addXY($x,$y); } $shape->add($line); # This adds the line with all the coordinates from the CGI #$shape->setBounds(); # This initalizes the shape. # Buffer as desired. if(isset($buffer)) { $shape = $shape->buffer($buffer); # Mapscript using GEOS to bufffer the shape if(!isset($shape)) { # Check to make sure the function returned a valid shape, if not, error. appError("Buffering Failed. Buffer size: $buffer. Verify mapscript was linked with GEOS and that the buffer is a positive-real number."); } } # Create a new Coordinate string based on any potential buffering. # This is needed because after the object has been buffered it will have a new coordinate string. # This information is passed back to the GeoMOOSE client so that it can set the "mapshape" parameter # which displays the layer highlighting. $coordString = ''; for($line = 0; $line < $shape->{numlines}; $line++) { $lineObj = $shape->line($line); for($point = 0; $point < $lineObj->{numpoints}; $point++) { $pointObj = $lineObj->point($point); $coordString = $coordString.$pointObj->{x}.' '.$pointObj->{y}.' '; } } # Write out a shapefile $shapefile = ms_newShapefileObj($TEMP_DIRECTORY.'/'.$id, $shapeFileType); if(!isset($shapefile)) { appError("Cannot Open Shapefile! ".$TEMP_DIRECTORY."/".$id.".shp\n"); } $shapefile->addShape($shape); # Store some useful information in a Shapefile #$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:XBase:$TEMP_DIRECTORY"); #$dbh->do("create table $id (title char(64), id char(64),area float, perimeter float)"); #$dbh->do("insert into $id values ('$title', '$id', $area, $perimeter)"); $dbFields = array( array("title", "C", 64), array("id", "C", 64), array("area", "N", 64, 3), array("perimeter", "N", 64, 3), array("class", "C", 3) ); if(!dbase_create($TEMP_DIRECTORY.'/'.$id.'.dbf', $dbFields)) { appError('Could not create database'); } $dbase = dbase_open($TEMP_DIRECTORY.'/'.$id.'.dbf', 2); if(!$dbase) { appError('Could not open dbase file!'); } dbase_add_record($dbase, array($title, $id, $area, $perimeter)); dbase_close($dbase); # Give the client the ID back so it can reference it later if($output == 'text') { #print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; header('Content-type: text/plain'); print $id; } elseif($output == 'xml') { header('Content-type: text/xml'); print ""; print ""; print ""; print " $DRAWING_MAP"; print " "; print ""; print ""; } ?>