<%@ jet package="org.geotools.maven.xmlcodegen.templates" imports="java.util.* java.io.* org.eclipse.xsd.* org.geotools.xml.*" class="ConfigurationTemplate" %> <% XSDSchema schema = (XSDSchema)argument; String namespace = schema.getTargetNamespace(); String prefix = Schemas.getTargetPrefix( schema ).toUpperCase(); String file = new File( schema.eResource().getURI().toFileString() ).getName(); %> import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDSchemaLocationResolver; import org.geotools.xml.BindingConfiguration; import org.geotools.xml.Configuration; /** * Parser configuration for the <%=namespace%> schema. * * @generated */ public class <%=prefix%>Configuration extends Configuration { /** * Creates a new configuration. * * @generated */ public <%=prefix%>Configuration() { super(); //TODO: add dependencies here } /** * @return the schema namespace uri: <%=namespace%>. * @generated */ public String getNamespaceURI() { return <%=prefix%>.NAMESPACE; } /** * @return the uri to the the <%=file%> . * @generated */ public String getSchemaFileURL() { return getSchemaLocationResolver().resolveSchemaLocation( null, getNamespaceURI(), "<%=file%>" ); } /** * @return new instanceof {@link <%=prefix%>BindingConfiguration%>}. */ public BindingConfiguration getBindingConfiguration() { return new <%=prefix%>BindingConfiguration(); } /** * @return A new instance of {@link <%=prefix%>SchemaLocationResolver%>}. */ public XSDSchemaLocationResolver getSchemaLocationResolver() { return new <%=prefix%>SchemaLocationResolver(); } }