RasterLite2 - Rasters in SQLite DB

Starting with GDAL 2.2, the SQLite driver allows reading and writing SQLite databases containing RasterLite2 coverages.

Those databases can be produced by the utilities of the RasterLite2 distribution, such as rl2tools.
The driver supports reading grayscale, paletted, RGB, multispectral images stored as tiles in the many compressed formats supported by libRasterLite2. The driver also supports reading overviews/pyramids, spatial reference system and spatial extent.

GDAL/OGR must be compiled with sqlite support and against librasterlite2 and libspatialite.

The driver is implemented a unified SQLite / SpatiaLite / RasterLite2 vector and raster capable driver./p>

Opening syntax

A RasterLite2 filename can be specified as the connection string. If the file contains a single RasterLite2 coverage, this one will be exposed as the GDAL dataset. If the file contains multiple coverages, each one will be exposed as a subdataset with the syntax RASTERLITE2:filename:coverage_name. See the basic concepts of RasterLite2.

If a coverage is made of several sections, they will be listed as subdatasets of the coverage dataset, so as to be accessed individually. By default, they will be exposed as a unified dataset. The syntax of section-based dataset is RASTERLITE2:filename:coverage_name:section_id:section_name.


The driver supports creating new databases from scratch, adding new coverages to an existing database and adding sections to an existing coverage.

Creation options


See Also: