/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Created on 14 October 2002, 15:50 */ package org.geotools.styling; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import javax.swing.Icon; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2; import org.opengis.filter.Id; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.metadata.citation.OnLineResource; import org.opengis.style.ColorReplacement; import org.opengis.style.ContrastMethod; import org.opengis.style.Description; import org.opengis.style.GraphicFill; import org.opengis.style.GraphicStroke; import org.opengis.style.GraphicalSymbol; import org.opengis.style.OverlapBehavior; import org.opengis.style.SemanticType; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; /** * Factory for creating Styles. All style elements are returned as Interfaces * from org.geotools.core as opposed to Implementations from org.geotools.defaultcore. *

* This class implements: *

* * @author iant * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ */ public class StyleFactoryImpl extends AbstractStyleFactory implements StyleFactory2, org.opengis.style.StyleFactory { private FilterFactory2 filterFactory; private StyleFactoryImpl2 delegate; public StyleFactoryImpl() { this( CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(GeoTools.getDefaultHints())); } protected StyleFactoryImpl(FilterFactory2 factory) { filterFactory = factory; delegate = new StyleFactoryImpl2( filterFactory ); } public Style createStyle() { return new StyleImpl(); } public NamedStyle createNamedStyle() { return new NamedStyleImpl(); } public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer() { return new PointSymbolizerImpl(); } public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, String geometryPropertyName) { PointSymbolizer pSymb = new PointSymbolizerImpl(); pSymb.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); pSymb.setGraphic(graphic); return pSymb; } public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer() { return new PolygonSymbolizerImpl(); } public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill, String geometryPropertyName) { PolygonSymbolizer pSymb = new PolygonSymbolizerImpl(); pSymb.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); pSymb.setStroke(stroke); pSymb.setFill(fill); return pSymb; } public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer() { return new LineSymbolizerImpl(); } public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, String geometryPropertyName) { LineSymbolizer lSymb = new LineSymbolizerImpl(); lSymb.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); lSymb.setStroke(stroke); return lSymb; } public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer() { return new TextSymbolizerImpl(); } public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(Fill fill, Font[] fonts, Halo halo, Expression label, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, String geometryPropertyName) { TextSymbolizer tSymb = new TextSymbolizerImpl(); tSymb.setFill(fill); tSymb.setFonts(fonts); tSymb.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); tSymb.setHalo(halo); tSymb.setLabel(label); tSymb.setPlacement(labelPlacement); return tSymb; } public TextSymbolizer2 createTextSymbolizer(Fill fill, Font[] fonts, Halo halo, Expression label, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, String geometryPropertyName, Graphic graphic) { TextSymbolizer2 tSymb = new TextSymbolizerImpl(); tSymb.setFill(fill); tSymb.setFonts(fonts); tSymb.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); tSymb.setHalo(halo); tSymb.setLabel(label); tSymb.setPlacement(labelPlacement); tSymb.setGraphic(graphic); return tSymb; } public Extent createExtent(String name, String value) { Extent extent = new ExtentImpl(); extent.setName(name); extent.setValue(value); return extent; } public FeatureTypeConstraint createFeatureTypeConstraint( String featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent[] extents) { FeatureTypeConstraint constraint = new FeatureTypeConstraintImpl(); constraint.setFeatureTypeName(featureTypeName); constraint.setFilter(filter); constraint.setExtents(extents); return constraint; } public LayerFeatureConstraints createLayerFeatureConstraints(FeatureTypeConstraint[] featureTypeConstraints) { LayerFeatureConstraints constraints = new LayerFeatureConstraintsImpl(); constraints.setFeatureTypeConstraints(featureTypeConstraints); return constraints; } public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle() { return new FeatureTypeStyleImpl(); } public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule[] rules) { return new FeatureTypeStyleImpl(rules); } public Rule createRule() { return new RuleImpl(); } public Rule createRule(org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer[] symbolizers, Description desc, Graphic[] legends, String name, Filter filter, boolean isElseFilter, double maxScale, double minScale){ Rule r = new RuleImpl(symbolizers, desc, legends, name, filter, isElseFilter, maxScale, minScale); return r; } public ImageOutline createImageOutline(Symbolizer symbolizer) { ImageOutline outline = new ImageOutlineImpl(); outline.setSymbolizer(symbolizer); return outline; } /** * A method to make a simple stroke of a provided color and width. * * @param color the color of the line * @param width the width of the line * * @return the stroke object * * @see org.geotools.stroke */ public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width) { return createStroke(color, width, filterFactory.literal(1.0)); } /** * A convienice method to make a simple stroke * * @param color the color of the line * @param width The width of the line * @param opacity The opacity of the line * * @return The stroke * * @see org.geotools.stroke */ public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width, Expression opacity) { return createStroke(color, width, opacity, filterFactory.literal("miter"), filterFactory.literal("butt"), null, filterFactory.literal(0.0), null, null); } /** * creates a stroke * * @param color The color of the line * @param width The width of the line * @param opacity The opacity of the line * @param lineJoin - the type of Line joint * @param lineCap - the type of line cap * @param dashArray - an array of floats describing the dashes in the line * @param dashOffset - where in the dash array to start drawing from * @param graphicFill - a graphic object to fill the line with * @param graphicStroke - a graphic object to draw the line with * * @return The completed stroke. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException DOCUMENT ME! * * @see org.geotools.stroke */ public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width, Expression opacity, Expression lineJoin, Expression lineCap, float[] dashArray, Expression dashOffset, Graphic graphicFill, Graphic graphicStroke) { Stroke stroke = new StrokeImpl(); if (color == null) { //use default color = Stroke.DEFAULT.getColor(); } stroke.setColor(color); if (width == null) { //use default width = Stroke.DEFAULT.getWidth(); } stroke.setWidth(width); if (opacity == null) { opacity = Stroke.DEFAULT.getOpacity();; } stroke.setOpacity(opacity); if (lineJoin == null) { lineJoin = Stroke.DEFAULT.getLineJoin(); } stroke.setLineJoin(lineJoin); if (lineCap == null) { lineCap = Stroke.DEFAULT.getLineCap(); } stroke.setLineCap(lineCap); stroke.setDashArray(dashArray); stroke.setDashOffset(dashOffset); stroke.setGraphicFill(graphicFill); stroke.setGraphicStroke(graphicStroke); return stroke; } public Fill createFill(Expression color, Expression backgroundColor, Expression opacity, Graphic graphicFill) { Fill fill = new FillImpl(); if (color == null) { color = Fill.DEFAULT.getColor(); } fill.setColor(color); if (backgroundColor == null) { backgroundColor = Fill.DEFAULT.getBackgroundColor(); } fill.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); if (opacity == null) { opacity = Fill.DEFAULT.getOpacity(); } // would be nice to check if this was within bounds but we have to wait until use since it may depend on an attribute fill.setOpacity(opacity); fill.setGraphicFill(graphicFill); return fill; } public Fill createFill(Expression color, Expression opacity) { return createFill(color, null, opacity, null); } public Fill createFill(Expression color) { return createFill(color, null, filterFactory.literal(1.0), null); } public Mark createMark(Expression wellKnownName, Stroke stroke, Fill fill, Expression size, Expression rotation) { Mark mark = new MarkImpl(); if (wellKnownName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "WellKnownName can not be null in mark"); } mark.setWellKnownName(wellKnownName); mark.setStroke(stroke); mark.setFill(fill); if (size == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size can not be null in mark"); } mark.setSize(size); if (rotation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Rotation can not be null in mark"); } mark.setRotation(rotation); return mark; } public Mark getSquareMark() { Mark mark = createMark(filterFactory.literal("Square"), getDefaultStroke(), getDefaultFill(), filterFactory.literal(6), filterFactory.literal(0)); return mark; } public Mark getCircleMark() { Mark mark = getDefaultMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(filterFactory.literal("Circle")); return mark; } public Mark getCrossMark() { Mark mark = getDefaultMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(filterFactory.literal("Cross")); return mark; } public Mark getXMark() { Mark mark = getDefaultMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(filterFactory.literal("X")); return mark; } public Mark getTriangleMark() { Mark mark = getDefaultMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(filterFactory.literal("Triangle")); return mark; } public Mark getStarMark() { Mark mark = getDefaultMark(); mark.setWellKnownName(filterFactory.literal("Star")); return mark; } public Mark createMark() { Mark mark = new MarkImpl(); return mark; } public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation) { Graphic graphic = new GraphicImpl(); symbols = symbols != null ? symbols : new Symbol[0]; graphic.setSymbols(symbols); //externalGraphics = externalGraphics != null ? externalGraphics : new ExternalGraphic[0]; //graphic.setExternalGraphics(externalGraphics); if( externalGraphics != null ){ graphic.graphicalSymbols().addAll( Arrays.asList( externalGraphics ) ); } // marks = marks != null ? marks : new Mark[0]; // graphic.setMarks(marks); if( marks != null ){ graphic.graphicalSymbols().addAll( Arrays.asList( marks ) ); } if (opacity == null) { opacity = Graphic.DEFAULT.getOpacity(); } graphic.setOpacity(opacity); if (size == null) { size = Graphic.DEFAULT.getSize(); } graphic.setSize(size); if (rotation == null) { rotation = Graphic.DEFAULT.getRotation(); } graphic.setRotation(rotation); return graphic; } public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(String uri, String format) { ExternalGraphic extg = new ExternalGraphicImpl(); extg.setURI(uri); extg.setFormat(format); return extg; } public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url, String format) { ExternalGraphic extg = new ExternalGraphicImpl(); extg.setLocation(url); extg.setFormat(format); return extg; } public Font createFont(Expression fontFamily, Expression fontStyle, Expression fontWeight, Expression fontSize) { Font font = new FontImpl(); if (fontFamily == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null font family specified"); } font.setFontFamily(fontFamily); if (fontSize == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null font size specified"); } font.setFontSize(fontSize); if (fontStyle == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null font Style specified"); } font.setFontStyle(fontStyle); if (fontWeight == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null font weight specified"); } font.setFontWeight(fontWeight); return font; } // public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(){ // return new LinePlacementImpl(); // } public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(Expression offset) { LinePlacement linep = new LinePlacementImpl(); linep.setPerpendicularOffset(offset); return linep; } // public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(){ // return new PointPlacementImpl(); // } public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(AnchorPoint anchorPoint, Displacement displacement, Expression rotation) { PointPlacement pointp = new PointPlacementImpl(); pointp.setAnchorPoint(anchorPoint); pointp.setDisplacement(displacement); pointp.setRotation(rotation); return pointp; } public AnchorPoint createAnchorPoint(Expression x, Expression y) { AnchorPoint anchorPoint = new AnchorPointImpl(); anchorPoint.setAnchorPointX(x); anchorPoint.setAnchorPointY(y); return anchorPoint; } public Displacement createDisplacement(Expression x, Expression y) { Displacement displacement = new DisplacementImpl(); displacement.setDisplacementX(x); displacement.setDisplacementY(y); return displacement; } public Halo createHalo(Fill fill, Expression radius) { Halo halo = new HaloImpl(); halo.setFill(fill); halo.setRadius(radius); return halo; } public Fill getDefaultFill() { Fill fill = new FillImpl(); try { fill.setColor(filterFactory.literal("#808080")); fill.setOpacity(filterFactory.literal( new Double(1.0))); } catch (org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException ife) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating fill", ife); } return fill; } public LineSymbolizer getDefaultLineSymbolizer() { return createLineSymbolizer(getDefaultStroke(), null); } public Mark getDefaultMark() { return getSquareMark(); } public PointSymbolizer getDefaultPointSymbolizer() { return createPointSymbolizer(createDefaultGraphic(), null); } public PolygonSymbolizer getDefaultPolygonSymbolizer() { return createPolygonSymbolizer(getDefaultStroke(), getDefaultFill(), null); } public Stroke getDefaultStroke() { try { Stroke stroke = createStroke(filterFactory.literal("#000000"), filterFactory.literal(new Integer(1))); stroke.setDashOffset(filterFactory.literal( new Integer(0))); stroke.setDashArray(Stroke.DEFAULT.getDashArray()); stroke.setLineCap(filterFactory.literal("butt")); stroke.setLineJoin(filterFactory.literal("miter")); stroke.setOpacity(filterFactory.literal(new Integer(1))); return stroke; } catch (org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException ife) { //we should never be in here throw new RuntimeException("Error creating stroke", ife); } } public Style getDefaultStyle() { Style style = createStyle(); return style; } /** * Creates a default Text Symbolizer, using the defaultFill, defaultFont * and defaultPointPlacement, Sets the geometry attribute name to be * geometry:text. No Halo is set. The label is not set * * @return A default TextSymbolizer */ public TextSymbolizer getDefaultTextSymbolizer() { return createTextSymbolizer(getDefaultFill(), new Font[] { getDefaultFont() }, null, null, getDefaultPointPlacement(), "geometry:text"); } /** * Creates a defaultFont which is valid on all machines. The font is of * size 10, Style and Weight normal and uses a serif font. * * @return the default Font * * @throws RuntimeException DOCUMENT ME! */ public Font getDefaultFont() { return FontImpl.createDefault( filterFactory ); } public Graphic createDefaultGraphic() { Graphic graphic = new GraphicImpl(); graphic.addMark( createMark() ); // a default graphic is assumed to have a single Mark graphic.setSize(Expression.NIL); graphic.setOpacity(filterFactory.literal(1.0)); graphic.setRotation(filterFactory.literal(0.0)); return graphic; } public Graphic getDefaultGraphic() { return createDefaultGraphic(); } /** * returns a default PointPlacement with a 0,0 anchorPoint and a * displacement of 0,0 and a rotation of 0 * * @return a default PointPlacement. */ public PointPlacement getDefaultPointPlacement() { return this.createPointPlacement(this.createAnchorPoint( filterFactory.literal(0), filterFactory.literal(0.5)), this.createDisplacement(filterFactory.literal(0), filterFactory.literal(0)), filterFactory.literal(0)); } public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer() { return new RasterSymbolizerImpl(); } public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer( String geometryPropertyName, Expression opacity, ChannelSelection channel, Expression overlap, ColorMap colorMap, ContrastEnhancement cenhancement, ShadedRelief relief, Symbolizer outline) { RasterSymbolizer rastersym = new RasterSymbolizerImpl(); if (geometryPropertyName != null) { rastersym.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); } if (opacity != null) { rastersym.setOpacity(opacity); } if (channel != null) { rastersym.setChannelSelection(channel); } if (overlap != null) { rastersym.setOverlap(overlap); } if (colorMap != null) { rastersym.setColorMap(colorMap); } if (cenhancement != null) { rastersym.setContrastEnhancement(cenhancement); } if (relief != null) { rastersym.setShadedRelief(relief); } if (outline != null) { rastersym.setImageOutline(outline); } return rastersym; } public RasterSymbolizer getDefaultRasterSymbolizer() { return createRasterSymbolizer("geom", filterFactory.literal(1.0), null, null, null, null, null, null); } public ChannelSelection createChannelSelection( SelectedChannelType[] channels) { ChannelSelection channelSel = new ChannelSelectionImpl(); if ((channels != null) && (channels.length > 0)) { channelSel.setSelectedChannels(channels); } return channelSel; } public ColorMap createColorMap() { return new ColorMapImpl(); } public ColorMapEntry createColorMapEntry() { return new ColorMapEntryImpl(); } public ContrastEnhancement createContrastEnhancement() { return new ContrastEnhancementImpl(); } public ContrastEnhancement createContrastEnhancement(Expression gammaValue) { ContrastEnhancement ce = new ContrastEnhancementImpl(); ce.setGammaValue(gammaValue); return ce; } public SelectedChannelType createSelectedChannelType(String name, ContrastEnhancement enhancement) { SelectedChannelType sct = new SelectedChannelTypeImpl(); sct.setChannelName(name); sct.setContrastEnhancement(enhancement); return sct; } public SelectedChannelType createSelectedChannelType(String name, Expression gammaValue) { SelectedChannelType sct = new SelectedChannelTypeImpl(); sct.setChannelName(name); sct.setContrastEnhancement(createContrastEnhancement(gammaValue)); return sct; } public StyledLayerDescriptor createStyledLayerDescriptor() { return new StyledLayerDescriptorImpl(); } public UserLayer createUserLayer() { return new UserLayerImpl(); } public NamedLayer createNamedLayer() { return new NamedLayerImpl(); } public RemoteOWS createRemoteOWS(String service, String onlineResource) { RemoteOWSImpl remoteOWS = new RemoteOWSImpl(); remoteOWS.setService(service); remoteOWS.setOnlineResource(onlineResource); return remoteOWS; } public ShadedRelief createShadedRelief(Expression reliefFactor) { ShadedRelief relief = new ShadedReliefImpl(); relief.setReliefFactor(reliefFactor); return relief; } // // Start of GeoAPI StyleFacstory implementation // public AnchorPoint anchorPoint(Expression x, Expression y) { return delegate.anchorPoint(x, y); } public ChannelSelection channelSelection( org.opengis.style.SelectedChannelType gray) { return delegate.channelSelection(gray); } public ChannelSelection channelSelection( org.opengis.style.SelectedChannelType red, org.opengis.style.SelectedChannelType green, org.opengis.style.SelectedChannelType blue) { return delegate.channelSelection(red, green, blue); } public ColorMap colorMap(Expression propertyName, Expression... mapping) { return delegate.colorMap(propertyName, mapping); } public ColorReplacementImpl colorReplacement(Expression propertyName, Expression... mapping) { return delegate.colorReplacement(propertyName, mapping); } public ContrastEnhancement contrastEnhancement(Expression gamma, ContrastMethod method) { return delegate.contrastEnhancement(gamma, method); } public org.geotools.styling.Description description(InternationalString title, InternationalString description) { return delegate.description(title, description); } public Displacement displacement(Expression dx, Expression dy) { return delegate.displacement(dx, dy); } public ExternalGraphic externalGraphic(Icon inline, Collection replacements) { return delegate.externalGraphic(inline, replacements); } public ExternalGraphic externalGraphic(OnLineResource resource, String format, Collection replacements) { return delegate.externalGraphic(resource, format, replacements); } public ExternalMarkImpl externalMark(Icon inline) { return delegate.externalMark(inline); } public ExternalMarkImpl externalMark(OnLineResource resource, String format, int markIndex) { return delegate.externalMark(resource, format, markIndex); } public FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle(String name, Description description, Id definedFor, Set featureTypeNames, Set types, List rules) { return delegate.featureTypeStyle(name, description, definedFor, featureTypeNames, types, rules); } public Fill fill(GraphicFill fill, Expression color, Expression opacity) { return delegate.fill(fill, color, opacity); } public Font font(List family, Expression style, Expression weight, Expression size) { return delegate.font(family, style, weight, size); } public Graphic graphic(List symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation, org.opengis.style.AnchorPoint anchor, org.opengis.style.Displacement disp) { return delegate.graphic(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchor, disp); } public Graphic graphicFill(List symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation, org.opengis.style.AnchorPoint anchorPoint, org.opengis.style.Displacement displacement) { return delegate.graphicFill(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchorPoint, displacement); } public GraphicLegend graphicLegend(List symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation, org.opengis.style.AnchorPoint anchorPoint, org.opengis.style.Displacement displacement) { return delegate.graphicLegend(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchorPoint, displacement); } public Graphic graphicStroke(List symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation, org.opengis.style.AnchorPoint anchorPoint, org.opengis.style.Displacement displacement, Expression initialGap, Expression gap) { return delegate.graphicStroke(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchorPoint, displacement, initialGap, gap); } public Halo halo(org.opengis.style.Fill fill, Expression radius) { return delegate.halo(fill, radius); } public LinePlacement linePlacement(Expression offset, Expression initialGap, Expression gap, boolean repeated, boolean aligned, boolean generalizedLine) { return delegate.linePlacement(offset, initialGap, gap, repeated, aligned, generalizedLine); } public LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer(String name, Expression geometry, Description description, Unit unit, org.opengis.style.Stroke stroke, Expression offset) { return delegate.lineSymbolizer(name, geometry, description, unit, stroke, offset); } public Mark mark(Expression wellKnownName, org.opengis.style.Fill fill, org.opengis.style.Stroke stroke) { return delegate.mark(wellKnownName, fill, stroke); } public MarkImpl mark(org.opengis.style.ExternalMark externalMark, org.opengis.style.Fill fill, org.opengis.style.Stroke stroke) { return delegate.mark(externalMark, fill, stroke); } public PointPlacement pointPlacement(org.opengis.style.AnchorPoint anchor, org.opengis.style.Displacement displacement, Expression rotation) { return delegate.pointPlacement(anchor, displacement, rotation); } public PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer(String name, Expression geometry, Description description, Unit unit, org.opengis.style.Graphic graphic) { return delegate.pointSymbolizer(name, geometry, description, unit, graphic); } public PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer(String name, Expression geometry, Description description, Unit unit, org.opengis.style.Stroke stroke, org.opengis.style.Fill fill, org.opengis.style.Displacement displacement, Expression offset) { return polygonSymbolizer(name, geometry, description, unit, stroke, fill, displacement, offset); } public RasterSymbolizer rasterSymbolizer(String name, Expression geometry, Description description, Unit unit, Expression opacity, org.opengis.style.ChannelSelection channelSelection, OverlapBehavior overlapsBehaviour, org.opengis.style.ColorMap colorMap, org.opengis.style.ContrastEnhancement contrast, org.opengis.style.ShadedRelief shaded, org.opengis.style.Symbolizer outline) { return delegate.rasterSymbolizer(name, geometry, description, unit, opacity, channelSelection, overlapsBehaviour, colorMap, contrast, shaded, outline); } public ExtensionSymbolizer extensionSymbolizer(String name, String propertyName, Description description, Unit unit, String extensionName, Map parameters) { return delegate.extensionSymbolizer(name, propertyName, description, unit, extensionName, parameters); } public Rule rule(String name, Description description, org.opengis.style.GraphicLegend legend, double min, double max, List symbolizers, Filter filter) { return delegate.rule(name, description, legend, min, max, symbolizers, filter); } public SelectedChannelType selectedChannelType(String channelName, org.opengis.style.ContrastEnhancement contrastEnhancement) { return delegate.selectedChannelType(channelName, contrastEnhancement); } public ShadedRelief shadedRelief(Expression reliefFactor, boolean brightnessOnly) { return delegate.shadedRelief(reliefFactor, brightnessOnly); } public Stroke stroke(Expression color, Expression opacity, Expression width, Expression join, Expression cap, float[] dashes, Expression offset) { return delegate.stroke(color, opacity, width, join, cap, dashes, offset); } public Stroke stroke(GraphicFill fill, Expression color, Expression opacity, Expression width, Expression join, Expression cap, float[] dashes, Expression offset) { return delegate.stroke(fill, color, opacity, width, join, cap, dashes, offset); } public Stroke stroke(GraphicStroke stroke, Expression color, Expression opacity, Expression width, Expression join, Expression cap, float[] dashes, Expression offset) { return delegate.stroke(stroke, color, opacity, width, join, cap, dashes, offset); } public Style style(String name, Description description, boolean isDefault, List featureTypeStyles, org.opengis.style.Symbolizer defaultSymbolizer) { return delegate.style(name, description, isDefault, featureTypeStyles, defaultSymbolizer); } public TextSymbolizer textSymbolizer(String name, Expression geometry, Description description, Unit unit, Expression label, org.opengis.style.Font font, org.opengis.style.LabelPlacement placement, org.opengis.style.Halo halo, org.opengis.style.Fill fill) { return delegate.textSymbolizer(name, geometry, description, unit, label, font, placement, halo, fill); } }