GeoTIFF Module ============== Module Maintainer: Bryce IP Review Jody Garnett, July 10th, 2006 org.geotools.gce.geotiff ------------------------ GeoTiff reading code dates back to GeoTools 2.0, current Grid Coverage Exchange interfaces dates to GeoTools 2.1. BRYCE - Yup. I wrote this as the new (19111) CRS stuff was being written. It worked for that brief period of time before new CRS was rolled in. Then, all of GCE was broken for a time. When GCE was completely ported over to new CRS, I updated GeoTIFF. For a long time, there was no self consistent release against which to code. IP: - non LGPL Public Domain License (OSGEO OK with this) - non LGPL custom license (completely permissive) - where possible headers updated to (C) 2003-2006, GeoTools Project Managment Committee (PMC) org.geotools.gce.geotiff (test) ------------------------ IP: - non LGPL Public Domain License (OSGEO OK with this) - where possible headers updated to (C) 2003-2006, GeoTools Project Managment Committee (PMC) - unsure of test data's origion [BRYCE- The reasonably-sized (<5Mb) test data came from my lab and is PD. The deleted data, I think, came from Simone, but isn't included anymore.] [BRYCE - I'm unsure if the current situation is inadequate, and if so, the manner in which it is inadequate. If action needs to be taken, please contact me via email:]