/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.styling; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsBetween; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThan; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThan; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; /** * An utility class designed to ease style building by convinience methods. * * @author aaime * @source $URL$ */ public class StyleBuilder { private static final java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.styling"); public static final String LINE_JOIN_MITRE = "mitre"; public static final String LINE_JOIN_ROUND = "round"; public static final String LINE_JOIN_BEVEL = "bevel"; public static final String LINE_CAP_BUTT = "butt"; public static final String LINE_CAP_ROUND = "round"; public static final String LINE_CAP_SQUARE = "square"; public static final String MARK_SQUARE = "square"; public static final String MARK_CIRCLE = "circle"; public static final String MARK_TRIANGLE = "triangle"; public static final String MARK_STAR = "star"; public static final String MARK_CROSS = "cross"; public static final String MARK_ARROW = "arrow"; public static final String MARK_X = "x"; public static final String FONT_STYLE_NORMAL = "normal"; public static final String FONT_STYLE_ITALIC = "italic"; public static final String FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE = "oblique"; public static final String FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL = "normal"; public static final String FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD = "bold"; private StyleFactory sf; private FilterFactory ff; /** * use the default StyleFactory and FilterFactory */ public StyleBuilder() { this( CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory( GeoTools.getDefaultHints() ) ); } /** * Use the supplied StyleFactory when building styles * * @param styleFactory the StyleFactory to use in building Styles */ public StyleBuilder(StyleFactory styleFactory ) { this( styleFactory, CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory( GeoTools.getDefaultHints() ) ); } /** * Use the supplied FilterFactory when building styles * * @param filterFactory Use this FilterFactory to build the style */ public StyleBuilder(FilterFactory filterFactory ) { this( CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory( GeoTools.getDefaultHints() ), filterFactory ); } /** * Use the supplied StyleFactory and FilterFactory when building styles * * @param styleFactory the StyleFactory to use * @param filterFactory the FilterFactory to use */ public StyleBuilder(StyleFactory styleFactory, FilterFactory filterFactory) { this.sf = styleFactory; this.ff = filterFactory; } /** * Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation. * * @param factory */ public void setStyleFactory( StyleFactory factory ){ sf = factory; } /** * getter for StyleFactory * * @return the StyleFactory being used */ public StyleFactory getStyleFactory() { return sf; } /** * Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation. * * @param factory */ public void setFilterFactory( FilterFactory factory ){ ff = factory; } /** * getter for filterFactory * * @return the FilterFactory being used */ public FilterFactory getFilterFactory() { return ff; } /** * create a default Stroke * * @return the Stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke() { return sf.getDefaultStroke(); } /** * create a default stroke with the supplied width * * @param width the width of the line * * @return the stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(double width) { return createStroke(Color.BLACK, width); } /** * Create a default stroke with the supplied color * * @param color the color of the line * * @return the created stroke */ public Stroke createStroke(Color color) { return createStroke(color, 1); } /** * create a stroke with the supplied width and color * * @param color the color of the line * @param width the width of the line * * @return the created stroke */ public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width) { return sf.createStroke(colorExpression(color), literalExpression(width)); } /** * create a stroke with color, width, linejoin type and lineCap type. * * @param color the color of the line * @param width the width of the line * @param lineJoin the type of join to be used at points along the line * @param lineCap the type of cap to be used at the end of the line * * @return the stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, String lineJoin, String lineCap) { Stroke stroke = createStroke(color, width); stroke.setLineJoin(literalExpression(lineJoin)); stroke.setLineCap(literalExpression(lineCap)); return stroke; } /** * create a dashed line of color and width * * @param color the color of the line * @param width the width of the line * @param dashArray an array of floats describing the length of line and spaces * * @return the stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, float[] dashArray) { Stroke stroke = createStroke(color, width); stroke.setDashArray(dashArray); return stroke; } /** * create a stroke with the color and width supplied * * @param color an Expression representing the color of the line * @param width an Expression representing the width of the line * * @return the Stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width) { return sf.createStroke(color, width); } /** * create a stroke with color, width and opacity supplied * * @param color the color of the line * @param width the width of the line * @param opacity the opacity or see throughness of the line, 0 - is transparent, 1 is * completely drawn * * @return the stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, double opacity) { return sf.createStroke( colorExpression(color), literalExpression(width), literalExpression(opacity)); } /** * create a stroke with color, width and opacity supplied * * @param color an Expression representing the color of the line * @param width an Expression representing the width of the line * @param opacity an Expression representing opacity the opacity or see throughness of * the line, 0 - is transparent, 1 is completely drawn * * @return the stroke created */ public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width, Expression opacity) { return sf.createStroke(color, width, opacity); } /** * create a default fill 50% gray * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill() { Fill f = sf.getDefaultFill(); f.setColor(literalExpression("#808080")); f.setBackgroundColor(literalExpression("#808080")); f.setOpacity(literalExpression(1.0)); return f; } /** * create a fill of color * * @param fillColor the color of the fill * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill(Color fillColor) { return createFill(colorExpression(fillColor)); } /** * create a fill of color * * @param fillColor an Expression representing the color of the fill * * @return the fill constructed */ public Fill createFill(Expression fillColor) { return sf.createFill(fillColor); } /** * create a fill with the supplied color and opacity * * @param fillColor the color to fill with * @param opacity the opacity of the fill 0 - transparent, 1 - completly filled * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill(Color fillColor, double opacity) { return sf.createFill(colorExpression(fillColor), literalExpression(opacity)); } /** * create a fill with the supplied color and opacity * * @param color an expression representing the color to fill with * @param opacity an expression representing the opacity of the fill 0 - transparent, 1 - * completly filled * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill(Expression color, Expression opacity) { return sf.createFill(color, opacity); } /** * create a fill with color, background color and opacity supplied and uses the graphic * supplied for the fill * * @param color the foreground color * @param backgroundColor the background color * @param opacity the opacity of the fill * @param fill the graphic object to use to fill the fill * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill(Color color, Color backgroundColor, double opacity, Graphic fill) { return sf.createFill( colorExpression(color), colorExpression(backgroundColor), literalExpression(opacity), fill); } /** * create a fill with color, background color and opacity supplied and uses the graphic * supplied for the fill * * @param color an Expression representing the foreground color * @param backgroundColor an Expression representing the background color * @param opacity an Expression representing the opacity of the fill * @param fill the graphic object to use to fill the fill * * @return the fill created */ public Fill createFill( Expression color, Expression backgroundColor, Expression opacity, Graphic fill) { return sf.createFill(color, backgroundColor, opacity, fill); } /** * Returns the array of all the well known mark names * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public String[] getWellKnownMarkNames() { return new String[] { MARK_SQUARE, MARK_CIRCLE, MARK_TRIANGLE, MARK_STAR, MARK_CROSS, MARK_ARROW, MARK_X }; } /** * create the named mark * * @param wellKnownName the wellknown name of the mark * * @return the mark created */ public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(literalExpression(wellKnownName)); return mark; } /** * create the named mark with the colors etc supplied * * @param wellKnownName the well known name of the mark * @param fillColor the color of the mark * @param borderColor the outline color of the mark * @param borderWidth the width of the outline * * @return the mark created */ public Mark createMark( String wellKnownName, Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(literalExpression(wellKnownName)); mark.setStroke(createStroke(borderColor, borderWidth)); mark.setFill(createFill(fillColor)); return mark; } /** * create a mark with default fill (50% gray) and the supplied outline * * @param wellKnownName the well known name of the mark * @param borderColor the outline color * @param borderWidth the outline width * * @return the mark created */ public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(literalExpression(wellKnownName)); mark.setStroke(createStroke(borderColor, borderWidth)); return mark; } /** * create a mark of the supplied color and a default outline (black) * * @param wellKnownName the well known name of the mark * @param fillColor the color of the mark * * @return the created mark */ public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Color fillColor) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(literalExpression(wellKnownName)); mark.setFill(createFill(fillColor, 1.0)); mark.setStroke(null); return mark; } /** * create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke * * @param wellKnownName the well known name of the mark * @param fill the fill to use * @param stroke the stroke to use * * @return the mark created */ public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(literalExpression(wellKnownName)); mark.setStroke(stroke); mark.setFill(fill); return mark; } /** * create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke * * @param wellKnownName an Expression representing the well known name of the mark * @param fill the fill to use * @param stroke the stroke to use * * @return the mark created */ public Mark createMark(Expression wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke) { Mark mark = sf.createMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(wellKnownName); mark.setStroke(stroke); mark.setFill(fill); return mark; } /** * wrapper for stylefactory method * * @param uri the uri of the image * @param format mime type of the image * * @return the external graphic */ public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(String uri, String format) { return sf.createExternalGraphic(uri, format); } /** * wrapper for stylefactory method * * @param url the url of the image * @param format mime type of the image * * @return the external graphic */ public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url, String format) { return sf.createExternalGraphic(url, format); } /** * Creates the default graphic object * * @return the graphic object */ public Graphic createGraphic() { Graphic gr = sf.getDefaultGraphic(); Mark mark = createMark(MARK_SQUARE, Color.decode("#808080"), Color.BLACK, 1); gr.setMarks( new Mark[] { mark }); gr.setSize(Expression.NIL); return gr; } /** * creates a graphic object * * @param externalGraphic an external graphic to use if displayable * @param mark a mark to use * @param symbol a symbol to use * * @return the graphic object */ public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol) { Graphic gr = sf.getDefaultGraphic(); if (symbol != null) { gr.setSymbols(new Symbol[] { symbol }); } else { gr.setSymbols(new Symbol[0]); } if (externalGraphic != null) { gr.setExternalGraphics(new ExternalGraphic[] { externalGraphic }); } if (mark != null) { gr.setMarks(new Mark[] { mark }); } else { gr.setMarks(new Mark[0]); } return gr; } /** * creates a graphic object * * @param externalGraphic an external graphic to use if displayable * @param mark a mark to use * @param symbol a symbol to use * @param opacity - the opacity of the graphic * @param size - the size of the graphic * @param rotation - the rotation from the top of the page of the graphic * * @return the graphic created */ public Graphic createGraphic( ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol, double opacity, double size, double rotation) { ExternalGraphic[] egs = null; Mark[] marks = null; Symbol[] symbols = null; if (externalGraphic != null) { egs = new ExternalGraphic[] { externalGraphic }; } if (mark != null) { marks = new Mark[] { mark }; } if (symbol != null) { symbols = new Symbol[] { symbol }; } return createGraphic( egs, marks, symbols, literalExpression(opacity), literalExpression(size), literalExpression(rotation)); } /** * creates a graphic object * * @param externalGraphics an array of external graphics to use if displayable * @param marks an array of marks to use * @param symbols an array of symbols to use * @param opacity - the opacity of the graphic * @param size - the size of the graphic * @param rotation - the rotation from the top of the page of the graphic * * @return the graphic created */ public Graphic createGraphic( ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, double opacity, double size, double rotation) { return createGraphic( externalGraphics, marks, symbols, literalExpression(opacity), literalExpression(size), literalExpression(rotation)); } /** * creates a graphic object * * @param externalGraphics an array of external graphics to use if displayable * @param marks an array of marks to use * @param symbols an array of symbols to use * @param opacity - an Expression representing the opacity of the graphic * @param size - an Expression representing the size of the graphic * @param rotation - an Expression representing the rotation from the top of the page of the * graphic * * @return the graphic created */ public Graphic createGraphic( ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation) { ExternalGraphic[] exg = externalGraphics; if (exg == null) { exg = new ExternalGraphic[0]; } Mark[] m = marks; if (m == null) { m = new Mark[0]; } Symbol[] s = symbols; if (s == null) { s = new Symbol[0]; } return sf.createGraphic(exg, m, s, opacity, size, rotation); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param x - the x coordinate of the anchor * @param y - the y coordinate of the anchor * * @return the AnchorPoint created */ public AnchorPoint createAnchorPoint(double x, double y) { return sf.createAnchorPoint(literalExpression(x), literalExpression(y)); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param x - an Expression representing the x coordinate of the anchor * @param y - an Expression representing the y coordinate of the anchor * * @return the AnchorPoint created */ public AnchorPoint createAnchorPoint(Expression x, Expression y) { return sf.createAnchorPoint(x, y); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param x - the x displacement * @param y - the y displacement * * @return the Displacement created */ public Displacement createDisplacement(double x, double y) { return sf.createDisplacement(literalExpression(x), literalExpression(y)); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param x - an Expression representing the x displacement * @param y - an Expression representing the y displacement * * @return the Displacement created */ public Displacement createDisplacement(Expression x, Expression y) { return sf.createDisplacement(x, y); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @return the default pointplacement */ public PointPlacement createPointPlacement() { return sf.getDefaultPointPlacement(); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param anchorX - the X coordinate * @param anchorY - the Y coordinate * @param rotation - the rotaion of the label * * @return the pointplacement created */ public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double rotation) { AnchorPoint anchorPoint = createAnchorPoint(anchorX, anchorY); return sf.createPointPlacement(anchorPoint, null, literalExpression(rotation)); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param anchorX - the X coordinate * @param anchorY - the Y coordinate * @param displacementX - the X distance from the anchor * @param displacementY - the Y distance from the anchor * @param rotation - the rotaion of the label * * @return the pointplacement created */ public PointPlacement createPointPlacement( double anchorX, double anchorY, double displacementX, double displacementY, double rotation) { AnchorPoint anchorPoint = createAnchorPoint(anchorX, anchorY); Displacement displacement = createDisplacement(displacementX, displacementY); return sf.createPointPlacement(anchorPoint, displacement, literalExpression(rotation)); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param anchorPoint - the anchor point of the label * @param displacement - the displacement of the label * @param rotation - an Expresson representing the rotation of the label * * @return the pointplacement created */ public PointPlacement createPointPlacement( AnchorPoint anchorPoint, Displacement displacement, Expression rotation) { return sf.createPointPlacement(anchorPoint, displacement, rotation); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param offset - the distance between the line and the label * * @return the LinePlacement created */ public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(double offset) { return sf.createLinePlacement(literalExpression(offset)); } /** * wrapper round Stylefactory Method * * @param offset - an Expression representing the distance between the line and the label * * @return the LinePlacement created */ public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(Expression offset) { return sf.createLinePlacement(offset); } /** * create a geotools font object from a java font * * @param font - the font to be converted * * @return - the geotools font */ public Font createFont(java.awt.Font font) { Expression family = literalExpression(font.getFamily()); Expression style; Expression weight; if (font.isBold()) { weight = literalExpression(FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); } else { weight = literalExpression(FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); } if (font.isItalic()) { style = literalExpression(FONT_STYLE_ITALIC); } else { style = literalExpression(FONT_STYLE_NORMAL); } return sf.createFont(family, style, weight, literalExpression(font.getSize2D())); } /** * create font of supplied family and size * * @param fontFamily - the font family * @param fontSize - the size of the font in points * * @return the font object created */ public Font createFont(String fontFamily, double fontSize) { Expression family = literalExpression(fontFamily); Expression style = literalExpression(FONT_STYLE_NORMAL); Expression weight = literalExpression(FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); return sf.createFont(family, style, weight, literalExpression(fontSize)); } /** * create font of supplied family, size and weight/style * * @param fontFamily - the font family * @param italic - should the font be italic? * @param bold - should the font be bold? * @param fontSize - the size of the font in points * * @return the new font object */ public Font createFont(String fontFamily, boolean italic, boolean bold, double fontSize) { Expression family = literalExpression(fontFamily); Expression style; Expression weight; if (bold) { weight = literalExpression(FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); } else { weight = literalExpression(FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); } if (italic) { style = literalExpression(FONT_STYLE_ITALIC); } else { style = literalExpression(FONT_STYLE_NORMAL); } return sf.createFont(family, style, weight, literalExpression(fontSize)); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method * * @param fontFamily - Expression representing Font family * @param fontStyle - Expression representing Font style * @param fontWeight - Expression representing Font weight * @param fontSize - Expression representing Font size * * @return the new font object */ public Font createFont( Expression fontFamily, Expression fontStyle, Expression fontWeight, Expression fontSize) { return sf.createFont(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method to create default halo * * @return the new halo */ public Halo createHalo() { return sf.createHalo(createFill(Color.WHITE), literalExpression(1)); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo * * @param color - the color of the halo * @param radius - the width of the halo * * @return the new halo */ public Halo createHalo(Color color, double radius) { return sf.createHalo(createFill(color), literalExpression(radius)); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo * * @param color - the color of the halo * @param opacity - the opacity of the halo fill 0 - transparent 1 - solid * @param radius - the width of the halo * * @return the new halo */ public Halo createHalo(Color color, double opacity, double radius) { return sf.createHalo(createFill(color, opacity), literalExpression(radius)); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo * * @param fill - the fill of the halo * @param radius - the width of the halo * * @return the new halo */ public Halo createHalo(Fill fill, double radius) { return sf.createHalo(fill, literalExpression(radius)); } /** * wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo * * @param fill - the fill of the halo * @param radius - an Expression representing the width of the halo * * @return the new halo */ public Halo createHalo(Fill fill, Expression radius) { return sf.createHalo(fill, radius); } /** * create a default line symboliser * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer() { return sf.getDefaultLineSymbolizer(); } /** * create a new line symbolizer * * @param width the width of the line * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(double width) { return createLineSymbolizer(createStroke(width), null); } /** * create a LineSymbolizer * * @param color - the color of the line * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Color color) { return createLineSymbolizer(createStroke(color), null); } /** * create a LineSymbolizer * * @param color - the color of the line * @param width - the width of the line * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Color color, double width) { return createLineSymbolizer(createStroke(color, width), null); } /** * create a LineSymbolizer * * @param color - the color of the line * @param width - the width of the line * @param geometryPropertyName - the name of the geometry to be drawn * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer( Color color, double width, String geometryPropertyName) { return createLineSymbolizer(createStroke(color, width), geometryPropertyName); } /** * create a LineSymbolizer * * @param stroke - the stroke to be used to draw the line * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke) { return sf.createLineSymbolizer(stroke, null); } /** * create a LineSymbolizer * * @param stroke - the stroke to be used to draw the line * @param geometryPropertyName - the name of the geometry to be drawn * * @return the new line symbolizer */ public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, String geometryPropertyName) { return sf.createLineSymbolizer(stroke, geometryPropertyName); } /** * create a default polygon symbolizer * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer() { PolygonSymbolizer ps = sf.createPolygonSymbolizer(); ps.setFill(createFill()); ps.setStroke(createStroke()); return ps; } /** * create a polygon symbolizer * * @param fillColor - the color to fill the polygon * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Color fillColor) { return createPolygonSymbolizer(null, createFill(fillColor)); } /** * create a polygon symbolizer * * @param fillColor - the color to fill the polygon * @param borderColor - the outline color of the polygon * @param borderWidth - the width of the outline * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer( Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) { return createPolygonSymbolizer( createStroke(borderColor, borderWidth), createFill(fillColor)); } /** * create a polygon symbolizer * * @param borderColor - the outline color of the polygon * @param borderWidth - the width of the outline * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Color borderColor, double borderWidth) { return createPolygonSymbolizer(createStroke(borderColor, borderWidth), null); } /** * create a polygon symbolizer * * @param stroke - the stroke to use to outline the polygon * @param fill - the fill to use to color the polygon * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill) { return createPolygonSymbolizer(stroke, fill, null); } /** * create a polygon symbolizer * * @param stroke - the stroke to use to outline the polygon * @param fill - the fill to use to color the polygon * @param geometryPropertyName - the name of the geometry to be drawn * * @return the new polygon symbolizer */ public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer( Stroke stroke, Fill fill, String geometryPropertyName) { return sf.createPolygonSymbolizer(stroke, fill, geometryPropertyName); } /** * create a default point symbolizer * * @return the new point symbolizer */ public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer() { return sf.getDefaultPointSymbolizer(); } /** * create a point symbolizer * * @param graphic - the graphic object to draw at the point * * @return the new point symbolizer */ public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic) { PointSymbolizer ps = sf.createPointSymbolizer(); ps.setGraphic(graphic); return ps; } /** * create a point symbolizer * * @param graphic - the graphic object to draw at the point * @param geometryPropertyName - the name of the geometry to be drawn * * @return the new point symbolizer */ public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, String geometryPropertyName) { return sf.createPointSymbolizer(graphic, geometryPropertyName); } /** * Creates a default text symbolizer. Warning: there is no definition of a default text * symbolizer in the SLD standard, this is provided just for convenience and uniformity with * the other symbolizers * * @return the default text symbolizer */ public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer() { TextSymbolizer ts = sf.createTextSymbolizer(); ts.setFill(createFill(Color.BLACK)); ts.setLabel(literalExpression("Label")); ts.setFonts(new Font[] { createFont("Lucida Sans", 10)}); return ts; } /** * create a textsymbolizer * * @param color the color of the text * @param font the font to use * @param attributeName the attribute to use for the label * * @return the new textsymbolizer * * @throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException - if the attribute name does not exist */ public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font font, String attributeName) throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException { return createTextSymbolizer( createFill(color), new Font[] { font }, null, attributeExpression(attributeName), null, null); } /** * create a textsymbolizer * * @param color the color of the text * @param fonts an array of fonts to use from the first to last * @param attributeName the attribute to use for the label * * @return the new textsymbolizer * * @throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException - if the attribute name does not exist */ public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font[] fonts, String attributeName) throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException { return createTextSymbolizer( createFill(color), fonts, null, attributeExpression(attributeName), null, null); } /** * create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change * * @param color the color of the text * @param font the font to use * @param label the label to use * * @return the new textsymbolizer */ public TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font font, String label) { return createTextSymbolizer( createFill(color), new Font[] { font }, null, literalExpression(label), null, null); } /** * create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change * * @param color the color of the text * @param fonts an array of fonts to use from the first to last * @param label the label to use * * @return the new textsymbolizer */ public TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font[] fonts, String label) { return createTextSymbolizer( createFill(color), fonts, null, literalExpression(label), null, null); } /** * create a text symbolizer * * @param fill - the fill to color the text * @param fonts - an array of fonts to use from the first to last * @param halo - the halo to be applied to the text * @param label - Expression representing the label * @param labelPlacement - where to place the label * @param geometryPropertyName - the name of the geometry to use * * @return the new textsymbolizer */ public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer( Fill fill, Font[] fonts, Halo halo, Expression label, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, String geometryPropertyName) { TextSymbolizer ts = sf.createTextSymbolizer(); if (fill != null) { ts.setFill(fill); } if (halo != null) { ts.setHalo(halo); } if (label != null) { ts.setLabel(label); } if (labelPlacement != null) { ts.setPlacement(labelPlacement); } if (geometryPropertyName != null) { ts.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); } if (fonts != null) { ts.setFonts(fonts); } return ts; } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer) { return createFeatureTypeStyle(null, symbolizer, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a simple styling rule * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * * @return the new rule */ public Rule createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer) { return createRule(symbolizer, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * reate a simple styling rule * * @param symbolizers - an array of symbolizers to use * * @return the new rule */ public Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers) { return createRule(symbolizers, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new rule */ public Rule createRule( Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { return createRule(new Symbolizer[] { symbolizer }, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param symbolizers - an array of symbolizers to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new rule */ public Rule createRule( Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { Rule r = sf.createRule(); r.setSymbolizers(symbolizers); if (!Double.isNaN(maxScaleDenominator)) { r.setMaxScaleDenominator(maxScaleDenominator); } else { r.setMaxScaleDenominator(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } if (!Double.isNaN(minScaleDenominator)) { r.setMinScaleDenominator(minScaleDenominator); } else { r.setMinScaleDenominator(0.0); } return r; } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { return createFeatureTypeStyle(null, symbolizer, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param symbolizers - an array of symbolizers to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { return createFeatureTypeStyle(null, symbolizers, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler * * @param featureTypeName - name of the feature type * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( String featureTypeName, Symbolizer symbolizer) { return createFeatureTypeStyle(featureTypeName, symbolizer, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler * * @param featureTypeName - name of the feature type * @param symbolizers - an array of symbolizers to use * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( String featureTypeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers) { return createFeatureTypeStyle(featureTypeName, symbolizers, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { return createFeatureTypeStyle( typeName, new Symbolizer[] { symbolizer }, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param symbolizers - an array of symbolizers to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle( String typeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { Rule r = createRule(symbolizers, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); // setup the feature type style FeatureTypeStyle fts = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(); fts.setRules(new Rule[] { r }); if (typeName != null) { fts.setFeatureTypeName(typeName); } return fts; } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param r - the rule that driver this feature typ style * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule r) { // setup the feature type style FeatureTypeStyle fts = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(); fts.setRules(new Rule[] { r }); if (typeName != null) { fts.setFeatureTypeName(typeName); } return fts; } /** * create a SimpleFeature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param rules - the rules that make up the FeatureTypeStyle * * @return the new feature type styler */ public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule[] rules) { FeatureTypeStyle fts = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(); fts.setRules(rules); if (typeName != null) { fts.setFeatureTypeName(typeName); } return fts; } /** * create a new style * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * * @return the new style */ public Style createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer) { return createStyle(null, symbolizer, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a new style * * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new style */ public Style createStyle( Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { return createStyle(null, symbolizer, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); } /** * create a new style * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * * @return the new style */ public Style createStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer) { return createStyle(typeName, symbolizer, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * create a new style * * @param typeName - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) * @param symbolizer - the symbolizer to use * @param minScaleDenominator - the minimim scale to draw the feature at * @param maxScaleDenominator - the maximum scale to draw the feature at * * @return the new style */ public Style createStyle( String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) { // create the feature type style FeatureTypeStyle fts = createFeatureTypeStyle( typeName, symbolizer, minScaleDenominator, maxScaleDenominator); // and finally create the style Style style = sf.createStyle(); style.addFeatureTypeStyle(fts); return style; } /** * create a new default style * * @return the new style */ public Style createStyle() { return sf.createStyle(); } /** * convert an awt color in to a literal expression representing the color * * @param color the color to encode * * @return the expression */ public Expression colorExpression(Color color) { if (color == null) { return null; } String redCode = Integer.toHexString(color.getRed()); String greenCode = Integer.toHexString(color.getGreen()); String blueCode = Integer.toHexString(color.getBlue()); if (redCode.length() == 1) { redCode = "0" + redCode; } if (greenCode.length() == 1) { greenCode = "0" + greenCode; } if (blueCode.length() == 1) { blueCode = "0" + blueCode; } String colorCode = "#" + redCode + greenCode + blueCode; return ff.literal(colorCode.toUpperCase()); } /** * create a literal expression representing the value * * @param value the value to be encoded * * @return the expression */ public Expression literalExpression(double value) { return ff.literal(value); } /** * create a literal expression representing the value * * @param value the value to be encoded * * @return the expression */ public Expression literalExpression(int value) { return ff.literal(value); } /** * create a literal expression representing the value * * @param value the value to be encoded * * @return the expression */ public Expression literalExpression(String value) { Expression result = null; if (value != null) { result = ff.literal(value); } return result; } /** * create a literal expression representing the value * * @param value the value to be encoded * * @return the expression * * @throws IllegalFilterException DOCUMENT ME! */ public Expression literalExpression(Object value) throws IllegalFilterException { Expression result = null; if (value != null) { result = ff.literal(value); } return result; } /** * create an attribute expression * * @param attributeName the attribute to use * * @return the new expression * * @throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException if the attribute name does not exist */ public Expression attributeExpression(String attributeName) throws org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException { return ff.property( attributeName ); } /** * given a feature collection and an array of colours build a style with the given number of * classes on the named column * * @param fc DOCUMENT ME! * @param name DOCUMENT ME! * @param colors DOCUMENT ME! * @param schema DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IllegalFilterException DOCUMENT ME! */ public Style buildClassifiedStyle( FeatureCollection fc, String name, String[] colors, SimpleFeatureType schema) throws IllegalFilterException { //grab attribute col PropertyName value = ff.property(name); String geomName = schema.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName(); double[] values = new double[fc.size()]; Iterator it = fc.iterator(); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature f = (SimpleFeature) it.next(); values[count++] = ((Number) f.getAttribute(name)).doubleValue(); } //pass to classification algorithm EqualClasses ec = new EqualClasses(colors.length, values); //build style double[] breaks = ec.getBreaks(); Style ret = createStyle(); // ret.setName(name); Rule[] rules = new Rule[colors.length + 1]; PropertyIsLessThan cf1 = ff.less( value, ff.literal( breaks[0] )); LOGGER.fine(cf1.toString()); rules[0] = sf.createRule(); rules[0].setFilter(cf1); // rules[0].setName("lowest"); Color c = this.createColor(colors[0]); PolygonSymbolizer symb1 = createPolygonSymbolizer(c, Color.black, 1.0); //@todo: this should set the geometry name but currently this breaks the legend // symb1.setGeometryPropertyName(geomName); rules[0].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { symb1 }); LOGGER.fine("added low class " + breaks[0] + " " + colors[0]); // LOGGER.fine(rules[0].toString()); for (int i = 1; i < (colors.length - 1); i++) { rules[i] = sf.createRule(); Expression expr = value; Expression lower = ff.literal(breaks[i - 1]); Expression upper = ff.literal(breaks[i]); PropertyIsBetween cf = ff.between(expr, lower, upper); LOGGER.fine(cf.toString()); c = this.createColor(colors[i]); LOGGER.fine("color " + c.toString()); PolygonSymbolizer symb = createPolygonSymbolizer(c, Color.black, 1.0); // symb.setGeometryPropertyName(geomName); rules[i].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { symb }); rules[i].setFilter(cf); // rules[i].setName("class "+i); LOGGER.fine("added class " + breaks[i - 1] + "->" + breaks[i] + " " + colors[i]); } PropertyIsGreaterThan cf2 = ff.greater( value, ff.literal(breaks[colors.length - 2])); LOGGER.fine(cf2.toString()); rules[colors.length - 1] = sf.createRule(); rules[colors.length - 1].setFilter(cf2); rules[colors.length - 1].setName(geomName); c = this.createColor(colors[colors.length - 1]); PolygonSymbolizer symb2 = createPolygonSymbolizer(c, Color.black, 1.0); // symb2.setGeometryPropertyName(geomName); rules[colors.length - 1].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { symb2 }); LOGGER.fine( "added upper class " + breaks[colors.length - 2] + " " + colors[colors.length - 1]); rules[colors.length] = sf.createRule(); PolygonSymbolizer elsePoly = createPolygonSymbolizer(Color.black, 1.0); rules[colors.length].setSymbolizers(new Symbolizer[] { elsePoly }); rules[colors.length].setElseFilter(true); FeatureTypeStyle ft = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(rules); ft.setFeatureTypeName("Feature"); ft.setName(name); ret.addFeatureTypeStyle(ft); return ret; } private Color createColor(String text) { int i = Integer.decode("0x" + text).intValue(); return Color.decode("" + i); } /** * Creates the default raster symbolizer */ public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer() { return sf.getDefaultRasterSymbolizer(); } /** * Creates a raster symbolizer * @param colorMap The symbolizer color map * @param opacity The whole layer opacity * */ public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer(ColorMap colorMap, double opacity) { RasterSymbolizer rs = sf.getDefaultRasterSymbolizer(); rs.setColorMap(colorMap); rs.setOpacity(literalExpression(opacity)); return rs; } /** * Creates a color map based on fixed quantities and colors. * @param quantities The values that begin a category, or break points in a ramp, * or isolated values, according to the type of color map specified by Type * @param colors The colors that will be associated to the categories, break points, or isolated values * @param type Either @link ColorMap#TYPE_RAMP, @link ColorMap#TYPE_INTERVALS or @link ColorMap#TYPE_VALUES */ public ColorMap createColorMap(String[] labels, double[] quantities, Color[] colors, int type) { ColorMap colorMap = sf.createColorMap(); colorMap.setType(type); if ((labels == null) || (quantities == null) || (colors == null) || (labels.length != quantities.length) || (quantities.length != colors.length)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Labels, quantities and colors arrays should be not null and have the same size"); } for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { colorMap.addColorMapEntry(createColorMapEntry(labels[i], quantities[i], colors[i])); } return colorMap; } /** * Creates a simple color entity based on a fixed value and a color.
* The color alpha will be used as the entry's opacity * @param quantity The entry's quantity * @param color The entry's color. */ private ColorMapEntry createColorMapEntry(String label, double quantity, Color color) { ColorMapEntry entry = sf.createColorMapEntry(); entry.setQuantity(literalExpression(quantity)); entry.setColor(colorExpression(color)); entry.setOpacity(literalExpression(color.getAlpha() / 255.0)); entry.setLabel(label); return entry; } public class EqualClasses { int numberClasses; double[] breaks; double[] collection; /** * Creates a new instance of EqualClasses * * @param numberClasses * @param fc */ public EqualClasses(int numberClasses, double[] fc) { breaks = new double[numberClasses-1]; setCollection(fc); setNumberClasses(numberClasses); } /** Getter for property numberClasses. * @return Value of property numberClasses. * */ public int getNumberClasses() { return numberClasses; } /** Setter for property numberClasses. * @param numberClasses New value of property numberClasses. * */ public void setNumberClasses(int numberClasses) { this.numberClasses = numberClasses; if(breaks == null){ breaks = new double[numberClasses-1]; } Arrays.sort(collection); int step = collection.length/numberClasses; for(int i=step,j=0;jNote You get one less breaks than number of classes. * @return Value of property breaks. * */ public double[] getBreaks() { return this.breaks; } /** Setter for property collection. * @param collection New value of property collection. * */ public void setCollection(double[] collection) { this.collection = collection; } } }