.TH "ogr2ogr" 1 "1 Sep 2004" "Doxygen" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME ogr2ogr \- converts simple features data between file formats .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP .PP .PP .nf ogr2ogr [-skipfailures] [-append] [-update] [-f format_name] [-select field_list] [-where restricted_where] [-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-a_srs srs_def] [-t_srs srs_def] [-s_srs srs_def] [[-dsco NAME=VALUE] ...] dst_datasource_name src_datasource_name [-lco NAME=VALUE] [-nln name] layer [layer ...]] .fi .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP This program can be used to convert simple features data between file formats performing various operations during the process such as spatial or attribute selections, reducing the set of attributes, setting the output coordinate system or even reprojecting the features during translation. .PP .IP "\fB\fB -f\fP\fI format_name\fP:\fP" 1c output file format name, possible values are: .PP .nf -f "ESRI Shapefile" -f "TIGER" -f "MapInfo File" -f "GML" -f "PostgreSQL" .fi .PP .IP "\fB\fB-append\fP:\fP" 1c Append to existing layer instead of creating new .IP "\fB\fB-update\fP:\fP" 1c Open existing output datasource in update mode .IP "\fB\fB-select\fP\fI field_list\fP:\fP" 1c Comma-delimited list of fields from input layer to copy to the new layer (defaults to all) .IP "\fB\fB-where\fP\fI restricted_where\fP:\fP" 1c Attribute query (like SQL WHERE) .IP "\fB\fB-spat\fP\fI xmin ymin xmax ymax\fP:\fP" 1c spatial query extents .IP "\fB\fB-dsco\fP \fINAME=VALUE\fP:\fP" 1c Dataset creation option (format specific) .IP "\fB\fB-lco\fP\fI NAME=VALUE\fP:\fP" 1c Layer creation option (format specific) .IP "\fB\fB-nln\fP\fI name\fP:\fP" 1c Assign an alternate name to the new layer .IP "\fB\fB-a_srs\fP\fI srs_def\fP:\fP" 1c Assign an output SRS .IP "\fB\fB-t_srs\fP\fI srs_def\fP:\fP" 1c Reproject/transform to this SRS on output .IP "\fB\fB-s_srs\fP\fI srs_def\fP:\fP" 1c Override source SRS .PP .PP Srs_def can be a full WKT definition (hard to escape properly), or a well known definition (ie. EPSG:4326) or a file with a WKT definition. .SH "AUTHORS" .PP Frank Warmerdam Silke Reimer