getElementsByTagName('map-source'); $layersToIdentify = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $msXML->length; $i++) { $node = $msXML->item($i); $file = $node->getElementsByTagName('file'); $layers = $node->getElementsByTagName('layer'); $msType = strtolower($node->getAttribute('type')); $queryable = false; if($node->hasAttribute('queryable')) { $queryable = parseBoolean($node->getAttribute('queryable')); } else { if($msType == 'mapserver') { $queryable = true; } else if($msType == 'wms') { $queryable = false; } } if($queryable) { for($l = 0; $l < $layers->length; $l++) { $layer = $layers->item($l); $path = $node->getAttribute('name').'/'.$layer->getAttribute('name'); $identify = false; foreach($layersList as $ll) { if($path == $ll) { $identify = true; } } if($identify == true) { $nodeName = 'file'; $params = ''; if($msType == 'wms') { $nodeName = 'url'; $paramElms = $node->getElementsByTagName('param'); foreach($paramElms as $p) { $params = $params . '&' . $p->getAttribute('name') . '=' . $p->getAttribute('value'); } } array_push($layersToIdentify, $msType.':'.$layer->getAttribute('name').':'.$node->getElementsByTagName($nodeName)->item(0)->nodeValue.$params); } } } } # Setup the Query Shape $queryShape = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($shape); # Generate the HTML from the Identify Function $substArray = array(); $content = ''; if($queryShape->type == MS_SHAPE_POINT) { $point = $queryShape->line(0)->point(0); $substArray['mapx'] = $point->x; $substArray['mapy'] = $point->y; } # Needed WMS Information $wmsBBOX = ($point->x - 100). ',' . ($point->y - 100) . ',' . ($point->x + 100) . ',' . ($point->y + 100); $wmsHeaderTemplate = implode('', file($CONFIGURATION['wms_header'])); $wmsRecordTemplate = implode('', file($CONFIGURATION['wms_record'])); $wmsFooterTemplate = implode('', file($CONFIGURATION['wms_footer'])); foreach($layersToIdentify as $mf) { $info = explode(':', $mf); if($info[0] == 'mapserver') { $path = $info[2]; if(substr($path,0,1) == '.') { $path = $CONFIGURATION['root'].$path; } $map = ms_newMapObj($path); for($i = 0; $i < $map->numlayers; $i++) { $layer = $map->getLayer($i); if($info[1] == 'all' || $info[1] == $layer->name) { $layer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT); $layer->set('template', $layer->getMetaData('identify_record')); } else { $layer->set('status', MS_OFF); } } if($queryShape->type == MS_SHAPE_POINT) { $point = $queryShape->line(0)->point(0); $map->queryByPoint($point, MS_MULTIPLE, -1); $substArray['mapx'] = $point->x; $substArray['mapy'] = $point->y; } else { $map->queryByShape($queryShape); } $results = $map->processquerytemplate(array(), false); $content = $content . $results; } else if($info[0] == 'wms') { $wmsUrl = $info[2].'&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&WIDTH=100&HEIGHT=100&X=50&Y=50&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&LAYERS='.$info[1].'&QUERY_LAYERS='.$info[1].'&BBOX='.$wmsBBOX.'&SRS='.$projection.'&STYLES=&INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml'; #print ' WMS Link
'; # Resolve the url if relative $firstCh = substr($wmsUrl, 0, 1); if($firstCh == '/') { $wmsUrl = 'http://localhost'.$wmsUrl; } else { # Return an error here once error handling has been created. } # Fetch the GML $curlHandle = curl_init($wmsUrl); curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $gml = curl_exec($curlHandle); curl_close($curlHandle); # Now Parse the GML according to the gml_template $results = ''; $gmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $gmlDoc->loadXML($gml); $gmlLayers = $gmlDoc->documentElement->childNodes; foreach($gmlLayers as $layer) { if($layer->childNodes->length > 0) { foreach($layer->childNodes as $feature) { $splitPos = strpos($feature->tagName, '_feature'); $featureDict = array(); if(!($splitPos === false)) { $featureDict['FEATURE_TITLE'] = substr($feature->tagName, 0, $splitPos-1); $featureLines = array(); $results = $results . processTemplate($wmsHeaderTemplate, $featureDict); foreach($feature->childNodes as $attr) { if(substr($attr->tagName, 0, 3) != 'gml') { $featureDict['NAME'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $attr->tagName); $featureDict['VALUE'] = $attr->firstChild->nodeValue; $results = $results . processTemplate($wmsRecordTemplate, $featureDict); } } $featureDict['NAME'] = ''; $featureDict['VALUE'] = ''; $results = $results . processTemplate($wmsFooterTemplate, $featureDict); } } } } $content = $content . $results; } } $headerArray = file($CONFIGURATION['identify_header']); $footerArray = file($CONFIGURATION['identify_footer']); $contents = implode('', array_merge($headerArray, array($content), $footerArray)); header('Content-type: application/xml'); print ""; print "