/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.gui.swing.contexttree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.geotools.gui.swing.contexttree.column.TreeTableColumn; import org.geotools.gui.swing.contexttree.node.SubNodeGroup; import org.geotools.gui.swing.icon.IconBundle; import org.geotools.map.MapContext; import org.geotools.map.MapLayer; import org.geotools.map.event.MapLayerListEvent; import org.geotools.map.event.MapLayerListListener; import org.jdesktop.swingx.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.treetable.MutableTreeTableNode; import org.jdesktop.swingx.treetable.TreeTableModel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.treetable.TreeTableNode; /** * ContextTreeModel for JContextTree * * @author Johann Sorel */ public final class ContextTreeModel extends DefaultTreeTableModel implements MapLayerListListener { private static ResourceBundle BUNDLE = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org/geotools/gui/swing/contexttree/Bundle"); /** * number of the tree column */ public static final int TREE = 0; private static final SubNodeGroup[] EMPTY_SUBNODEGROUP_ARRAY = new SubNodeGroup[] {}; private final EventListenerList listeners = new EventListenerList(); private final JContextTree frame; private final ArrayList columns = new ArrayList(); private final ArrayList subgroups = new ArrayList(); private final Vector columnNames = new Vector(); private final LightContextTreeModel lightModel; private MapContext activeContext; private boolean treeedit = true; /** * Creates a new instance of ContextTreeModel * prevent build model by other use * */ ContextTreeModel(JContextTree frame) { super(); lightModel = new LightContextTreeModel(this); this.frame = frame; ContextTreeNode node = new ContextTreeNode(lightModel) { @Override public ImageIcon getIcon() { return IconBundle.EMPTY_ICON; } @Override public boolean isEditable() { return false; } @Override public Object getValue() { return "Root"; } @Override public void setValue(Object obj) { } }; setRoot(node); columnNames.add(BUNDLE.getString("col_tree")); setColumnIdentifiers(columnNames); } /** * set if the treecolumn (maplayer and mapcontext titles) can be edited * @param b new value */ void setTreeColumEditable(boolean b) { treeedit = b; } /** * move a node * @param newChild the moving node * @param father his new parent node * @param index position in the father node */ void moveNode(MutableTreeTableNode newChild, MutableTreeTableNode father, int index) { super.removeNodeFromParent(newChild); super.insertNodeInto(newChild, father, index); } /** * get the class of a specific column * @param column column number * @return Class of the column */ @Override public Class getColumnClass(int column) { Class c ; if (column == TREE) { c = TreeTableModel.class; } else { if (column <= columns.size()) { c = columns.get(column - 1).getColumnClass(); }else{ c = Object.class; } } return c; } /** * get number of column * @return int */ @Override public int getColumnCount() { return 1 + columns.size(); } /** * know is the cell is editable * @param node specific node * @param column column number * @return editable state */ @Override public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int column) { if (column == TREE) { ContextTreeNode n = (ContextTreeNode) node; return (treeedit && n.isEditable(column)); } else { if (column <= columns.size()) { return columns.get(column - 1).isCellEditable(((ContextTreeNode) node).getUserObject()); } else { return false; } } } /** * insert a node at a specific node * @param newChild the new node * @param father the node who will contain the new node * @param index position of the new node */ @Override public void insertNodeInto(MutableTreeTableNode newChild, MutableTreeTableNode father, int index) { super.insertNodeInto(newChild, father, index); } /** * remove a node from his parent * @param node the node to remove */ @Override public void removeNodeFromParent(MutableTreeTableNode node) { super.removeNodeFromParent(node); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COLUMNS MANAGEMENT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * add a new column in the model * @param model the new column model */ void addColumnModel(TreeTableColumn model) { columns.add(model); columnNames.add(model.getTitle()); setColumnIdentifiers(columnNames); model.setModelIndex(columns.indexOf(model) + 1); } void removeColumnModel(TreeTableColumn model) { int index = columns.indexOf(model); this.removeColumnModel(index); } void removeColumnModel(int index){ columns.remove(index); columnNames.remove(index+1); setColumnIdentifiers(columnNames); for(TreeTableColumn col : columns){ col.setModelIndex(columns.indexOf(col) + 1); } } public int getColumnModelCount() { return columns.size(); } public TreeTableColumn getColumnModel(int index){ return columns.get(index); } public int getColumnModelIndex(TreeTableColumn model) { return columns.indexOf(model); } /** * get the list of column * @return list of column models */ ArrayList getColumnModels() { return columns; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SUBNODES MANAGEMENT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void addSubNodeGroup(SubNodeGroup group) { if(group!=null && !subgroups.contains(group)){ subgroups.add(group); visitNode(getRoot(),group); } } void removeSubNodeGroup(SubNodeGroup group) { if(group!=null && subgroups.contains(group)){ subgroups.remove(group); cleanNode(getRoot(), group); } } void removeSubNodeGroup(int index){ SubNodeGroup grp = subgroups.get(index); removeSubNodeGroup(grp); } int getSubNodeGroupCount(){ return subgroups.size(); } int getSubNodeGroupIndex(SubNodeGroup group){ return subgroups.indexOf(group); } SubNodeGroup[] getSubNodeGroups() { return subgroups.toArray(EMPTY_SUBNODEGROUP_ARRAY); } private void visitNode(TreeTableNode node, SubNodeGroup group){ for(int i=0, max=node.getChildCount(); i=0;i--){ cleanNode(node.getChildAt(i),group); } if(node instanceof ContextTreeNode ){ ContextTreeNode tn = (ContextTreeNode) node; Object obj = tn.getUserObject(); if(group.isValid(obj)){ group.removeForNode(lightModel,tn); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAPCONTEXT MANAGEMENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * get the active context * @return return the active MapContext, if none return null */ public MapContext getActiveContext() { return activeContext; } /** * active the context if in the tree * @param context the mapcontext to active */ void setActiveContext(MapContext context) { if (getMapContextIndex(context) >= 0) { ContextTreeNode node; if (activeContext != null) { node = (ContextTreeNode) getMapContextNode(activeContext); modelSupport.fireChildChanged(new TreePath(getRoot()), getMapContextIndex(activeContext), node); } activeContext = context; node = (ContextTreeNode) getMapContextNode(activeContext); modelSupport.fireChildChanged(new TreePath(getRoot()), getMapContextIndex(activeContext), node); } else if (activeContext != null) { ContextTreeNode node = (ContextTreeNode) getMapContextNode(activeContext); modelSupport.fireChildChanged(new TreePath(getRoot()), getMapContextIndex(activeContext), node); activeContext = null; } fireContextActivated(context, getMapContextIndex(context)); } /** * add context to the Tree if not allready in it * @param context the context to add */ void addMapContext(MapContext context) { if (getMapContextIndex(context) < 0) { context.addMapLayerListListener(this); ContextTreeNode node = new MapContextTreeNode(lightModel,context); insertNodeInto(node, (ContextTreeNode) getRoot(), getRoot().getChildCount()); for (int i = context.getLayerCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ContextTreeNode layer = new LayerContextTreeNode(lightModel,context.getLayer(i)); insertNodeInto(layer, node, node.getChildCount()); } fireContextAdded(context, getMapContextIndex(context)); setActiveContext(context); //subnodes for(SubNodeGroup grp : subgroups){ visitNode(node, grp); } } } /** * remove context from the tree * @param context target mapcontext to remove */ void removeMapContext(MapContext context) { for (int i = 0; i < getRoot().getChildCount(); i++) { ContextTreeNode jm = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); if (jm.getUserObject().equals(context)) { cleanNode(jm); removeNodeFromParent(jm); if (jm.getUserObject().equals(activeContext)) { activeContext = null; fireContextActivated(null, -1); } fireContextRemoved(context, i); } } } /** * count MapContext in the tree * @return number of mapcontext in the tree */ int getMapContextCount() { return getRoot().getChildCount(); } /** * return context at index i * @param i position of the mapcontext * @return the mapcontext a position i */ MapContext getMapContext(int i) { return (MapContext) ((ContextTreeNode)getRoot().getChildAt(i)).getUserObject(); } /** * get the index of a mapcontext in the tree * @param context the mapcontext to find * @return index of context, -1 if context isn't in the tree */ int getMapContextIndex(MapContext context) { int ret = -1; if (context != null) { for (int i = 0; i < getRoot().getChildCount(); i++) { ContextTreeNode jm = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); if (jm.getUserObject().equals(context)) { ret = i; } } } return ret; } /** * return the node of context * use with care! * @param context the context to find * @return the node contining the mapcontext */ TreeNode getMapContextNode(MapContext context) { TreeNode node = null; if (context != null) { for (int i = 0; i < getRoot().getChildCount(); i++) { ContextTreeNode jm = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); if (jm.getUserObject().equals(context)) { node = jm; } } } return node; } /** * moveContext depending on nodes * use with care! * @param moveNode the node to move * @param father the new parent node * @param place new position of the child node */ void moveMapContext(ContextTreeNode moveNode, ContextTreeNode father, int place) { int depart = ((ContextTreeNode) getRoot()).getIndex(moveNode); removeNodeFromParent(moveNode); insertNodeInto(moveNode, father, place); fireContextMoved((MapContext) moveNode.getUserObject(), depart, place); } MapContext[] getMapContexts(){ ContextTreeNode rootnode = ((ContextTreeNode)root); int childs = rootnode.getChildCount(); MapContext[] contexts = new MapContext[childs]; for(int i=0;i context.getLayerCount()) { index = context.getLayerCount(); } if (index > parent.getChildCount()) { index = 0; } context.addLayer(index, layer); } } /** * remove a node maplayer from it's parent * @param node the node to remove */ void removeLayerFromParent(ContextTreeNode node) { if (node.getUserObject() instanceof MapLayer && ((ContextTreeNode) node.getParent()).getUserObject() instanceof MapContext) { MapContext context = (MapContext) ((ContextTreeNode)node.getParent()).getUserObject(); MapLayer layer = (MapLayer) node.getUserObject(); context.removeLayer(layer); } } /** * mode a specific node * @param Child the node to move * @param parent the new father node * @param index the position of the child node */ void moveLayer(ContextTreeNode Child, ContextTreeNode parent, int index) { if (Child.getUserObject() instanceof MapLayer && parent.getUserObject() instanceof MapContext) { MapContext context = (MapContext) parent.getUserObject(); MapLayer layer = (MapLayer) Child.getUserObject(); index = context.getLayerCount() - 1 - index; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } if (index > context.getLayerCount()) { index = context.getLayerCount(); } if (index > parent.getChildCount()) { index = 0; } int begin = context.indexOf(layer); context.moveLayer(begin, index); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIREEVENT AND LISTENERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * generate a treeevent for an added node * @param mapcontext the added mapcontext * @param position the position of the mapcontext in the tree */ private void fireContextAdded(MapContext mapcontext, int position) { TreeContextEvent kevent = new TreeContextEvent(frame, mapcontext, position); TreeContextListener[] list = getTreeContextListeners(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].contextAdded(kevent); } } /** * generate a treeevent for a mapcontext removed * @param mapcontext the removed mapcontext * @param position the last position of the mapcontext */ private void fireContextRemoved(MapContext mapcontext, int position) { TreeContextEvent event = new TreeContextEvent(frame, mapcontext, position); TreeContextListener[] list = getTreeContextListeners(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].contextRemoved(event); } } /** * generate a treeevent for an activated mapcontext * @param mapcontext the activated mapcontext (null if none activated) * @param index the position of the activated context */ private void fireContextActivated(MapContext mapcontext, int index) { TreeContextEvent event = new TreeContextEvent(frame, mapcontext, index); TreeContextListener[] list = getTreeContextListeners(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].contextActivated(event); } } /** * generate a treeevent for a moving context * @param mapcontext the moving mapcontext * @param begin the start position of the mapcontext * @param end the end position of the mapcontext */ private void fireContextMoved(MapContext mapcontext, int begin, int end) { TreeContextEvent event = new TreeContextEvent(frame, mapcontext, begin, end); TreeContextListener[] list = getTreeContextListeners(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].contextMoved(event); } } /** * add treeListener to Model * @param ker the new listener */ void addTreeContextListener(TreeContextListener ker) { listeners.add(TreeContextListener.class, ker); } /** * remove treeListener from Model * @param ker the listner to remove */ void removeTreeContextListener(TreeContextListener ker) { listeners.remove(TreeContextListener.class, ker); } /** * get treeListeners list * @return the listener's table */ TreeContextListener[] getTreeContextListeners() { return listeners.getListeners(TreeContextListener.class); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAPCONTEXT LISTENER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * when a layer is added * @param mle the event */ public void layerAdded(MapLayerListEvent mle) { MapContext context = (MapContext) mle.getSource(); int i = 0; boolean find = false; while (i < getRoot().getChildCount() && !find) { if (((ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i)).getUserObject().equals(context)) { ContextTreeNode layer = new LayerContextTreeNode(lightModel,mle.getLayer()); ContextTreeNode father = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); int index = mle.getToIndex(); index = context.getLayerCount() - 1 - mle.getToIndex(); if (index > father.getChildCount()) { index = father.getChildCount(); } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } insertNodeInto(layer, father, index); //subnodes for(SubNodeGroup grp : subgroups){ visitNode(layer, grp); } } i++; } } /** * when a layer is removed * @param mle the event */ public void layerRemoved(MapLayerListEvent mle) { MapContext context = (MapContext) mle.getSource(); int i = 0; boolean find = false; while (i < getRoot().getChildCount() && !find) { if (((ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i)).getUserObject().equals(context)) { ContextTreeNode father = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); for (int t = 0; t < father.getChildCount(); t++) { ContextTreeNode node = (ContextTreeNode) father.getChildAt(t); if (mle.getLayer().equals(node.getUserObject())) { cleanNode(node); removeNodeFromParent(node); } } } i++; } } /** * when a layer changed * @param mle the event */ public void layerChanged(MapLayerListEvent mle) { MapContext context = (MapContext) mle.getSource(); int i = 0; boolean find = false; while (i < getRoot().getChildCount() && !find) { if (((ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i)).getUserObject().equals(context)) { ContextTreeNode father = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); for (int t = 0; t < father.getChildCount(); t++) { ContextTreeNode node = (ContextTreeNode) father.getChildAt(t); if (mle.getLayer().equals(node.getUserObject())) { modelSupport.fireChildChanged(new TreePath(getPathToRoot(father)), father.getIndex(node), node); } } } i++; } } /** * when a layer moved * @param mle the event */ public void layerMoved(MapLayerListEvent mle) { MapContext context = (MapContext) mle.getSource(); int i = 0; boolean find = false; while (i < getRoot().getChildCount() && !find) { if (((ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i)).getUserObject().equals(context)) { ContextTreeNode father = (ContextTreeNode) getRoot().getChildAt(i); MapLayer layerA = mle.getLayer(); ContextTreeNode nodeA = null; int indiceA = 0; for (int t = 0; t < father.getChildCount(); t++) { ContextTreeNode node = (ContextTreeNode) father.getChildAt(t); if (layerA.equals(node.getUserObject())) { nodeA = node; indiceA = t; } } indiceA = context.getLayerCount() - 1 - indiceA; if (indiceA < 0) { indiceA = 0; } if (indiceA > context.getLayerCount()) { indiceA = context.getLayerCount(); } if (indiceA > father.getChildCount()) { indiceA = 0; } int depart = mle.getFromIndex(); int fin = mle.getToIndex(); if (indiceA == fin) { int echange = fin; fin = depart; depart = echange; } removeNodeFromParent(nodeA); int index = fin; index = father.getChildCount() - index; if (index > father.getChildCount()) { index = father.getChildCount(); } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } insertNodeInto(nodeA, father, index); } i++; } } }