utilities: * gdal_grid: New utility to interpolate point data to a grid. * gdal2tiles.py is new for 1.5.0. * gdaltransform: stdin/stdout point transformer similar to PROJ.4 cs2cs. * gdalwarp: Several fixes related to destination "nodata" handling and nodata mixing in resampling kernels. * gdalwarp: Added Lanczos Windows Sinc resampling. * gdal_rasterize: added -i flag to rasterize all areas outside geometry. * gdalenhance: new utility for applying histogram equalization enhancements. * gdalmanage: Utility for managing datasets (identify, delete, copy, rename) * nearblack: Utility for fixing lossily compressed nodata collars. Intergraph Raster Driver: * New for 1.5.0. COSAR (TerraSAR-X) Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * SAR Format. COASP Driver: * New for 1.5.0 * SAR format produced by DRDC CASP SAR Processor. GFF Driver: * New for 1.5.0 GENBIN (Generic Binary) Driver: * New for 1.5.0. ISIS3 Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Also PDS and ISIS2 driver improved substantially and all moved to frmts/pds WMS Driver: * New for 1.5.0. SDE Raster Driver: * New for 1.5.0. SRTMHGT Driver: * New for 1.5.0. PALSAR Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * SAR format. ERS Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * ERMapper ASCII Header HTTP Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Fetches file by http and then GDALOpen()s. GSG Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Golden Software Surfer Grid. GS7 Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Golden Software Surfer 7 Binary Grid. Spot DIMAP Driver: * New for 1.5.0. RPFTOC Driver: * New for 1.5.0. ADRG Driver: * New for 1.5.0. NITF Driver: * Added support for writing JPEG compressed (IC=C3). * Added support for reading text segments and TREs as metadata. * Added support for 1bit images. * Added support for GeoSDE TRE for georeferencing. * Support PAM for subdatasets. * Improved NSIF support. * Support C1 (FAX3) compression. * Improved CADRG support (#913, #1750, #1751, #1754) ENVI Driver: * Many improvements, particularly to coordinate system handling and metadata. JP2KAK (Kakadu JPEG2000) Driver: * Now builds with libtool enabled. GTIFF (GeoTIFF) Driver: * Now supports BigTIFF (read and write) with libtiff4 (internal copy ok). * Upgraded to include libtiff 4.0 (alpha2) as the internal option. * Support AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE overviews. * Produce pixel interleaved files instead of band interleaved by default. * Support TIFF files with odd numbers of bits (1-8, 11, etc). * Add ZLEVEL creation option to specify level of compression for DEFLATE method GIF Driver: * Nodata/transparency support added. JPEG Driver: * Support in-file masks. AIGrid Driver: * Supports reading associated info table as a Raster Attribute Table. HFA Driver: * Support MapInformation/xform nodes for read and write. * Support AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE overviews. * Support Signed Byte pixel type. * Support 1/2/4 bit pixel types. * Support PE_STRING coordinate system definitions. * Support nodata values (#1567) WCS Driver: * Support WCS 1.1.0 DTED Driver: * Can now perform checksum verification. * Better datum detection. HDF4 Driver: * Support PAM for subdatasets. Leveller Driver: * Added write support. * Added v7 (Leveller 2.6) support. == OGR 1.5.0 - Overview of Changes == General: * Plugin drivers test for ABI compatability at load time. * SFCOM/OLEDB stuff all removed (moved to /spike in subversion). * Various thread safety improvements made. * Added PointOnSurface implementation for OGRPolygon. * Added C API interface to OGR Feature Style classes (RFC 18). Utilities: * All moved to gdal/apps. OGRSpatialReference: * Supports URL SRS type. * Upgraded to EPSG 6.13. * Operating much better in odd numeric locales. BNA Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GPX Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GeoJSON Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GMT ASCII Driver: * New for 1.5.0. KML Driver: * Preliminary read support added. DXF / DWG Driver: * Removed due to licensing issues with some of the source code. Still available in subversion from under /spike if needed. PG (Postgres/PostGIS) Driver: * Added support for recognising primary keys other than OGR_FID to use as FID. * Improved schema support. * Performance improvements related to enabling SEQSCAN and large cursor pages Shapefile Driver: * Do not keep .shx open in read only mode (better file handle management). * Use GEOS to classify rings into polygons with holes and multipolygons if it is available. * Support dbf files larger than 2GB. MySQL Driver: * Added support for BLOB fields. MITAB (MapInfo) Driver: * Upgraded to MITAB 1.6.4. Interlis Drivers: * Support datasources without imported Interlis TID * Remove ili2c.jar (available from http://home.gdal.org/dl/ili2c.jar * Support for inner rings in Surface geometries. * Support spatial and attribute filters. == SWIG Language Bindings == * The "Next Generation" Python SWIG bindings are now the default. * Python utility and sample scripts migrated to swig/python/scripts and swig/python/samples. * Added Raster Attribute Tables to swig bindings. * Added Geometry.ExportToKML * Added CreateGeometryFromKML * Added !CreateGeometryFromJson * Added Geometry.!ExportToJson SWIG C# related changes: * Support for the enumerated types of the C# interface * C# namespace names and module names follows the .NET framework naming guidelines * Changed the names of the Windows builds for a better match with the GNU/Linux/OSX builds * The gdalconst assembly is now deprecated * GDAL C# libtool build support * !CreateFromWkb support * Dataset.!ReadRaster, Dataset.!WriteRaster support * Added support for Dataset.!BuildOverviews * More examples added SWIG Python related changes: * Progress function callback support added. You can use a Python function, or the standard GDALTermProgress variant * Sugar, sweet, sweet sugar. * ogr.Feature.geometry() * ogr.Feature.items() * ogr.Feature.keys() * doxygen-generated docstrings for ogr.py * geometry pickling * setuptools support * !PyPi http://pypi.python.org/pypi/GDAL/ * setup.cfg for configuring major significant items (libs, includes, location of gdal-config0 * support building the bindings from *outside* the GDAL source tree SWIG Java: * SWIG Java bindings are orphaned and believed to be broken at this time. =============================================================================== GDAL/OGR 1.4.0 - General Changes -------------------------------- Perl Bindings: - Added doxygen based documentation. NG Python Bindings: - Implemented numpy support. CSharp Bindings: - Now mostly operational. WinCE Porting: - CPL - base OGR, OSR and mitab and shape drivers. - GDAL, including GeoTIFF, DTED, AAIGrid drivers - Added test suite (gdalautotest/cpp) Mac OSX Port: - Added framework support (--with-macosx-framework) GDAL 1.4.0 - Overview Of Changes -------------------------------- WCS Driver: - New PDS (Planetary Data Set) Driver: - New ISIS (Mars Qubes) Driver: - New HFA (.img) Driver: - Support reading ProjectionX PE strings. - Support producing .aux files with statistics. - Fix serious bugs with u1, u2 and u4 compressed data. NITF Driver: - Added BLOCKA reading support. - Added ICORDS='D' - Added jpeg compression support (readonly) - Support multiple images as subdatasets. - Support CGM data (as metadata) AIGrid Driver: - Use VSI*L API (large files, in memory, etc) - Support upper case filenames. - Support .clr file above coverage. HDF4 Driver: - Added support for access to geolocation arrays (see RFC 4). - External raw raster bands supported. PCIDSK (.pix) Driver: - Support METER/FEET as LOCAL_CS. - Fix serious byte swapping error on creation. BMP Driver: - Various fixes, including 16bit combinations, and non-intel byte swapping. GeoTIFF Driver: - Fixed in place update for LZW and Deflated compressed images. JP2KAK (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading and writing gmljp2 headers. - Read xml boxes as metadata. - Accelerate YCbCr handling. JP2MrSID (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading gmljp2 headers. EHDR (ESRI BIL) Driver: - Support 1-7 bit data. - Added statistics support. OGR 1.4.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGR SQL: - RFC 6: Added support for SQL/attribute filter access to geometry, and style strings. OGRSpatialReference: - Support for OGC SRS URNs. - Support for +wktext/EXTENSION stuff for preserving PROJ.4 string in WKT. - Added Two Point Equidistant projection. - Added Krovak projection. - Updated support files to EPSG 6.11. OGRCoordinateTransformation: - Support source and destination longitude wrapping control. OGRFeatureStyle: - Various extensions and improvements. INFORMIX Driver: - New KML Driver: - New (write only) E00 Driver: - New (read only) - Polygon (PAL) likely not working properly. Postgres/PostGIS Driver: - Updated to support new EWKB results (PostGIS 1.1?) - Fixed serious bug with writing SRSes. - Added schema support. GML Driver: - Strip namespaces off field names. - Handle very large geometries gracefully. ODBC Driver: - Added support for spatial_ref_sys table. SDE Driver: - Added logic to speed things up while actually detecting layer geometry types PGeo Driver: - Added support for MDB Tools ODBC driver on linux/unix. VRT Driver: - Added useSpatialSubquery support. =============================================================================== GDAL/OGR 1.3.2 - General Changes -------------------------------- WinCE Porting: - Support for MS WinCE new for this release. Java SWIG Bindings: - Preliminary support implemented. GDAL 1.3.2 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- Locale: - Force numeric locale to "C" at a few strategic points. Idrisi Driver: - New for 1.3.2. - Includes reading and writing. - Limited coordinate system support. DIPEx Driver: - New for GDAL 1.3.2 (related to ELAS format). Leveller Driver: - New for GDAL 1.3.2. NetCDF Driver: - Improved autoidentification of x, y dimensions. - Improved CF support. JPEG2000 (JasPer) Driver: - Use GDALJP2Metadata to support various kinds of georeferencing. JPEG2000 (JP2KAK) Driver: - Support writing tiles outputs so that very large images can be written. GeoTIFF Driver: - Report error when attempting to create >4GB uncompressed file. - Updated to latest libtiff, now supports "old jpeg" fairly well. - Improved support for subsampled YCbCr images. Imagine (HFA) Driver: - Support reading affine polynomial transforms as geotransform. - Support overviews of different type than base band. - Support reading RDO style "nodata" indicator. PCI Aux Driver: - Support projections requiring parameters. MrSID Driver; - Fixed problem with writing files other than 1 or 3 bands. - Support ESDK 6.x. BMP Driver: - Added support for 32bit images with bitfields compression. DODS Driver: - Upgraded to support libdap 3.6.x. - Upgraded to support [-x][-y] to flip image. gdal_rasterize Utility: - New for GDAL 1.3.2. - Rasterize OGR polygons into a raster. OGR 1.3.2 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRFeature: - Added support for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime field types. - Also applied to a few drivers (shapefile, mysql, postgres) OGRLayer: - GetFIDColumn() and GetGeometryColumn() added. Generic OGR SQL: - Proper support for spatial and attribute filters installed on OGR SQL resultsets. OGRSpatialReference: - Upgraded data files to EPSG 6.9 PostGIS Driver: - Include proj4text in new spatial_ref_sys entries. - Fixed support for very large queries. - Fixed DeleteLayer() implementation. - Added COPY support for accerated loading. MySQL Driver: - Added read and write support for Spatial types. - Support spatial_ref_sys and geometry_columns tables. - Various other improvements (dates, smallint, tinyint, etc) - More robust auto-detection of column types for layers created from SQL statements ArcSDE Driver: - New for 1.3.2. - Read-only support for all geometry types. - Supports coordinate systems. - Requires SDE C API from ESRI. Shapefile Driver: - Avoid posting errors when .dbf's without .shps are opened. - Added pseudo-SQL REPACK command after deleting features. - Implement DeleteFeature() S-57 Driver: - Added support for Arcs. - Added special DSID_DSSI feature class to capture header info. DGN Driver: - Support writing geometry collections. DWG/DXF Driver: - New for OGR 1.3.2 - Only supports writing DWG and DXF. - Depends on DWGdirect library. =============================================================================== GDAL 1.3.1 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- Next Generation SWIG Wrappers (GDAL and OGR): - Python, Perl and Ruby bindings considered to be ready to use. - C#, Java, PHP are at best initial prototypes. - Added configure options for most NG options. PCRaster Driver: - libcsf is now included as part of GDAL. - PCRaster enabled by default on win32. - --with-pcraster=internal option now supported on unix (but not yet default) VSI Virtualization: - The "large file API" (VSI*L) has been re-engineered to allow installing additional file handlers at runtime. - Added "in memory" VSI handler so that now any driver using VSI*L functions for data access can operate on in-memory files. - PNG, JPEG and GeoTIFF drivers upgraded to work with in-memory support. Raster Attribute Tables: - Implemented new Raster Attribute Tables support. See the GDALRasterAttributeTable class for more information. Erdas Imagine Overviews: - Erdas Imagine driver upgraded to support building internal overviews. - Generic overview handler updated to support overviews in Erdas Imagine format for any file format. Set USE_RRD config option to YES to enable. gdalwarp: - Added proper support for "unified source nodata", so the -srcnodata switch works well. RIK Driver: - New Swedish format driver implemented by Daniel Wallner. JPEG Driver: - Substantial improvements to EXIF support. MrSID Driver: - Updated with proper JPEG2000 support as JP2MRSID driver, including encoding with ESDK. - Updated to support MrSID Version 5.x SDKs. PNG Driver: - Fixed serious bugs with 16bit file support. - Added NODATA_VALUES to identify RGB sets that indicate a nodata pixel. OGR 1.3.1 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- Reference Counting: - OGRSpatialReference and OGRFeatureDefn now honour reference counting semantics. - Note that, especially for the OGRFeatureDefn, it is now critical that all drivers be careful with reference counting. Any OGR drivers not in the core distribution will likely crash if not updated. ESRI Personal Geodatabase Driver: - New driver implemented for ESRI Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) files. - Uses ODBC, enabled by default on win32. ODBC Driver: - Updated to support binary fields. - Updated to support WKB geometry fields. - Updated to support DSN-less connections. S57 Driver: - Added support for Inland Waterways, and Additional Military Layers profiles =============================================================================== GDAL 1.3.0 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- Multithreading: - Lots of work done to implement support for multiple threads reading from distinct GDALDataset objects at the same time. GDALRasterBand / Persistant Auxilary Metadata (PAM): - Support for preserving a variety of metadata in a supporting XML file. - GDALRasterBand now supports "remembering" histograms, and has a concept of the default histogram. - GDALRasterBand now supports remembering image statistics. - Disabled by default (set GDAL_PAM_ENABLED=YES to turn on). - Supported by *most* drivers with some caveats. GDALCopyWords(): - This function is a low level work horse for copying and converting pixel data in GDAL. It has been substantially optimized by Steve Soule (Vexcel). Next Generation Bindings: - Kevin Ruland and Howard Butler are working on reworked support for SWIG to generate Python, PHP, Java, C# and other language bindings for GDAL and OGR. VB6 Bindings: - Now substantially complete, see VB6 directory. HDF5 Driver: - New HDF5 driver implemented by Denis Nadeau. RMF Driver: - New driver for Raster Matrix Format by Andrey Kislev. MSGN (Meteosat Second Generation Native) Driver: - New driver implemented by Frans van der Bergh. VRT Driver: - Fixed whopper of a memory leak in warped raster case. NetCDF Driver: - Preliminary CF conventions support by Denis Nadeau. NITF Driver: - NITF files between 2 and 4 GB in size can now be read and written. JPEG Driver: - Added support for reading EXIF as metadata by Denis Nadeau. DODS Driver: - Fixed up libdap 3.5.x compatibility. JP2ECW (JPEG2000 ECW SDK) Driver: - Implemented support for new GML-in-JPEG2000 specification. - Implemented support for old MSI "worldfile" box. JP2KAK (JPEG2000 Kakadu) Driver: - Implemented support for new GML-in-JPEG2000 specification. - Implemented support for old MSI "worldfile" box. PCIDSK Driver: - tiled files now supported for reading. - overviews now supported for reading. HFA (Imagine) Driver: - Supports creating internal overviews in very large files. - Support reading class names. - Support creating compressed files. GeoTIFF Driver: - Support reading files with odd bit depths (ie. 3, 12, etc). - Support 16/24bit floating point TIFFs (per Technote 3) (Andrey). - Support 12bit jpeg compressed imagery using libjpeg "MK1" library. HDF4 Driver: - Added support for ASTER Level 1A, 1B and 2 products (Andrey). OGR 1.3.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRGeometry: - WKT (and GML) encoding now attempts to preserve pretty much full double precision. - geometries are now "coordinate dimension preserving" rather than dynamically figuring out dimension depending on whether Z is set. So a geometry can now be 3D even if all z values are zero. - Fixed up proper EMPTY geometry support per standard. GRASS Driver: - New driver for GRASS 6 vector data written by Radim Blazek. Interlis Driver: - New driver for Swiss Interlis format from Permin Kalberer (SourcePole). Shape Driver: - Fixed logic for degenerate polygons (Baumann Konstantin). PostgreSQL/PostGIS Driver: - Implemented fast GetExtent() method (Oleg Semykin). - Implemented layer type from geometry_columns (Oleg Semykin). - Handle PostGIS 1.0 requirements for coordinate dimemsion exactness. - Handle EWKT type in PostGIS 1.0. - Generally PostGIS 0.x and 1.0 should now be supported fairly gracefully. - Added PostGIS "binary cursor" mode for faster geometry access. VRT Driver: - Pass through attribute queries to underlying driver. - Pass through spatial queries as attribute filters on the underlying layer. S57 Driver: - Added concept of supporting different profiles. - Added prototype AML profile support. MySQL Driver: - Fixed for FID recognition (eg. mediumint). GML Driver: - Various fixes for generated GML correctness (Tom Kralidis). TIGER/Line Driver: - Added Tiger 2004 support. Oracle Driver: - Use VARCHAR2 for fixed size string fields. - Use OCI_FID config variable when creating layers, and reading select results =============================================================================== GDAL 1.2.6 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- gdal_translate: - Added -sds switch to copy all subdatasets. gdalwarp: - Added Thin Plate Spline support (-tps switch). GDALRasterBand: - Now uses two level block cache allowing efficient access to files with a very large number of tiles. - Added support for YCbCr color space for raster band color interpretations. - Added AdviseRead() method - currently only used by ECW driver and OGDI drivers. ILWIS Driver: - New driver for the raster format of the ILWIS software. ECW Driver: - Updated to use ECW SDK 3.1 (older ECW SDK no longer supported!) ECWJP2 Driver: - Added JPEG2000 support driver based on ECW/JPEG2000 SDK with a variety of features. NITF Driver: - Added support for reading *and* writing JPEG2000 compressed NITF files using the ECW/JPEG2000 SDK. - Added ICHIPB support. HDF Driver: - Add support for georeferencing from some additional metadata formats. - Fixed bug with multi-band HDF-EOS datasets. MrSID Driver: - Driver can now be built as a plugin on win32. - Split out MrSID 3.x SDK support - not readily buildable now. - Implemented accelerated IO cases for MrSID 4.x SDK. - Support for writing MrSID files added (improved?) Imagine Driver: - Fixed bug reading some large multiband Imagine files. - Added support for writing compressed files. Win32 Builds: - Added versioning information to GDAL DLL. L1B Driver: - Only return a reduced grid of control points. IDA (WinDisp4) Driver: - New read/write driver for the Image Display and Analysis raster format used by WinDisp 4. NDF (NLAPS) Driver: - Added NDF/NLAPS read driver for version 1 and 2. MSG Driver: - Added support for the Metosat Second Generation raw file format. GTiff Driver: - Added support for offset/scale being saved and loaded (special metadata). - Added Cylindrical Equal Area. - Added PROFILE creation option to limit extra tags. PNG Driver: - Updated internal code for libpng to libpng 1.2.8. OGR 1.2.6 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSFDriverRegistrar: - Added support for autoloading plugin drivers from ogr_.so. ogr.py: - Geometry, and Feature now take care of their own reference counting and will delete themselves when unreferenced. Care must still be taken to unreference all features before destroying the corresponding layer/datasource. - ogr.Feature fields can now be fetched and set directly as attributes. - Geometry contructor can now take various formats (wkt, gml, and wkb). - Added docstrings. - Added better __str__ methods on several objects. - Various other improvements. OGRLayer: - Re-wrote generic spatial search support to be faster in case of rectangular filters. - Intersects() method now really uses GEOS. This also affects all OGR layer spatial filtering (with non-rectangular filters). - Added SetNextByIndex() method on OGRLayer. OGRSpatialReference: - Automatically generate +towgs84 from EPSG tables when translating to PROJ.4 if available and TOWGS84 not specified in source WKT. - Updated GML CRS translation to follow OGC 05-011 more closely. Still incomplete but operational for some projections. - Added support for FIPSZONE State Plane processing for old ESRI .prjs. - Added Goode Homolosine support. - Added GEOS (Geostationary Satellite) support. OCI (Oracle) Driver: - Added GEOMETRY_NAME creation option to control the name of the field to hold the geometry. PostGIS Driver: - Fixed some problems with truncation for integer and float list fields. Shapefile Driver: - Added support for MapServer style spatial index (.qix). GML Driver: - Improved support for 3L0 (GML 3 - Level 0 profile) reading and writing. On read we can now use the .xsd instead of needing to build a .gfs file. =============================================================================== GDAL 1.2.5 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- gdalwarp Utility: - Added "proper" source and destination alpha support. PCRaster Driver: - added write support, now consider ready for regular use. MrSID Driver: - Initial support for writing to MrSID with encoding SDK. GeoTIFF Driver: - Updated internal copy of libtiff to fix overview building ... really! - Fixed bug when writing south-up images. OGR 1.2.5 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Added Bonne projection. Docs: - Added OGR C++ API Tutorial (reading and writing). PostGIS Driver: - Implemented SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() methods for in-place updates. Oracle (OCI) Driver: - Fixed support for writing into Oracle 10g. - Fixed serious memory leak of geometries. - Fixed bug with 3D multipolygons. - Added support for selecting tables in the datasource name. =============================================================================== GDAL 1.2.4 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- gdalwarp: - Fixed some issues with only partially transformable regions. - Added Alpha mask generation support (-dstalpha switch). HFA/Imagine Driver: - bug fix in histogram handling. - improved support for large colormaps. Envi Driver: - Capture category names and colormaps when reading. SAR CEOS Driver: - Added support for PALSAR/ALOS Polarimetric Datasets. RadarSat 2 Driver: - New. Reads RadarSat 2 Polarimetric datasets with a "product.xml" and imagery in TIFF files. OGDI Driver: - Important bug fix for downsampled access. GeoTIFF Driver: - Lots of libtiff upgrades, including some quite serious bug fixes. - Added better support for 16bit colormaps. - Write projection information even if we don't have a geotransform or GCPs. - Improved alpha support. - Generate graceful error message for BigTIFF files. DODS Driver: - Almost completely reimplemented. Uses chunk-by-chunk access. Supports reading several bands from seperate objects. Some new limitations too. NetCDF Driver: - Seperated out a GMT NetCDF driver and a more generic but partially broken NetCDF driver (Radim). JP2KAK Driver: - Added alpha support, including greyscale+alpha. AirSAR Driver: - New, reads AirSAR Polarimetric Radar format. OGR 1.2.4 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- epsg_tr.py: - Added escaping rules when generating PostGIS output. tigerpoly.py: - Discard dangles and degenerate rings. VRT Driver: - Fixed serious error in handling cleanup of VRT datasources, was often causing a crash. SQLLite Driver: - Fixed substantial memory leaks. MySQL Driver: - New readonly non-spatial MySQL driver implemented. MITAB Driver: - Updated from upstream, several fixes. TIGER/Line Driver: - Fixed serious bug with handling "full" records at end of .RT2 file. OCI/Oracle Driver: - Added OCI_FID environment support to control FID selection. OGRGeometry: - Added Centroid() implementation (from GEOS?) ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.3 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- GeoTIFF Driver: - Fixed many missing compression codecs when built with the internal libtiff. - Modified driver metadata to only list available compression types. DODS Driver: - Added support for OPeNDAP version after 3.4.x (use of opendap-config). GRASS Driver: - Fixed support for building with grass57. MrSID Driver: - Fixed support for MrSID Encoding SDK. NITF Driver: - Fixed serious bug with non-square output files. OGR 1.2.3 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Corrected memory leaks - OSRCleanup() cleans up temporary tables. - Fixed build problem with ogrct.cpp on Solaris. TIGER Driver: - Improved generality of support for GDT files. OGRGeometry: - Added getArea() method for rings, polygons and multipolygons. ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.2 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- GRASS Driver: - Add Radim's version of the driver submitted by Radim. This version uses GRASS 5.7 libraries directly instead of using libgrass. DODS Driver: - Added support for spatial_ref, FlipX and FlipY .das info. CPG Driver: - added new driver for Convair Polarimetric format. HDF Driver: - Significant bugs fixed. USGS DEM Driver: - Support writing UTM projected files. PNG Driver: - Upgraded to libpng 1.2.6. MrSID Driver: - Substantial performance improvements. - Support for DSDK 4.x - Support JPEG2000 files via MrSID SDK. NITF Driver: - Support JPEG2000 compressed files (with Kakadu support) ESRI BIL: - Support .clr color files. VRT Driver: - Added support for describing raw files with VRTRawRasterBand. - Added support for virtual warped files with VRTWarpedRasterBand. GeoTIFF Driver: - Fix support for 16bit image color tables. - Write ExtraSamples tag for files with more samples than expected in photometric interpretation. - External overviews now built for read-only files. Erdas Imagine Driver: - Fixed support for compressed floating point layers. - Various other fixes for compatible with newer Imagine versions. - improved metadata handling. gdal_merge.py: - sets projection on output file. OGR 1.2.2 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- SQLite Driver: - New read/write driver implemented for SQLite databases. CSV Driver: - New read/write driver implemented for comma seperated value files. S-57 Driver: - Substantial performance improvements. ODBC Driver: - Arbitrary length field values now supported. GEOS: - Integration a series of methods utilizing GEOS when available. Note that Intersect() is still just an envelope comparison. OGRSpatialReference: - Fixed Swiss Oblique Mercator support. ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.1 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- gdal_contour: - Now build and installed by default. HDF4 Driver: - Added some degree of HDF-EOS support. HDFEOS layer now part of GDAL. DODS Driver: - Substantial fixes, support for flipped datasets. HFA (Erdas Imagine) Driver: - Fixed bug with files between 2 and 4GB. - Capture statistics as metadata. Erdas 7.x LAN/GIS Driver: - Newly implemented. USGS DEM Driver: - Various fixes to creation support / CDED product. NITF Driver: - Capture USE001 and STDIDC TREs as metadata. - Capture all sorts of header information as metadata. - Support geocentric corner coordinate specification. MrSID Driver: - Support added for DSDK 4.0.x. ECW Driver: - Added preliminary support for using 3.0 SDK for JPEG2000 support. - Fix oversampling assertion problem. ArcInfo Binary Grids: - Added support for 0x01 and 0x20 block type. OGR 1.2.1 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Various fixes related to prime meridians. PostgreSQL/PostGIS Driver: - Added layer name laundering. - Launder names on by default. - Clean stale entries in geometry_columns table when creating a layer. - Support treating names views as layers. - Handle long command strings. S57 Driver: - Fixed serious bugs with support for auto-applying update files. - Improvements to S57 writing support. ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.0 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- Configuration: - Libtool used by default with Unix style builds. Use --without-libtool to avoid this. - PROJ.4 can now be linked statically using --with-static-proj4. - Added --without-bsb option for those averse to legal risk. DODS/OPeNDAP Driver: - Preliminary DODS (OPeNDAP) driver implemented (James Gallagher @ URI). PCIDSK Driver: - PCIDSK read/write raster driver implemented (Andrey). Erdas Imagine / HFA Driver: - Support recent Imagine versions (data dictionary changes). - Better logic to search for .rrd file locally. - Support creating files in the 2GB to 4GB size range. GIF Driver: - Updated to libungif 4.1.0. - Various hacks to try and identify transparent colors better. BMP Driver: - Handle 32bit BMPs properly. HDF4 Driver: - Added proper support for multi-sample GR datasets. - Various fixes and improvements for specific product types. GeoTIFF Driver: - Added PHOTOMETRIC option to control photometric interp of new files. JPEG2000/Kakadu Driver: - Support reading/creating lossless 16bit files. - Updated to support Kakadu 4.1 library. NITF Driver: - Implement support for IGEOLO="U" (MGRS/UTM) coordinates. - Added overview (as external GeoTIFF file) support. MrSID Driver: - Support DSDK 4.2.x. PNG Driver: - Support required byte swapping of 16bit PNG data. FAST Driver: - lots of fixes, supports more datums and ellipsoids. NetCDF Driver: - New driver implemented for netCDF support. - Pretty much tied to form of netCDF used in GMT for now. VTerrain .bt Driver: - New driver for VTerrain .bt elevation format. ECW Driver: - support supersampled reads efficiently. - special case for dataset level RasterIO() implemented for much better performance in some applications. ESRI BIL (EHdr) Driver: - Support world files. VRT Driver: - Implement filtering support. GIO (Arc/Info Binary Grid via avgridio.dll): - Driver disabled ... to undependable. Python: - Preliminary support for numarray in addition to numpy (Numeric). Contouring: - New gdal_contour utility program implementing contour generation. - Underlying algorithm in gdal/alg. Warping: - Improved support in GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() for "world" sized files that are only partially transformable. - Bicubic resampler improved. - What was gdalwarptest is now gdalwarp, and the old gdalwarp is now gdalwarpsimple. The sophisticated warper is now the default. Man Pages: - Man pages for GDAL utilities now being maintained and installed (Silke). OGR 1.2.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Added methods for converting to/from GCTP representation. - Added HOM 2 points on centerline variant. DODS (OPeNDAP) Driver: - Preliminary implementation. TIGER/Line Driver: - Added support for GDT ASCII TIGER-like format. - Support TIGER/Line 2003 format. S-57 Driver: - Preliminary export support implemented. - Support capture of FFPT (feature to feature) linkages. - Support capture of TOPI from VRPT. - Support capture of primitives as additional layers. Shapefile Driver: - gdal/frmts/shapelib removed from GDAL source tree, now just a copy of required shapelib files are kept in gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/shape. - Attempt identify polygons that are really multi-polygons and convert them into multi-polygons properly (Radim Blazek). - Create FID attribute in .dbf file if no attribute added by application. GML Driver: - Lots of fixes and improvements for reading and writing. - Now writes a schema file by default. - Field types are set now when reading based on data found on first pass. - Added support for the various kinds of geometry collections. DGN Driver: - Now using dgnlib 1.9 - this carries with it various new element types and some important bug fixes. ODBC Driver: - New ODBC driver implemented. Build by default on Windows, and buildable on Unix (with unixodbc). VRT Driver: - New "virtual" OGR Datasource format implemented. - Configuration stored in XML control file. Oracle (OCI) Driver: - support reading views. OGR Core: - Added support for WKT EMPTY geometry objects (like "MULTIPOINT(EMPTY)"). - Added DeleteFeature() method on OGRLayer class. NTF Driver: - Support CHG_TYPE attribute for landline plus product. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.9 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o MrSID Driver: New for 1.1.9, read-only, includes good coordiante system support, and should be high performance. o ECW Driver: Now reads coordinate system information (but doesn't write). o HDF Driver: Added support for Hyperion Level 1, Aster Level 1A/1B/2, MODIS Level 1B(earth-view)/2/3, SeaWIFS Level 3. o L1B Driver: Now reads GCPs for georeferencing. o NITF Driver: Support for reading RPC, variety of bugs fixes for reading and writing. Also some general RPC infrastructure added to GDAL. o JP2KAK Driver: Can be used with Kakadu 4.0.2 now. Compatibility fixes for internal geotiff to improve compatibility with Mapping Science tools. Added palette support. o HFA (Imagine) Driver: Added read/write support for color table opacity. Added write support for large (spill) files. o "core" directory renamed to "gcore" to avoid confusing configure script. o Added support for GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to GDAL support data files (those in gdal/data directory). o Added GDALDataset::RasterIO() for more efficient reading of multiple bands in one request (in some cases anyways). o High performance warp api considered to be complete now, and substantially optimized. o gdal_merge.py: supported multiple bands, copying PCT. OGR 1.1.9 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Oracle Spatial: New generic read/write, and implemented highly optimized loading support. o Tiger driver: added support for TIGER/Line 2002 product. o GML driver: now supports Xerces versions from 1.6 up to 2.3. Lots of bugs fixes and improvements. GML Geometry now in OGR core. o Improved support for translating to and from ESRI WKT, including a complete mapping between EPSG related ESRI datum names and OGR's expected names. o Improved support for alternate prime meridians in coordinate system code. o Shapefiles: Can write features with NULL geometry, o DGN: added 3d write support. o Implemented generic attribute indexing support (only used for shapefile at this point). Use in SQL where clauses and ExecuteSQL(). o WKT MULTIPOINT in/out formatting fixed. o Added SynToDisk() method on OGRDataset and OGRLayer. o Implemented "Web Coordinate Transformation Service" (ogr/wcts). o Implemented "in memory" format driver. o C API documented. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.8 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Implemented HDF 4 read/write support. This includes HDF EOS reading. o Implemented Windows BMP read/write support. o Implemented NITF read/write support. o Implemented NOAA Polar Orbiter L1B format driver. o Implemented EOSAT FAST format driver. o Implemented a JasPer based JPEG2000 driver (several limitations). o Implemented a Kakadu based JPEG2000/GeoJP2(tm) driver (full featured, but Kakadu is not open source). o Implemented new 'gdalwarp' application for projection and GCP based image warping. See gdal/alg for underlying algorithms. Currently gdalwarp only supports 8 bit images and holds the whole source image in memory. o Implemented write support for ESRI ASCII Grids. o Lots of improvements to GeoTIFF driver. Metadata writing, update of georeferencing, and support for writing PCS codes based on AUTHORITY fields in WKT. o Implemented support for uncompressed 1bit data in Erdas Imagine files, as well as generic metadata. o Fixed 0xFF compression support in the Arc/Info Binary Grid (AIG) driver. o Lots of improvements to BSB drive, including preliminary uncompressed output support, support for reading BSB 3.0 and GEO/NOS. o Lots of work on VRT format. o ECW: Fixed bug with reading a more than full resultion. o Envisat driver now supports AATSR TOA and MERIS data. o Fixes for nodata support in GRASS driver. o Added the --version and --formats options to many utility programs. o gdal_translate: - added -projwin flag to copy a window specified in projection coordinates. - added the -a_srs option to assign a user supplied SRS to output file. - translation with subsetting to any format now support (uses VRT inside). o Lots of metadata now attached to driver objects describing their capabilities. o Implemented GDALDestroyDriverManager() to ensure full memory cleanup of GDAL related resources. o Added a 'devinstall' target on Windows to support easy installation of include files and stub libraries on Windows. Also many other improvements to Windows build. Most options can be easily turned on and off from the nmake.opt file now. OGR 1.1.8 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Implemented support for writing 2D DGN files. Added support for MSLINK and Text values available as attributes. o Implemented FMEObjects based read driver. o Implemented ExecuteSQL() method on OGRDataSource. Generic code supports fairly full featured SELECT statements. o Various fixes to 3D shapefile support. o Fixes to binary representation for 2.5D geometries. Fixed MULTIPOINT WKT geometry representation. o Upgraded OGRSpatialReference.importFromEPSG() to use the new EPSG 6.2.2 tables instead of the old EPSG 4.x tables. o Many fixes to PostGIS driver, including special creation options for "laundering" field names to save tokens. o Many improvements to standards conformance of OGRSpatialReference WKT representation to the OGC Coordinate Transformations specification. Still some quirks related to prime meridians and coordinate systems with units other than degrees. o Implemented support for Meridian 2 NTF files in NTF driver. Better support for GENERIC_CPOLY geometries. o Added support for [NOT] IN, [NOT] LIKE and IS [NOT] NULL predicates in WHERE clauses. o Implemented a C API for accessing OGR. o Implemented support for building OLE DB Provider with Visual Studio.NET (many changes in ATL templates). Lots of other OLE DB improvements for better MapGuide compatibility. GDAL 1.1.7 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Add XPM (X11 Pixmap) format. o Added rough ENVI raster format read support. o Added --version support (and supporting GDALVersionInfo() function). o Special hooks for getting raw record data from sar ceos files and Envisat via the metadata api. o Upgraded TIFF/GeoTIFF support to CVS version ... includes new extension API and removes need for private libtiff include files entirely. o gdal_translate now has scaling option (-scale). o Added utility documentation. OGR 1.1.7 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Added Arc/Info binary coverage format read support. o Added ogrtindex for building MapServer compatible OGR tile indexes. o Added default implementation of GetFeature(fid) method on OGRLayer. o Shape driver now supports reading and creating free standing .dbf files for layers without geometry. o Added utility documentation. o Fixed major memory/file handle leak in SDTS access. o Added ADSK_GEOM_EXTENT support for OLE DB provider. o Ensure shapefiles written with correct polygon ring winding direction plus various other shapefile support fixes. o GML read/write working reasonable well, including use of .gfs files. GDAL 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Add > 2GB file support on Linux 2.4. o Implemented USGS DEM reading. o Implemented BSB Format (Nautical Chart Format) read support. o Preliminary implementation of Virtual Datasets (gdal/frmts/vrt). o Support for writing DTED files. o Some raw formats (ie. PAux, HKV) support files larger than 2GB. o Add the AddBand() method on GDALDataset. o PAux: Added color table read support. o Various fixes to OGDI driver. o Stripped out the GDALProjDef related capabilities. Superceeded by OGRSpatialReference, and OGRCoordinateTransformation functionality. o Improved CEOS support, notable for ESA LANDSAT files, D-PAF ERS-1 and Telaviv ERS data. o geotiff: upgraded libtiff support to approximately libtiff 3.5.7. o DGN: Added support for complex shapes, shapes assembled from many elements. Various other improvements. OGR 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Fixed OGDI driver so that gltp urls with drive letters work properly on windows. o Many improvements to OLE DB provider during the process of making it compatible with the MapGuide (SDP) client. These include implementing restrictions for schema rowsets, treating missing information like WKT coordinate systems as NULL fields, and setting ISLONG on geometry fields. Also made thread safe. o DGN: Threat SHAPE elements as polygons. Set style information for text. Added 3D support for most elements. o Fixed bugs in WKT format for some OGR geometry types (ie. multipoint). o Added support for morphing to/from ESRI WKT format for OGRSpatialReference. o NTF: Don't try to cache all the records from multiple files at once. o Added experimental XML SRS support ... not the final schema. Added supporting "minixml" support to CPL. o PostGIS: Upgraded to PostGIS 0.6. Added "soft transaction" semantics. Many create feature calls can now be part of one transaction. Transactions are now a general OGR concept although only implemented for PostGIS. o Added transform() and transformTo() methods for reprojecting geometries and added user options for this in ogr2ogr. o Very preliminary GML read/write support. Needs Xerces C++ XML parser for read support. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.5 New Features ----------------------- o AIGrid: - Return nodata value. o OGDI: - Added format user documentation. - Added Sub Dataset support. - Utilize OGDI 3.1 style capabilities metadata. o SAR_CEOS: - Added support for Alaska SAR Toolbox naming convention. - Read map projection record for corner GCPs. o PNG Driver: - read/write support for transparency via colortable and nodata value. o Erdas Imagine (HFA) Driver: - Added support for reading external large image files. - Added support for uncompressed, but reduced precision blocks. o GIF Driver: - Added .wld world file support. - Added transparency read support. - Upgraded to libungif 4.x. o JPEG Driver: - Added .wld world file support. o PAux Driver: - Added limited gcp and projection read support. o GeoTIFF Driver: - Added specialized support for 1 bit files. - Upgraded world file reading (added .wld files), use GDALReadWorldFile(). o JDEM Driver is new (Japanese DEM format). o FujiBAS Driver is new. o ERMapper ECW Driver is new. o GDAL Bridge: upgraded to include new entry points, like GCP access and nodata api. o gdal_translate: added the -not_scrict option. o GDALGetRandomRasterSample(): Return magnitude for random samples. o Added use of CPL_CVSID macro in most source files. Running the RCS ident command on any GDAL executable or shared library should now give a listing of most object file versions from which it was built. o Various improvements so that static builds will work under Cygwin. o Various improvements so that builds can be done on MacOS X. o Overviews: Implement AVERAGE_MAGPHASE option for complex image overviews. o Added support for sub datasets to gdalinfo, core api and OGDI raster driver. o The size of the GDAL cache can now be overridden with the GDAL_CACHEMAX environment variable (measured in MB). o Added Driver implementation tutorial to documentation. o Added apps/gdaltindex.c - application for building tile indexed raster datasets suitable for use with UMN MapServer. GDAL 1.1.5 Significant Bug Fixes -------------------------------- o SAR_CEOS: - Don't try to get GCPs from scanlines with no prefix data. o GeoTIFF: - Fixed handling of RGBA band ordering on big endian systems. - Fixed bugs in overview generation, especially when updating in place. o gdal-config should work properly in all situations now. o JPEG Driver: improved magic number tested to avoid ignoring some jpeg files. o FITS Driver: lots of fixes and improvements. OGR 1.1.5 New Features ---------------------- o Implemented support for attribute query filters (SetAttributeFilter()) on OGRLayer, provided SWQ based implementation, plugged into all drivers and added hooks to ogrinfo. o MapInfo Driver: - Added accelerated spatial query support. - Upgraded to current MITAB source as of GDAL release date. o S-57 Driver: - Added support for applying S-57 updates automatically. o SDTS Driver: - Added ENID and SNID to line features. - Return coordinate system in WKT instead of PROJ.4 format. o Shapefile Driver: - Auto determine shapefile type from first object written. - Added good support for NULL shapes, and NULL attribute fields. - Added support for .prj files (read and write). o PostgreSQL Driver: - Added PostGIS support. - Pass attribute queries through to PostgreSQL. o NTF Driver: - Added support for GTYPE 5 geometries (a type of arc). - Added support for GEOMETRY3D records in indexed (generic) datasets. o TIGER/Line Driver: - Added write support. - Improved read support for TIGER 2000. o OLE DB Provider: - Added support for spatial queries via ICommand parameters. - Added support for attribute queries by parsing out WHERE clause. - In general substantial rework and extentions were made to make it work with ESRI and AutoDesk clients. o Added gdal/data/stateplane.txt - a test file with one line per state plane zone for applications wanting to present options to users. o Install ogrsf_frmts.a on install if building with OGR support enabled. o Reports layer extents in ogrinfo. OGR 1.1.5 Significant Bug Fixes ------------------------------- o OGRSpatialReference: - Fix bug with extracting linear units from EPSG derived definitions. - Fixed bug translating LCC from EPSG to WKT (importFromEPSG()). - Improved IsSame() test for GEOGCS now. - Fixed crash if PROJECTION missing from PROJCS definition. o S-57: - Improve recovery from corrupt line geometries. - Read objects as generic if the object class is not recognised. - Handle LIST attributes as a string, instead of as a single int. o NTF: - Fixed circle conversion to polylines to close the circle properly. - Upped MAX_LINK to 5000 to handle much more complex geometries. o DGN: - Don't include elements with the complex bit set in extents computations. o OGRGeometry: - Fixed WKT format (import and export) for various container types. - WKT import fixed for coordinates, and Z coordinates.