/*! \page gdal_building
Building GDAL From Source
GDAL has been successfully built on Linux, IRIX, Solaris, and Windows NT. On Unix platforms you might be able to build it as follows (assuming it is unpacked or checked out of CVS as gdal):
% cd gdal
% ./configure
% make
Some caveats are:

GDAL can be built on Windows using MS VC++ at the commandline. For this to work you will normally have to have run the VCVAR32.BAT script that comes with the compiler, and then do the following:

C:\GDAL\> nmake /f makefile.vc
I frequently forget to update the Windows makefiles when I add new files, so if something comes up missing consider comparing the file lists in the appropriate makefile.vc against the GNUmakefile or just contact me.
