
(GDAL/OGR >= 1.8.0)

The GPSBabel driver for now that relies on the GPSBabel utility to access various GPS file formats.

The GPSBabel executable must be accessible through the PATH.

Read support

The driver needs the GPX driver to be fully configured with read support (through Expat library) to be able to parse the output of GPSBabel, as GPX is used as the intermediate pivot format.

The returned layers can be waypoints, routes, route_points, tracks, track_points depending on the input data.

The syntax to specify an input datasource is : GPSBabel:gpsbabel_file_format[,gpsbabel_format_option]*:[features=[waypoints,][tracks,][routes]:]filename where :

Alternatively, for a few selected GPSBabel formats, just specifying the filename might be sufficient. The list includes for now :

The USE_TEMPFILE=YES configuration option can be used to create an on-disk temporary GPX file instead of a in-memory one, when reading big amount of data.

Write support

The driver relies on the GPX driver to create an intermediate file that will be finally translated by GPSBabel to the desired GPSBabel format. (The GPX driver does not need to be configured for read support for GPSBabel write support.).

The support geometries, options and other creation issues are the ones of the GPX driver. Please refer to its documentation for more details.

The syntax to specify an output datasource is : GPSBabel:gpsbabel_file_format[,gpsbabel_format_option]*:filename where :

Alternatively, you can just pass a filename as output datasource name and specify the dataset creation option GPSBABEL_DRIVER=gpsbabel_file_format[,gpsbabel_format_option]*

The USE_TEMPFILE=YES configuration option can be used to create an on-disk temporary GPX file instead of a in-memory one, when writing big amount of data.


  • Reading the waypoints from a Garmin USB receiver :
    ogrinfo -ro -al GPSBabel:garmin:usb:
  • Converting a shapefile to Magellan Mapsend format :
    ogr2ogr -f GPSBabel GPSBabel:mapsend:out.mapsend in.shp

    See Also