import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; import "CoverageIdl.idl"; [ uuid(699a2820-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), version(1.0), helpstring("OGRCoverage 1.0 Type Library") ] library OGRCoverage { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb"); interface IDimension; // "Meta" information about values in one dimension of a vector of numberic values. interface IColorTable; // Color palette interface IColorTableFactory; // Create color tables. interface ICoverage; // Multi-valued function over a spatial domain. interface IGridCoverage; // Coverage based on Grid data. interface IGeoReference; // Describe relationship between Grid coordinates, and spatial reference system. interface IAffineGeoReference; // Shift, scale, rotate and shear grid into SRS. interface ITiepointGeoReference; // tiepoints tie grid to SRS interface IPolynomialTPGeoReference; // specific tiepoint form with order. interface IGeoReferenceFactory; // Create objects supporting IGeoReference. interface ITiepoint; // interface to a single tiepoint. interface ITiepointFactory; // create tiepoints. interface IGridAnalysis; // Analyse IGridCoverage objects, e.g. get average pixel values. interface IGridAnalysisFactory; // Create objects supporting IGridAnalysis interface IGridCoverageFactory; // Create IGridCoverage from a filename, or other name. interface IGridCoverageAdaptor; // Create IGridCoverage by adapting an existing IGridCoverage. interface IGridGeometry; // Locate image in world, and set grid bounds. interface IHistogram; // Graph produced by IGridAnalysis. interface IGridInfo; // Describe pixel ordering and coloring of raster. interface IRasterModifier; // Convert one IGridCoverage into another IGridCoverage. interface IBandRationing; // ? interface IDensitySlice; // ? interface IEnhanceRasterModifier; // ? interface IFilterRasterModifier; // ? interface IGrayScaleThreshold; // ? interface IRasterModifierFactory; // Create objects supporting IRasterModifier. [ uuid(699a2821-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("DimensionImpl Class") ] coclass DimensionImpl { [default] interface IDimension; }; [ uuid(699a2822-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("ColorTableImpl Class") ] coclass ColorTableImpl { [default] interface IColorTable; }; [ uuid(699a2823-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GridCoverageImpl Class") ] coclass OGRRealGC { [default] interface IGridCoverage; }; [ uuid(699a2824-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GeoReferenceFactoryImpl Class") ] coclass GeoReferenceFactoryImpl { [default] interface IGeoReferenceFactory; }; [ uuid(699a2825-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GridCoverageFactoryImpl Class") ] coclass GridCoverageFactoryImpl { [default] interface IGridCoverageFactory; }; [ uuid(699a2826-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GridGeometryImpl Class") ] coclass GridGeometryImpl { [default] interface IGridGeometry; }; [ uuid(699a2827-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GridInfoImpl Class") ] coclass GridInfoImpl { [default] interface IGridInfo; }; [ uuid(699a2828-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("AffineGeoReferenceImpl Class") ] coclass AffineGeoReferenceImpl { [default] interface IAffineGeoReference; }; [ uuid(699a2829-3f74-11d3-b406-0080c8e62564), helpstring("GridGeometryFactoryImpl Class") ] coclass GridGeometryFactoryImpl { [default] interface IGridGeometryFactory; }; };