/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). * Version 1.3.25 * * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify * the SWIG interface file instead. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class ogr { public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkb(int len, SWIGTYPE_p_OSRSpatialReferenceShadow reference) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.CreateGeometryFromWkb(len, SWIGTYPE_p_OSRSpatialReferenceShadow.getCPtr(reference)); Geometry ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Geometry(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkt(SWIGTYPE_p_p_char val, SWIGTYPE_p_OSRSpatialReferenceShadow reference) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.CreateGeometryFromWkt(SWIGTYPE_p_p_char.getCPtr(val), SWIGTYPE_p_OSRSpatialReferenceShadow.getCPtr(reference)); Geometry ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Geometry(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromGML(string input_string) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.CreateGeometryFromGML(input_string); Geometry ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Geometry(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static int GetDriverCount() { int ret = ogrPINVOKE.GetDriverCount(); return ret; } public static int GetOpenDSCount() { int ret = ogrPINVOKE.GetOpenDSCount(); return ret; } public static int SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) { int ret = ogrPINVOKE.SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER); return ret; } public static void RegisterAll() { ogrPINVOKE.RegisterAll(); } public static Driver OGR_GetDriverByName(string name) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.OGR_GetDriverByName(name); Driver ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Driver(cPtr, false); return ret; } public static Driver OGR_GetDriver(int driver_number) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.OGR_GetDriver(driver_number); Driver ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Driver(cPtr, false); return ret; } public static DataSource GetOpenDS(int ds_number) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.GetOpenDS(ds_number); DataSource ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DataSource(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static DataSource Open(string filename, int update) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.Open__SWIG_0(filename, update); DataSource ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DataSource(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static DataSource Open(string filename) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.Open__SWIG_1(filename); DataSource ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DataSource(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static DataSource OpenShared(string filename, int update) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.OpenShared__SWIG_0(filename, update); DataSource ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DataSource(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static DataSource OpenShared(string filename) { IntPtr cPtr = ogrPINVOKE.OpenShared__SWIG_1(filename); DataSource ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DataSource(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static readonly int wkb25Bit = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkb25Bit(); public static readonly int wkbUnknown = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbUnknown(); public static readonly int wkbPoint = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbPoint(); public static readonly int wkbLineString = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbLineString(); public static readonly int wkbPolygon = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbPolygon(); public static readonly int wkbMultiPoint = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiPoint(); public static readonly int wkbMultiLineString = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiLineString(); public static readonly int wkbMultiPolygon = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiPolygon(); public static readonly int wkbGeometryCollection = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbGeometryCollection(); public static readonly int wkbNone = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbNone(); public static readonly int wkbLinearRing = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbLinearRing(); public static readonly int wkbPoint25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbPoint25D(); public static readonly int wkbLineString25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbLineString25D(); public static readonly int wkbPolygon25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbPolygon25D(); public static readonly int wkbMultiPoint25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiPoint25D(); public static readonly int wkbMultiLineString25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiLineString25D(); public static readonly int wkbMultiPolygon25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbMultiPolygon25D(); public static readonly int wkbGeometryCollection25D = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbGeometryCollection25D(); public static readonly int OFTInteger = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTInteger(); public static readonly int OFTIntegerList = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTIntegerList(); public static readonly int OFTReal = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTReal(); public static readonly int OFTRealList = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTRealList(); public static readonly int OFTString = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTString(); public static readonly int OFTStringList = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTStringList(); public static readonly int OFTWideString = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTWideString(); public static readonly int OFTWideStringList = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTWideStringList(); public static readonly int OFTBinary = ogrPINVOKE.get_OFTBinary(); public static readonly int OJUndefined = ogrPINVOKE.get_OJUndefined(); public static readonly int OJLeft = ogrPINVOKE.get_OJLeft(); public static readonly int OJRight = ogrPINVOKE.get_OJRight(); public static readonly int wkbXDR = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbXDR(); public static readonly int wkbNDR = ogrPINVOKE.get_wkbNDR(); public static readonly string OLCRandomRead = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCRandomRead(); public static readonly string OLCSequentialWrite = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCSequentialWrite(); public static readonly string OLCRandomWrite = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCRandomWrite(); public static readonly string OLCFastSpatialFilter = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCFastSpatialFilter(); public static readonly string OLCFastFeatureCount = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCFastFeatureCount(); public static readonly string OLCFastGetExtent = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCFastGetExtent(); public static readonly string OLCCreateField = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCCreateField(); public static readonly string OLCTransactions = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCTransactions(); public static readonly string OLCDeleteFeature = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCDeleteFeature(); public static readonly string OLCFastSetNextByIndex = ogrPINVOKE.get_OLCFastSetNextByIndex(); public static readonly string ODsCCreateLayer = ogrPINVOKE.get_ODsCCreateLayer(); public static readonly string ODsCDeleteLayer = ogrPINVOKE.get_ODsCDeleteLayer(); public static readonly string ODrCCreateDataSource = ogrPINVOKE.get_ODrCCreateDataSource(); public static readonly string ODrCDeleteDataSource = ogrPINVOKE.get_ODrCDeleteDataSource(); }