p['ms'] = $msFormat; $this->p['sql'] = $sqlFormat; } public function toMapServer($field_name, $value) { return sprintf($this->p['ms'], strtoupper($field_name), $value); } public function toSQL($field_name, $value) { return sprintf($this->p['sql'], $field_name, $value); } } class Operator { protected $ms_format = ""; protected $sql_format = ""; public function __construct($msFormat, $sqlFormat) { $this->ms_format = $msFormat; $this->sql_format = $sqlFormat; } public function toMapServer($v) { return sprintf($this->ms_format, $v); } public function toSQL($v) { return sprintf($this->sql_format, $v); } } $comparitors = array(); # string specific operations # mapserver doesn't quite honor this the way I'd like it to but at the very least, # the SQL databases will support it. $comparitors['eq-str'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" == "%s"', "%s = '%s'"); $comparitors['like'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" =~ /.*%s.*/', "%s like '%%%s%%'"); $comparitors['left-like'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" =~ /.*%s/', "%s like '%%%s'"); $comparitors['right-like'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" =~ /%s.*/', "%s like '%s%%'"); $comparitors['like-icase'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" ~* "%s"', "upper(%s) like '%%'||upper('%s')||'%%'"); $comparitors['left-like-icase'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" ~* "%s$"', "%s like '%%'||upper('%s')"); $comparitors['right-like-icase'] = new Comparitor('"[%s]" ~* "^%s"', "%s like upper('%s')||'%%'"); # all other types $comparitors['eq'] = new Comparitor('[%s] == %s', "%s = %s"); $comparitors['ge'] = new Comparitor('[%s] >= %s', '%s >= %s'); $comparitors['gt'] = new Comparitor('[%s] > %s', '%s > %s'); $comparitors['le'] = new Comparitor('[%s] <= %s', '%s <= %s'); $comparitors['lt'] = new Comparitor('[%s] < %s', '%s < %s'); $operators = array(); # MS, SQL formats # this is probably a little redundant but C'est la Vie. $operators['init'] = new Operator('(%s)', '%s'); $operators['and'] = new Operator('AND (%s)', 'and %s'); $operators['or'] = new Operator('OR (%s)', 'or %s'); $operators['nand'] = new Operator('AND (NOT (%s))', 'and not (%s)'); $operators['nor'] = new Operator('OR (NOT (%s))', 'or not (%s)'); class Predicate { protected $self = array(); /* * field_name = Field Name to search * value = value to test against * operator = operator class * comparitor = comparitor class * blank_okay (boolean) = set whether or not a blank value should be evaluated */ public function __construct($layer, $field_name, $value, $operator, $comparitor, $blank_okay = true) { $this->self['layer'] = $layer; $this->self['fname'] = $field_name; $this->self['val'] = $value; $this->self['op'] = $operator; $this->self['comp'] = $comparitor; $this->self['blank'] = $blank_okay; } public function getLayer() { return $this->self['layer']; } public function toMapServer() { if(((string)$this->self['val'] == '') and $this->self['blank']) { return ''; } return $this->self['op']->toMapServer($this->self['comp']->toMapServer($this->self['fname'], $this->self['val'])); } public function toSQL() { return $this->self['op']->toSQL($this->self['comp']->toSQL($this->self['fname'], $this->self['val'])); } } $predicates = array(); # the mode! $mode = get_request_icase('mode'); if(!isset($mode)) { if(get_request_icase('service') == 'WMS') { $mode = 'map'; } } $highlightResults = parseBoolean(get_request_icase('highlight')); $zoomToFirst = parseBoolean(get_request_icase('zoom_to_first')); # layers to search $query_layers = array(); $query_layers[0] = get_request_icase('layer0'); # this will check to see which template format should be used # query/itemquery/select/popup/etc. $query_templates = array(); $query_templates[0] = get_request_icase('template0'); if($DEBUG) { error_log("Got parameters.
"); } # get set of predicates # I've only allowed for 255 right now... people will have to deal with this for($i = 0; $i < 255; $i++) { # if(array_key_exists('operator'.$i, $_REQUEST) and $_REQUEST['operator'.$i] != NULL or $i == 0) { if(isset_icase('operator'.$i) or get_request_icase('operator'.$i) != NULL or $i == 0) { # see if the layer is different $layer = $query_layers[0]; if(isset_icase('layer'.$i)) { $layer = get_request_icase('layer'.$i); } $template = $query_templates[0]; if(isset_icase('template'.$i)) { $template = get_request_icase('template'.$i); } if(!in_array($layer, $query_layers) and $i > 0) { $query_layers[] = $layer; $query_templates[] = $template; } # check the opeartor $operator = false; $comparitor = false; if($i == 0) { $operator = $operators['init']; } else if(isset_icase('operator'.$i) and $operators[get_request_icase('operator'.$i)]) { $operator = $operators[get_request_icase('operator'.$i)]; } else { # return error saying no valid operator found } if(isset_icase('comparitor'.$i) and $comparitors[get_request_icase('comparitor'.$i)]) { $comparitor = $comparitors[get_request_icase('comparitor'.$i)]; } else { # return error saying there is no valid comparitor } $blank_okay = true; if(isset_icase('blanks'.$i) and strtolower(get_request_icase('blanks'.$i)) == 'false') { $blank_okay = false; } # if a value is not set for subsequent inputs, use the first input # this allows queries to permeate across multiple layers if(isset_icase('value'.$i)) { $value = get_request_icase('value'.$i); $p = new Predicate($layer, get_request_icase('fieldname'.$i), $value, $operator, $comparitor, $blank_okay); $predicates[] = $p; } } } if($DEBUG) { error_log("Parsed.
"); } # # Iterate through the layers and build the results set. # # Load the mapbook $mapbook = getMapbook(); $msXML = $mapbook->getElementsByTagName('map-source'); # content stores the HTML results $content = ''; $totalResults = 0; $firstResult = false; # store the features so we can render a map later $resultFeatures = array(); # These are all the connection types, we ID the ones to be used as SQL versus MS regular expressions # MS_INLINE, MS_SHAPEFILE, MS_TILED_SHAPEFILE, MS_SDE, MS_OGR, MS_TILED_OGR, MS_POSTGIS, MS_WMS, MS_ORACLESPATIAL, MS_WFS, MS_GRATICULE, MS_MYGIS, MS_RASTER, MS_PLUGIN $SQL_LAYER_TYPES = array(MS_POSTGIS, MS_ORACLESPATIAL, MS_OGR); $NOT_SUPPORTED = array(MS_INLINE, MS_SDE, MS_WMS, MS_WFS, MS_GRATICULE, MS_RASTER, MS_PLUGIN); for($la = 0; $la < sizeof($query_layers); $la++) { # get the layer. for($map_source_i = 0; $map_source_i < $msXML->length; $map_source_i++) { $node = $msXML->item($map_source_i); $layers = $node->getElementsByTagName('layer'); for($l = 0; $l < $layers->length; $l++) { $layer = $layers->item($l); $layerName = $layer->getAttribute('name'); $path = $node->getAttribute('name').'/'.$layerName; if($path == $query_layers[$la]) { $file = $node->getElementsByTagName('file')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue; # Okay, now it's time to cook if(substr($file,0,1) == '.') { $file = $CONFIGURATION['root'].$file; } $map = ms_newMapObj($file); # Create an array of query layers $queryLayers = array(); if($layerName == 'all') { for($ml = 0; $ml < $map->numlayers; $ml++) { array_push($queryLayers, $map->getLayer($ml)); } } else { # Turn on the specific layer array_push($queryLayers, $map->getLayerByName($layerName)); } # Iterate through the queryLayers... foreach($queryLayers as $queryLayer) { $predicate_strings = array(); $is_sql = in_array($queryLayer->connectiontype, $SQL_LAYER_TYPES); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($predicates); $i++) { if($predicates[$i]->getLayer() == $query_layers[$la]) { if($is_sql) { $predicate_strings[] = $predicates[$i]->toSQL(); } else { $predicate_strings[] = $predicates[$i]->toMapServer(); } } } # the filter string. $filter_string = implode(' ', $predicate_strings); # diag message if($DEBUG) { error_log( 'Search Layer: '.$query_layers[$la].' Template: '.$query_templates[$la].' FILTER: '.$filter_string); error_log( $is_sql); error_log( $queryLayer->getMetaData($query_templates[$la])); } $queryLayer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT); # we no long need to delineate between handling of SQL and Shapefile type layers. if($filter_string) { # WARNING! This will clobber existing filters on a layer. $queryLayer->setFilter($filter_string); } $queryLayer->set('template', $queryLayer->getMetaData($query_templates[$la])); $ext = $queryLayer->getExtent(); if($DEBUG) { error_log(implode(',', array($ext->minx,$ext->miny,$ext->maxx,$ext->maxy))); error_log("
"); } #$queryLayer->setFilter($filter_string); #$queryLayer->set('filteritem', 'PARC_CODE'); #$queryLayer->setFilter('1'); #$queryLayer->setFilter('[PARC_CODE] == 1'); #$queryLayer->queryByRect($queryLayer->getExtent()); #$queryLayer->whichShapes($queryLayer->getExtent()); #$queryLayer->whichShapes($ext); $queryLayer->open(); if($DEBUG) { error_log('queryLayer opened'); } $queryLayer->queryByRect($ext); if($DEBUG) { error_log('queryLayer queried'); } $numResults = 0; $projection = $map->getProjection(); if($queryLayer->getProjection() != NULL) { $projection = $queryLayer->getProjection(); } if($projection != NULL) { # reproject the query shape as available. $projection = ms_newProjectionObj($projection); } while($shape = $queryLayer->nextShape()) { #$q_shape->project($LATLONG_PROJ, $projection); if($projection) { $shape->project($projection, $LATLONG_PROJ); } $resultFeatures[] = $shape; $numResults += 1; } if($DEBUG) { error_log('queryLayer iterated through.'); } $totalResults += $numResults; if($DEBUG) { error_log('Total Results: '.$numResults); } if($DEBUG) { error_log('qLayer finished'); } $map->queryByRect($ext); $results = $map->processquerytemplate(array(), MS_FALSE); if($DEBUG) { error_log('Results from MS: '.$results); } $content = $content . $results; } } } } } # # Didn't find any results # so we're going to just say, "I found nothing" to the user and quit. # if($totalResults == 0) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); print ''; exit(0); } if($mode == 'search') { header('Content-type: text/xml'); print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; } elseif($mode == 'map') { $path = ''; $dict = array(); $mapfile = implode('', file($path.'itemquery/highlight.map')); $mapfile = processTemplate($mapfile, $dict); $highlight_map = ms_newMapObjFromString($mapfile); $polygonsLayer = $highlight_map->getLayerByName('polygons'); $pointsLayer = $highlight_map->getLayerByName('points'); $linesLayer = $highlight_map->getLayerByName('lines'); $poly_features = ''; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($resultFeatures); $i++) { if($resultFeatures[$i]->type == MS_SHAPE_POINT) { $pointsLayer->addFeature($resultFeatures[$i]); } elseif($resultFeatures[$i]->type == MS_SHAPE_POLYGON) { $polygonsLayer->addFeature($resultFeatures[$i]); } elseif($resultFeatures[$i]->type == MS_SHAPE_LINE) { $linesLayer->addFeature($resultFeatures[$i]); } } # get the WMS parameters. $request = ms_newowsrequestobj(); $request->loadparams(); # handle the wms request ms_ioinstallstdouttobuffer(); $highlight_map->owsdispatch($request); $contenttype = ms_iostripstdoutbuffercontenttype(); # put the image out to the stdout with the content-type attached header('Content-type: '.$contenttype); ms_iogetStdoutBufferBytes(); ms_ioresethandlers(); } else if($mode == 'results') { header("Content-type: text/plain"); print $content; } else { header('Content-type: text/html'); print 'Error! Unknown mode!'; } ?>