!erase roadsexp* !erase roadsimp* connect to geotools Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/NT 8.2.2 SQL authorization ID = DAVEA4 Local database alias = GEOTOOLS drop table "Test"."Roads" DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. !db2se create_srs geotools -srsName NY3101 -srsId 3101 -xOffset 0 -yOffset 0 -xScale 100 -coordsysName NAD_1983_STATEPLANE_NEW_YORK_EAST_FIPS_3101_FEET GSE1040N A spatial reference system with the numeric identifier "3101" already exists. !db2se import_shape geotools -fileName data\roads.shp -srsName NY3101 -tableSchema \"Test\" -tableName \"Roads\" -spatialColumn \"Geom\" -client 1 -messagesFile roadsimp.msg -exceptionFile roadsimperr -commitScope 100 GSE0000I The operation was completed successfully. !db2se register_spatial_column geotools -srsName NY3101 -tableSchema \"Test\" -tableName \"Roads\" -columnName \"Geom\" GSE0000I The operation was completed successfully. select count(*) from "Test"."Roads" 1 ----------- 87 1 record(s) selected. describe table "Test"."Roads" Column Type Type name schema name Length Scale Nulls ------------------------------ --------- ------------------ -------- ----- ------ ID SYSIBM BIGINT 8 0 Yes Name SYSIBM VARCHAR 30 0 Yes Length SYSIBM DOUBLE 8 0 Yes Geom DB2GSE ST_MULTILINESTRI 0 0 Yes 4 record(s) selected.