load($template_path.$template); $quality = (float)$_REQUEST['quality']; $preserveScale = $_REQUEST['scale']; # Add some bounds... if($quality <= 0) { $quality = 1; } if($quality > 3) { $quality = 3; } # this should be smarter ... but I'm not dealing with it now... $layerString = str_replace('\"', '"', $_REQUEST['layers']); $layers_json = json_decode($layerString, true); # and do the same thing with the sketches... $sketchesString = str_replace('\"', '"', $_REQUEST['sketches']); $sketches_json = json_decode($sketchesString, true); # and do the same thing with the vector... $vectorString = str_replace('\"', '"', $_REQUEST['vector']); $vector_json = json_decode($vectorString, true); if( $mode == "feature_report") { $mapfile = getMapfile($mapbook, $_REQUEST['src']); $mapObj = ms_newMapObj($CONFIGURATION['root'].$mapfile); $path = explode('/', $_REQUEST['src']); $layer = false; if($path[1] == 'all') { $layer = $mapObj->getLayer(0); # Don't use all... } else { $layer = $mapObj->getLayerByName($path[1]); } # get the query information and set it on the layer $query_info = $template_info->getElementsByTagName('query')->item(0); $qItem = $query_info->getAttribute('item'); $layer->set('filteritem', $qItem); $layer->setFilter(str_replace('%qstring%', $_REQUEST[$qItem], $query_info->getAttribute('string'))); $shape = false; $layer->set('template', 'dummy.html'); $layer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT); $layer->queryByRect($mapObj->extent); $layer->open(); $result = $layer->getResult(0); $shape = $layer->getShape($result); $wkt = $shape->toWkt(); $sketches_json[0]['wkt'] = $wkt; $sketches_json[0]['stroke'] = "yellow"; $sketches_json[0]['opacity'] = ".8"; $extent = array(); $padding_percent = ((float)$shape->bounds->maxx - (float)$shape->bounds->minx) * $padding/100; $extent[0] = (float)$shape->bounds->minx - $padding_percent; $extent[1] = (float)$shape->bounds->miny - $padding_percent; $extent[2] = (float)$shape->bounds->maxx + $padding_percent; $extent[3] = (float)$shape->bounds->maxy + $padding_percent; $layer->close(); } # The image width is effected by the placement on the page and the print quality $mapImageWidth = (float)$CONFIGURATION['html_image_width'] * $quality; $mapImageHeight = (float)$CONFIGURATION['html_image_height'] * $quality; $image_extent = preserveScale($preserveScale, $mapImageWidth, $mapImageHeight, $extent, $quality, $units); #$debug = array('mw' => $mapImageWidth, 'mh' => $mapImageHeight, 'ext' => $image_extent, 'layers' => $layers_json, 'sketches' => $sketches_json); #foreach($debug as $k => $v) { # print $k; # print ':'; # print json_encode($v); # print '
'; #} $printImage = renderImage($mapbook, $layers_json, $mapImageWidth, $mapImageHeight, $image_extent, $sketches_json, $vector_json); imagejpeg($printImage, $tempDir.$uniqueId.'.jpg'); header("Content-type: application/xml"); print ""; print "
"; if($CONFIGURATION['print_image'] == 1) { printf('View Image
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', $uniqueId); } if($CONFIGURATION['print_pdf'] == 1) { # Open the PDF Template $pdf = new FPDI(); # force everything to points. $pdf->k = 1.0; # load the template... $page_info = $template_info->getElementsByTagName('page')->item(0); $templateSize = array(((float)$page_info->getAttribute('w'))*72.0,((float)$page_info->getAttribute('h'))*72.0); $template_file = $template_info->getElementsByTagName('template')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue; $pdf->setSourceFile($template_path.$template_file); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->addPage('P', $templateSize); $tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1, '/MediaBox'); $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx, 0, 0, $templateSize[0], $templateSize[1]); # Set the map location $map_info = $template_info->getElementsByTagName('map')->item(0); $imageW = round(((float)$map_info->getAttribute('w'))*72.0); $imageH = round(((float)$map_info->getAttribute('h'))*72.0); $imageX = round(((float)$map_info->getAttribute('x'))*72.0); $imageY = round(((float)$map_info->getAttribute('y'))*72.0); $pdf_extent = preserveScale($preserveScale, $imageW*$quality, $imageH*$quality, $extent, $quality, $units); imagejpeg(renderImage($mapbook, $layers_json, $imageW*$quality, $imageH*$quality, $pdf_extent, $sketches_json, $vector_json), $tempDir.$uniqueId.'_pdf.jpg'); $pdf->Image($tempDir.$uniqueId.'_pdf.jpg', $imageX, $imageY, $imageW, $imageH); # Render the text fields $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); $texts = $template_info->getElementsByTagName('text'); for($i = 0; $i < $texts->length; $i++) { $text = $texts->item($i); # Set the font size $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', (float)$text->getAttribute('size')); # Process the string if($mode == "feature_report") { $printString = $text->getAttribute('content').' '.$text->getAttribute('src'); foreach($shape->values as $k => $v) { $printString = str_replace('%'.$k.'%', $v, $printString); } } else { $printString = $text->getAttribute('content'); foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { //LK Check for hidden date field, if set to "true", add the date to the map if($k == "date" && $v == "true"){ $v = "Printed " . date("m/d/Y") . " "; } $printString = str_replace('%'.$k.'%', utf8_decode($v), $printString); } } # Put the string on the form $pdf->SetXY(((float)$text->getAttribute('x'))*72.0, ((float)$text->getAttribute('y'))*72.0); $pdf->Cell(0,.25,$printString); } $pdf->Output($tempDir.$uniqueId.'.pdf'); printf('Download PDF
', $uniqueId); } print "]]>
"; exit(0); # Get the extent with the scale preserved function preserveScale($scale_setting, $width, $height, $extent, $dpi_factor, $ground_units) { $dpi = 72.0 * $dpi_factor; $minx = $extent[0]; $miny = $extent[1]; $maxx = $extent[2]; $maxy = $extent[3]; # Step Uno: Calculate the scales, choose the "densist" $scale = ($maxx - $minx) / $width; $scaleY = ($maxy - $miny) / $height; if($scaleY < $scale) { $scale = $scaleY; } # Step Zwei: Recalculate the extent $centerX = ($maxx + $minx) / 2.0; $centerY = ($maxy + $miny) / 2.0; $inches_per_unit = 39.3701; #meters if($ground_units == 'ft') { $inches_per_unit = 12.0; } if(isset($scale_setting) and $scale_setting != 'map') { $normScale = floatval($scale_setting); if($normScale > 1.0) { $normScale = 1.0 / floatval($scale_setting); } $scale = 1.0 / ($normScale * $inches_per_unit * $dpi); $scale = $scale * (72.6/72.0); # magic number? } $scale = $scale * .5; $minx = $centerX - $scale * $width; $maxx = $centerX + $scale * $width; $miny = $centerY - $scale * $height; $maxy = $centerY + $scale * $height; return array($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy); } ?>