# # Configuration file for OSM import # # put here the name of keys for ways that are assumed to be polygons if they are closed # see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features closed_ways_are_polygons=aeroway,amenity,boundary,building,craft,geological,historic,landuse,leisure,military,natural,office,place,shop,sport,tourism # comment to avoid laundering of keys ( ':' turned into '_' ) attribute_name_laundering=yes # uncomment to report all nodes, including the ones without any (significant) tag #report_all_nodes=yes # uncomment to report all ways, including the ones without any (significant) tag #report_all_ways=yes [points] # common attributes osm_id=yes osm_version=no osm_timestamp=no osm_uid=no osm_user=no osm_changeset=no # keys to report as OGR fields attributes=name,barrier,highway,ref,address,is_in,place,man_made # keys that, alone, are not significant enough to report a node as a OGR point unsignificant=created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele # keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field ignore=created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele,note,openGeoDB:,fixme,FIXME # uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field #other_tags=no all_tags=yes [lines] # common attributes osm_id=yes osm_version=no osm_timestamp=no osm_uid=no osm_user=no osm_changeset=no # keys to report as OGR fields attributes=name,highway,waterway,aerialway,barrier,man_made # keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field ignore=created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele,note,openGeoDB:,fixme,FIXME # uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field #other_tags=no all_tags=yes [multipolygons] # common attributes # note: for multipolygons, osm_id=yes instantiates a osm_id field for the id of relations # and a osm_way_id field for the id of closed ways. Both fields are exclusively set. osm_id=yes osm_version=no osm_timestamp=no osm_uid=no osm_user=no osm_changeset=no # keys to report as OGR fields attributes=name,type,aeroway,amenity,admin_level,barrier,boundary,building,craft,geological,historic,land_area,landuse,leisure,man_made,military,natural,office,place,shop,sport,tourism # keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field ignore=area,created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele,note,openGeoDB:,fixme,FIXME # uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field #other_tags=no [multilinestrings] # common attributes osm_id=yes osm_version=no osm_timestamp=no osm_uid=no osm_user=no osm_changeset=no # keys to report as OGR fields attributes=name,type # keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field ignore=area,created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele,note,openGeoDB:,fixme,FIXME # uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field #other_tags=no [other_relations] # common attributes osm_id=yes osm_version=no osm_timestamp=no osm_uid=no osm_user=no osm_changeset=no # keys to report as OGR fields attributes=name,type # keys that should NOT be reported in the "other_tags" field ignore=area,created_by,converted_by,source,time,ele,note,openGeoDB:,fixme,FIXME # uncomment to avoid creation of "other_tags" field #other_tags=no