feature.xsd A few variations on the basic feature and feature collection types for XMML Copyright (c) 2005 CSIRO - see https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Xmml/LegalNotices#Software_Notice General link to another feature. Use xlink:role to indicate the nature of the related feature, and xlink:arcrole to indicate the nature of the relationship A generic feature for XMML. Suppress gml:location Extend with place - location given as keyword or string, e.g. mapsheet name/code support - definitions, geometries, etc that may be used in the document comment - additional comments that are not strictly part of the feature description relatedFeature - assert a relationship with another feature. Note, however, that features derived from this base may have additional more specific geometry properties, which may be more suitable for specific operations. A generic concrete bag of features for XMML. Extend with collection composition properties property used to record location as a point within a geographic coordinate reference system property used to record location as a point within a projected coordinate reference system