GDAL 1.2.2 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- GRASS Driver: - Add Radim's version of the driver submitted by Radim. This version uses GRASS 5.7 libraries directly instead of using libgrass. DODS Driver: - Added support for spatial_ref, FlipX and FlipY .das info. CPG Driver: - added new driver for Convair Polarmetric format. HDF Driver: - Significant bugs fixed. USGS DEM Driver: - Support writing UTM projected files. PNG Driver: - Upgraded to libpng 1.2.6. MrSID Driver: - Substantial performance improvements. - Support for DSDK 4.x - Support JPEG2000 files via MrSID SDK. NITF Driver: - Support JPEG2000 compressed files (with Kakadu support) ESRI BIL: - Support .clr color files. VRT Driver: - Added support for describing raw files with VRTRawRasterBand. - Added support for virtual warped files with VRTWarpedRasterBand. GeoTIFF Driver: - Fix support for 16bit image color tables. - Write ExtraSamples tag for files with more samples than expected in photometric interpretation. - External overviews now built for read-only files. Erdas Imagine Driver: - Fixed support for compressed floating point layers. - Various other fixes for compatible with newer Imagine versions. - improved metadata handling. - sets projection on output file. OGR 1.2.2 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- SQLite Driver: - New read/write driver implemented for SQLite databases. CSV Driver: - New read/write driver implemented for comma seperated value files. S-57 Driver: - Substantial performance improvements. ODBC Driver: - Arbitrary length field values now supported. GEOS: - Integration a series of methods utilizing GEOS when available. Note that Intersect() is still just an envelope comparison. OGRSpatialReference: - Fixed Swiss Oblique Mercator support. ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.1 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- gdal_contour: - Now build and installed by default. HDF4 Driver: - Added some degree of HDF-EOS support. HDFEOS layer now part of GDAL. DODS Driver: - Substantial fixes, support for flipped datasets. HFA (Erdas Imagine) Driver: - Fixed bug with files between 2 and 4GB. - Capture statistics as metadata. Erdas 7.x LAN/GIS Driver: - Newly implemented. USGS DEM Driver: - Various fixes to creation support / CDED product. NITF Driver: - Capture USE001 and STDIDC TREs as metadata. - Capture all sorts of header information as metadata. - Support geocentric corner coordinate specification. MrSID Driver: - Support added for DSDK 4.0.x. ECW Driver: - Added preliminary support for using 3.0 SDK for JPEG2000 support. - Fix oversampling assertion problem. ArcInfo Binary Grids: - Added support for 0x01 and 0x20 block type. OGR 1.2.1 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Various fixes related to prime meridians. PostgreSQL/PostGIS Driver: - Added layer name laundering. - Launder names on by default. - Clean stale entries in geometry_columns table when creating a layer. - Support treating names views as layers. - Handle long command strings. S57 Driver: - Fixed serious bugs with support for auto-applying update files. - Improvements to S57 writing support. ============================================================================= GDAL 1.2.0 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- Configuration: - Libtool used by default with Unix style builds. Use --without-libtool to avoid this. - PROJ.4 can now be linked statically using --with-static-proj4. - Added --without-bsb option for those averse to legal risk. DODS/OPeNDAP Driver: - Preliminary DODS (OPeNDAP) driver implemented (James Gallagher @ URI). PCIDSK Driver: - PCIDSK read/write raster driver implemented (Andrey). Erdas Imagine / HFA Driver: - Support recent Imagine versions (data dictionary changes). - Better logic to search for .rrd file locally. - Support creating files in the 2GB to 4GB size range. GIF Driver: - Updated to libungif 4.1.0. - Various hacks to try and identify transparent colors better. BMP Driver: - Handle 32bit BMPs properly. HDF4 Driver: - Added proper support for multi-sample GR datasets. - Various fixes and improvements for specific product types. GeoTIFF Driver: - Added PHOTOMETRIC option to control photometric interp of new files. JPEG2000/Kakadu Driver: - Support reading/creating lossless 16bit files. - Updated to support Kakadu 4.1 library. NITF Driver: - Implement support for IGEOLO="U" (MGRS/UTM) coordinates. - Added overview (as external GeoTIFF file) support. MrSID Driver: - Support DSDK 4.2.x. PNG Driver: - Support required byte swapping of 16bit PNG data. FAST Driver: - lots of fixes, supports more datums and ellipsoids. NetCDF Driver: - New driver implemented for netCDF support. - Pretty much tied to form of netCDF used in GMT for now. VTerrain .bt Driver: - New driver for VTerrain .bt elevation format. ECW Driver: - support supersampled reads efficiently. - special case for dataset level RasterIO() implemented for much better performance in some applications. ESRI BIL (EHdr) Driver: - Support world files. VRT Driver: - Implement filtering support. GIO (Arc/Info Binary Grid via avgridio.dll): - Driver disabled ... to undependable. Python: - Preliminary support for numarray in addition to numpy (Numeric). Contouring: - New gdal_contour utility program implementing contour generation. - Underlying algorithm in gdal/alg. Warping: - Improved support in GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() for "world" sized files that are only partially transformable. - Bicubic resampler improved. - What was gdalwarptest is now gdalwarp, and the old gdalwarp is now gdalwarpsimple. The sophisticated warper is now the default. Man Pages: - Man pages for GDAL utilities now being maintained and installed (Silke). OGR 1.2.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGRSpatialReference: - Added methods for converting to/from GCTP representation. - Added HOM 2 points on centerline variant. DODS (OPeNDAP) Driver: - Preliminary implementation. TIGER/Line Driver: - Added support for GDT ASCII TIGER-like format. - Support TIGER/Line 2003 format. S-57 Driver: - Preliminary export support implemented. - Support capture of FFPT (feature to feature) linkages. - Support capture of TOPI from VRPT. - Support capture of primitives as additional layers. Shapefile Driver: - gdal/frmts/shapelib removed from GDAL source tree, now just a copy of required shapelib files are kept in gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/shape. - Attempt identify polygons that are really multi-polygons and convert them into multi-polygons properly (Radim Blazek). - Create FID attribute in .dbf file if no attribute added by application. GML Driver: - Lots of fixes and improvements for reading and writing. - Now writes a schema file by default. - Field types are set now when reading based on data found on first pass. - Added support for the various kinds of geometry collections. DGN Driver: - Now using dgnlib 1.9 - this carries with it various new element types and some important bug fixes. ODBC Driver: - New ODBC driver implemented. Build by default on Windows, and buildable on Unix (with unixodbc). VRT Driver: - New "virtual" OGR Datasource format implemented. - Configuration stored in XML control file. Oracle (OCI) Driver: - support reading views. OGR Core: - Added support for WKT EMPTY geometry objects (like "MULTIPOINT(EMPTY)"). - Added DeleteFeature() method on OGRLayer class. NTF Driver: - Support CHG_TYPE attribute for landline plus product. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.9 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o MrSID Driver: New for 1.1.9, read-only, includes good coordiante system support, and should be high performance. o ECW Driver: Now reads coordinate system information (but doesn't write). o HDF Driver: Added support for Hyperion Level 1, Aster Level 1A/1B/2, MODIS Level 1B(earth-view)/2/3, SeaWIFS Level 3. o L1B Driver: Now reads GCPs for georeferencing. o NITF Driver: Support for reading RPC, variety of bugs fixes for reading and writing. Also some general RPC infrastructure added to GDAL. o JP2KAK Driver: Can be used with Kakadu 4.0.2 now. Compatibility fixes for internal geotiff to improve compatibility with Mapping Science tools. Added palette support. o HFA (Imagine) Driver: Added read/write support for color table opacity. Added write support for large (spill) files. o "core" directory renamed to "gcore" to avoid confusing configure script. o Added support for GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to GDAL support data files (those in gdal/data directory). o Added GDALDataset::RasterIO() for more efficient reading of multiple bands in one request (in some cases anyways). o High performance warp api considered to be complete now, and substantially optimized. o supported multiple bands, copying PCT. OGR 1.1.9 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Oracle Spatial: New generic read/write, and implemented highly optimized loading support. o Tiger driver: added support for TIGER/Line 2002 product. o GML driver: now supports Xerces versions from 1.6 up to 2.3. Lots of bugs fixes and improvements. GML Geometry now in OGR core. o Improved support for translating to and from ESRI WKT, including a complete mapping between EPSG related ESRI datum names and OGR's expected names. o Improved support for alternate prime meridians in coordinate system code. o Shapefiles: Can write features with NULL geometry, o DGN: added 3d write support. o Implemented generic attribute indexing support (only used for shapefile at this point). Use in SQL where clauses and ExecuteSQL(). o WKT MULTIPOINT in/out formatting fixed. o Added SynToDisk() method on OGRDataset and OGRLayer. o Implemented "Web Coordinate Transformation Service" (ogr/wcts). o Implemented "in memory" format driver. o C API documented. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.8 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Implemented HDF 4 read/write support. This includes HDF EOS reading. o Implemented Windows BMP read/write support. o Implemented NITF read/write support. o Implemented NOAA Polar Orbiter L1B format driver. o Implemented EOSAT FAST format driver. o Implemented a JasPer based JPEG2000 driver (several limitations). o Implemented a Kakadu based JPEG2000/GeoJP2(tm) driver (full featured, but Kakadu is not open source). o Implemented new 'gdalwarp' application for projection and GCP based image warping. See gdal/alg for underlying algorithms. Currently gdalwarp only supports 8 bit images and holds the whole source image in memory. o Implemented write support for ESRI ASCII Grids. o Lots of improvements to GeoTIFF driver. Metadata writing, update of georeferencing, and support for writing PCS codes based on AUTHORITY fields in WKT. o Implemented support for uncompressed 1bit data in Erdas Imagine files, as well as generic metadata. o Fixed 0xFF compression support in the Arc/Info Binary Grid (AIG) driver. o Lots of improvements to BSB drive, including preliminary uncompressed output support, support for reading BSB 3.0 and GEO/NOS. o Lots of work on VRT format. o ECW: Fixed bug with reading a more than full resultion. o Envisat driver now supports AATSR TOA and MERIS data. o Fixes for nodata support in GRASS driver. o Added the --version and --formats options to many utility programs. o gdal_translate: - added -projwin flag to copy a window specified in projection coordinates. - added the -a_srs option to assign a user supplied SRS to output file. - translation with subsetting to any format now support (uses VRT inside). o Lots of metadata now attached to driver objects describing their capabilities. o Implemented GDALDestroyDriverManager() to ensure full memory cleanup of GDAL related resources. o Added a 'devinstall' target on Windows to support easy installation of include files and stub libraries on Windows. Also many other improvements to Windows build. Most options can be easily turned on and off from the nmake.opt file now. OGR 1.1.8 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Implemented support for writing 2D DGN files. Added support for MSLINK and Text values available as attributes. o Implemented FMEObjects based read driver. o Implemented ExecuteSQL() method on OGRDataSource. Generic code supports fairly full featured SELECT statements. o Various fixes to 3D shapefile support. o Fixes to binary representation for 2.5D geometries. Fixed MULTIPOINT WKT geometry representation. o Upgraded OGRSpatialReference.importFromEPSG() to use the new EPSG 6.2.2 tables instead of the old EPSG 4.x tables. o Many fixes to PostGIS driver, including special creation options for "laundering" field names to save tokens. o Many improvements to standards conformance of OGRSpatialReference WKT representation to the OGC Coordinate Transformations specification. Still some quirks related to prime meridians and coordinate systems with units other than degrees. o Implemented support for Meridian 2 NTF files in NTF driver. Better support for GENERIC_CPOLY geometries. o Added support for [NOT] IN, [NOT] LIKE and IS [NOT] NULL predicates in WHERE clauses. o Implemented a C API for accessing OGR. o Implemented support for building OLE DB Provider with Visual Studio.NET (many changes in ATL templates). Lots of other OLE DB improvements for better MapGuide compatibility. GDAL 1.1.7 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Add XPM (X11 Pixmap) format. o Added rough ENVI raster format read support. o Added --version support (and supporting GDALVersionInfo() function). o Special hooks for getting raw record data from sar ceos files and Envisat via the metadata api. o Upgraded TIFF/GeoTIFF support to CVS version ... includes new extension API and removes need for private libtiff include files entirely. o gdal_translate now has scaling option (-scale). o Added utility documentation. OGR 1.1.7 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Added Arc/Info binary coverage format read support. o Added ogrtindex for building MapServer compatible OGR tile indexes. o Added default implementation of GetFeature(fid) method on OGRLayer. o Shape driver now supports reading and creating free standing .dbf files for layers without geometry. o Added utility documentation. o Fixed major memory/file handle leak in SDTS access. o Added ADSK_GEOM_EXTENT support for OLE DB provider. o Ensure shapefiles written with correct polygon ring winding direction plus various other shapefile support fixes. o GML read/write working reasonable well, including use of .gfs files. GDAL 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Add > 2GB file support on Linux 2.4. o Implemented USGS DEM reading. o Implemented BSB Format (Nautical Chart Format) read support. o Preliminary implementation of Virtual Datasets (gdal/frmts/vrt). o Support for writing DTED files. o Some raw formats (ie. PAux, HKV) support files larger than 2GB. o Add the AddBand() method on GDALDataset. o PAux: Added color table read support. o Various fixes to OGDI driver. o Stripped out the GDALProjDef related capabilities. Superceeded by OGRSpatialReference, and OGRCoordinateTransformation functionality. o Improved CEOS support, notable for ESA LANDSAT files, D-PAF ERS-1 and Telaviv ERS data. o geotiff: upgraded libtiff support to approximately libtiff 3.5.7. o DGN: Added support for complex shapes, shapes assembled from many elements. Various other improvements. OGR 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Fixed OGDI driver so that gltp urls with drive letters work properly on windows. o Many improvements to OLE DB provider during the process of making it compatible with the MapGuide (SDP) client. These include implementing restrictions for schema rowsets, treating missing information like WKT coordinate systems as NULL fields, and setting ISLONG on geometry fields. Also made thread safe. o DGN: Threat SHAPE elements as polygons. Set style information for text. Added 3D support for most elements. o Fixed bugs in WKT format for some OGR geometry types (ie. multipoint). o Added support for morphing to/from ESRI WKT format for OGRSpatialReference. o NTF: Don't try to cache all the records from multiple files at once. o Added experimental XML SRS support ... not the final schema. Added supporting "minixml" support to CPL. o PostGIS: Upgraded to PostGIS 0.6. Added "soft transaction" semantics. Many create feature calls can now be part of one transaction. Transactions are now a general OGR concept although only implemented for PostGIS. o Added transform() and transformTo() methods for reprojecting geometries and added user options for this in ogr2ogr. o Very preliminary GML read/write support. Needs Xerces C++ XML parser for read support. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.5 New Features ----------------------- o AIGrid: - Return nodata value. o OGDI: - Added format user documentation. - Added Sub Dataset support. - Utilize OGDI 3.1 style capabilities metadata. o SAR_CEOS: - Added support for Alaska SAR Toolbox naming convention. - Read map projection record for corner GCPs. o PNG Driver: - read/write support for transparency via colortable and nodata value. o Erdas Imagine (HFA) Driver: - Added support for reading external large image files. - Added support for uncompressed, but reduced precision blocks. o GIF Driver: - Added .wld world file support. - Added transparency read support. - Upgraded to libungif 4.x. o JPEG Driver: - Added .wld world file support. o PAux Driver: - Added limited gcp and projection read support. o GeoTIFF Driver: - Added specialized support for 1 bit files. - Upgraded world file reading (added .wld files), use GDALReadWorldFile(). o JDEM Driver is new (Japanese DEM format). o FujiBAS Driver is new. o ERMapper ECW Driver is new. o GDAL Bridge: upgraded to include new entry points, like GCP access and nodata api. o gdal_translate: added the -not_scrict option. o GDALGetRandomRasterSample(): Return magnitude for random samples. o Added use of CPL_CVSID macro in most source files. Running the RCS ident command on any GDAL executable or shared library should now give a listing of most object file versions from which it was built. o Various improvements so that static builds will work under Cygwin. o Various improvements so that builds can be done on MacOS X. o Overviews: Implement AVERAGE_MAGPHASE option for complex image overviews. o Added support for sub datasets to gdalinfo, core api and OGDI raster driver. o The size of the GDAL cache can now be overridden with the GDAL_CACHEMAX environment variable (measured in MB). o Added Driver implementation tutorial to documentation. o Added apps/gdaltindex.c - application for building tile indexed raster datasets suitable for use with UMN MapServer. GDAL 1.1.5 Significant Bug Fixes -------------------------------- o SAR_CEOS: - Don't try to get GCPs from scanlines with no prefix data. o GeoTIFF: - Fixed handling of RGBA band ordering on big endian systems. - Fixed bugs in overview generation, especially when updating in place. o gdal-config should work properly in all situations now. o JPEG Driver: improved magic number tested to avoid ignoring some jpeg files. o FITS Driver: lots of fixes and improvements. OGR 1.1.5 New Features ---------------------- o Implemented support for attribute query filters (SetAttributeFilter()) on OGRLayer, provided SWQ based implementation, plugged into all drivers and added hooks to ogrinfo. o MapInfo Driver: - Added accelerated spatial query support. - Upgraded to current MITAB source as of GDAL release date. o S-57 Driver: - Added support for applying S-57 updates automatically. o SDTS Driver: - Added ENID and SNID to line features. - Return coordinate system in WKT instead of PROJ.4 format. o Shapefile Driver: - Auto determine shapefile type from first object written. - Added good support for NULL shapes, and NULL attribute fields. - Added support for .prj files (read and write). o PostgreSQL Driver: - Added PostGIS support. - Pass attribute queries through to PostgreSQL. o NTF Driver: - Added support for GTYPE 5 geometries (a type of arc). - Added support for GEOMETRY3D records in indexed (generic) datasets. o TIGER/Line Driver: - Added write support. - Improved read support for TIGER 2000. o OLE DB Provider: - Added support for spatial queries via ICommand parameters. - Added support for attribute queries by parsing out WHERE clause. - In general substantial rework and extentions were made to make it work with ESRI and AutoDesk clients. o Added gdal/data/stateplane.txt - a test file with one line per state plane zone for applications wanting to present options to users. o Install ogrsf_frmts.a on install if building with OGR support enabled. o Reports layer extents in ogrinfo. OGR 1.1.5 Significant Bug Fixes ------------------------------- o OGRSpatialReference: - Fix bug with extracting linear units from EPSG derived definitions. - Fixed bug translating LCC from EPSG to WKT (importFromEPSG()). - Improved IsSame() test for GEOGCS now. - Fixed crash if PROJECTION missing from PROJCS definition. o S-57: - Improve recovery from corrupt line geometries. - Read objects as generic if the object class is not recognised. - Handle LIST attributes as a string, instead of as a single int. o NTF: - Fixed circle conversion to polylines to close the circle properly. - Upped MAX_LINK to 5000 to handle much more complex geometries. o DGN: - Don't include elements with the complex bit set in extents computations. o OGRGeometry: - Fixed WKT format (import and export) for various container types. - WKT import fixed for coordinates, and Z coordinates.