ESRI File Geodatabase (OpenFileGDB)

(Available in GDAL >= 1.11)

The OpenFileGDB driver provides read access to File Geodatabases (.gdb directories) created by ArcGIS 9 and above.

It can also read directly zipped .gdb directories (

A specific .gdbtable file (including "system" tables) can also be opened directly.

Spatial filtering

The driver cannot use the .spx files (when they are present) for spatial filtering. However, it will use the minimum bounding rectangle included at the beginning of the geometry blobs to speed up spatial filtering. By default, it will also build on the fly a in-memory spatial index during the first sequential read of a layer. Following spatial filtering operations on that layer will then benefit from that spatial index. The building of this in-memory spatial index can be disabled by setting the OPENFILEGDB_IN_MEMORY_SPI configuration option to NO.

SQL support

SQL statements are run through the OGR SQL engine. When attribute indexes (.atx files) exist, the driver will use them to speed up WHERE clauses or SetAttributeFilter() calls.

Special SQL requests

"GetLayerDefinition a_layer_name" and "GetLayerMetadata a_layer_name" can be used as special SQL requests to get respectively the definition and metadata of a FileGDB table as XML content (only available in Geodatabases created with ArcGIS 10 or above)

Comparison with the FileGDB driver

(Comparison done with a FileGDB driver using FileGDB API SDK 1.3)

Advantages of the OpenFileGDB driver:

Drawbacks of the OpenFileGDB driver:

