MAP #A BUNCH OF JUNK "IN THE MAP FILE"!!!!! NAME 'parcels' SIZE 800 650 STATUS ON EXTENT 427632.500000 4893613.330000 560300.922104 5015936.680000 #Extent: (477595.805945, 4923984.423582) - (497205.409367, 4941970.529883) UNITS METERS INCLUDE "../../" WEB INCLUDE "../../" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE END LEGEND STATUS ON LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT vera_sans SIZE 8 COLOR 0 0 0 END END LAYER NAME parcels DATA './parcels.shp' STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON #MAXSCALE 100000 #MINSCALE 1000 LABELITEM 'PIN' LABELCACHE ON LABELMAXSCALE 20000 CLASSITEM 'PARC_CODE' CLASS EXPRESSION '1' NAME 'Parcels' STYLE SYMBOL 'plainline' SIZE 2 COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 END LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT vera_sans SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS TRUE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254 BUFFER 4 MINFEATURESIZE auto PARTIALS FALSE POSITION cc END END METADATA 'identify_record' 'identify_parcel.html' 'select_record' 'select_parcel.html' 'select_header' 'select_header_parcels.html' 'popups' 'parcels_popup.html' 'itemquery' 'parcels_itemquery.html' # 'itemquery-filteritem' 'OWNER_NAME' 'itemquery-filter' '/.*[qstring].*/i' 'qstring_validation_pattern' '.' # Feature reports are stored in the conf/feature_report directory. 'feature_report' 'parcel.xml' END TOLERANCE 0 END END ## end Map