# application verison VERSION = @VERSION@ # generally the prefix to the directory PREFIX = @prefix@ # output directory for scripts TEMP = @TEMPDIR@ # url path is the root of the installation URLPATH = @URLPATH@ # default projection PROJECTION = @PROJECTION@ # root path to mapfiles MAPFILE_ROOT = @MAPFILE_ROOT@ all: @echo "*****************************************************************" @echo "There is no code to compile for GeoMOOSE, please run 'make install'" @echo "to install geomoose to @prefix@" @echo "*****************************************************************" install: mkdir -p @prefix@/htdocs mkdir -p @prefix@/conf mkdir -p @MAPFILE_ROOT@ cp -r maps/* @MAPFILE_ROOT@ cp -r htdocs/* @prefix@/htdocs cp -r conf/* @prefix@/conf cp geomoose2_httpd.conf @prefix@ @echo "To finish installation you much include @prefix@/geomoose2_httpd.conf in your Apache configuration" MS4W_APP_DIR = ms4w_pkg_build/ms4w/apps/geomoose2 ms4w-prep: mkdir -p ms4w_pkg_build cp -r ms4w ms4w_pkg_build cp -r maps $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp -r htdocs $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp -r conf $(MS4W_APP_DIR) # include some more of the info in the ms4w package cp README.txt $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp LICENSE $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp -r art $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp -r sphinx-docs $(MS4W_APP_DIR) cp -r tools $(MS4W_APP_DIR) rm -rf `find ./ms4w_pkg_build -name .svn` ms4w-webmerc-prep: ms4w-prep grep -v "webmerc-lib" $(MS4W_APP_DIR)/htdocs/geomoose.html > $(MS4W_APP_DIR)/htdocs/geomoose_webmerc.html mv $(MS4W_APP_DIR)/htdocs/geomoose_webmerc.html $(MS4W_APP_DIR)/htdocs/geomoose.html ms4w-package: find ./ms4w_pkg_build -name "*.in" -exec rm {} \; cd ms4w_pkg_build ; zip GeoMOOSE-$(VERSION)-MS4W.zip -r ms4w ; mv GeoMOOSE-$(VERSION)-MS4W.zip .. rm -rf ms4w_pkg_build ms4w-dist: ms4w-prep ms4w-package ms4w-webmerc-dist: ms4w-webmerc-prep ms4w-package