MITAB Library - ToDo, Open Questions: ------------------------------------- - API Documentation - MIF output: bounds are missing in Coordsys NonEarth - ??? Produce a Warning when bounds not set on first SetFeature() - Support MetaData in .TAB header - Can we do anything for optimized spatial searches in TAB files? (i.e. See SetSpatialFilter()) - TABView support: - Complete and tested only for cases in which 2 tables are linked with a many-to-1 relation through an integer field. - The merge operation involves 3 features in memory and cloning the geometry... this could perhaps be optimized but would require changes at the lower-level in the lib. - What is the proper behavior when no record in RelTable for a feature from MainTable? For now we leave fields unset - TABMAPObjBlocks could be split during write when they're full in order to optimize spatial index. Files are still usable even without this kind of optimization. - "Table Type DBF" are supported for reading, but no charset conversion is done... however, when the same datasets are exported to MIF by MapInfo it apparently converts the DBF file's charset (e.g. CodePage863) to the dataset charset (e.g. WindowsLatin1) - Will we ever want to support Table Type ACCESS? - When regions with multiple rings are read from MIF, the inside/outside ring relationship is not reconstructed. This may cause display problems when MIF files containing regions are converted to TAB: it has been reported that some regions may not be filled properly when viewed in MapInfo Versions 5.0 and up when the inside/outside ring relationship is not properly written. ------------ $Id$ ------------