CSW - OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web)

(GDAL/OGR >= 2.0)

This driver can connect to a OGC CSW service. It supports CSW 2.0.2 protocol. GDAL/OGR must be built with Curl support in order to the CSW driver to be compiled. And the GML driver should be set-up for read support (thus requiring GDAL/OGR to be built with Xerces or Expat support).

It retrieves records with Dublin Core metadata.

Dataset name syntax

The minimal syntax to open a CSW datasource is : CSW: and the URL open option, or CSW:http://path/to/CSW/endpoint

The following open options are available:


The driver will forward any spatial filter set with SetSpatialFilter() to the server. It also makes its best effort to do the same for attribute filters set with SetAttributeFilter() when possible (turning OGR SQL language into OGC filter description).

The anytext field can be queried to do a search in any text field. Note that we always return it as null content however in OGR side, to avoid duplicating information.


Some servers do not respect EPSG axis order, in particular latitude, longitude order for WGS 84 geodetic coordinates, so it might be needed to specify the GML_INVERT_AXIS_ORDER_IF_LAT_LONG=NO configuration option in those cases.


  • Listing all the records of a CSW server:
    ogrinfo -ro -al -noextent CSW:http://catalog.data.gov/csw

  • Listing all the records of a CSW server with spatial and an attribute filter on a give field:
    ogrinfo -ro -al -noextent CSW:http://catalog.data.gov/csw -spat 2 49 2 49 -where "subject LIKE '%mineralogy%'"

  • Listing all the records of a CSW server that matches a text on any text field:
    ogrinfo -ro -al -q CSW:http://catalog.data.gov/csw -spat 2 49 2 49 -where "anytext LIKE '%France%'"

  • Listing all the records of a CSW server as ISO 19115/19119:
    ogrinfo -ro -al -q CSW:http://catalog.data.gov/csw -oo OUTPUT_SCHEMA=gmd

    See Also