/** * * * * $Id$ */ package net.opengis.wps10.impl; import java.math.BigInteger; import net.opengis.wps10.*; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.XMLTypeFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.XMLTypePackage; /** * * An implementation of the model Factory. * * @generated */ public class Wps10FactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements Wps10Factory { /** * Creates the default factory implementation. * * * @generated */ public static Wps10Factory init() { try { Wps10Factory theWps10Factory = (Wps10Factory)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEFactory("http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0"); if (theWps10Factory != null) { return theWps10Factory; } } catch (Exception exception) { EcorePlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); } return new Wps10FactoryImpl(); } /** * Creates an instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ public Wps10FactoryImpl() { super(); } /** * * * @generated */ public EObject create(EClass eClass) { switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) { case Wps10Package.BODY_REFERENCE_TYPE: return createBodyReferenceType(); case Wps10Package.COMPLEX_DATA_COMBINATIONS_TYPE: return createComplexDataCombinationsType(); case Wps10Package.COMPLEX_DATA_COMBINATION_TYPE: return createComplexDataCombinationType(); case Wps10Package.COMPLEX_DATA_DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createComplexDataDescriptionType(); case Wps10Package.COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE: return createComplexDataType(); case Wps10Package.CR_SS_TYPE: return createCRSsType(); case Wps10Package.DATA_INPUTS_TYPE: return createDataInputsType(); case Wps10Package.DATA_INPUTS_TYPE1: return createDataInputsType1(); case Wps10Package.DATA_TYPE: return createDataType(); case Wps10Package.DEFAULT_TYPE: return createDefaultType(); case Wps10Package.DEFAULT_TYPE1: return createDefaultType1(); case Wps10Package.DEFAULT_TYPE2: return createDefaultType2(); case Wps10Package.DESCRIBE_PROCESS_TYPE: return createDescribeProcessType(); case Wps10Package.DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createDescriptionType(); case Wps10Package.DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_DEFINITION_TYPE: return createDocumentOutputDefinitionType(); case Wps10Package.DOCUMENT_ROOT: return createDocumentRoot(); case Wps10Package.EXECUTE_RESPONSE_TYPE: return createExecuteResponseType(); case Wps10Package.EXECUTE_TYPE: return createExecuteType(); case Wps10Package.GET_CAPABILITIES_TYPE: return createGetCapabilitiesType(); case Wps10Package.HEADER_TYPE: return createHeaderType(); case Wps10Package.INPUT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createInputDescriptionType(); case Wps10Package.INPUT_REFERENCE_TYPE: return createInputReferenceType(); case Wps10Package.INPUT_TYPE: return createInputType(); case Wps10Package.LANGUAGES_TYPE: return createLanguagesType(); case Wps10Package.LANGUAGES_TYPE1: return createLanguagesType1(); case Wps10Package.LITERAL_DATA_TYPE: return createLiteralDataType(); case Wps10Package.LITERAL_INPUT_TYPE: return createLiteralInputType(); case Wps10Package.LITERAL_OUTPUT_TYPE: return createLiteralOutputType(); case Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DATA_TYPE: return createOutputDataType(); case Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DEFINITIONS_TYPE: return createOutputDefinitionsType(); case Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DEFINITION_TYPE: return createOutputDefinitionType(); case Wps10Package.OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createOutputDescriptionType(); case Wps10Package.OUTPUT_REFERENCE_TYPE: return createOutputReferenceType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_BRIEF_TYPE: return createProcessBriefType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_DESCRIPTIONS_TYPE: return createProcessDescriptionsType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createProcessDescriptionType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_FAILED_TYPE: return createProcessFailedType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_OFFERINGS_TYPE: return createProcessOfferingsType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_OUTPUTS_TYPE: return createProcessOutputsType(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_OUTPUTS_TYPE1: return createProcessOutputsType1(); case Wps10Package.PROCESS_STARTED_TYPE: return createProcessStartedType(); case Wps10Package.REQUEST_BASE_TYPE: return createRequestBaseType(); case Wps10Package.RESPONSE_BASE_TYPE: return createResponseBaseType(); case Wps10Package.RESPONSE_DOCUMENT_TYPE: return createResponseDocumentType(); case Wps10Package.RESPONSE_FORM_TYPE: return createResponseFormType(); case Wps10Package.STATUS_TYPE: return createStatusType(); case Wps10Package.SUPPORTED_COMPLEX_DATA_INPUT_TYPE: return createSupportedComplexDataInputType(); case Wps10Package.SUPPORTED_COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE: return createSupportedComplexDataType(); case Wps10Package.SUPPORTED_CR_SS_TYPE: return createSupportedCRSsType(); case Wps10Package.SUPPORTED_UO_MS_TYPE: return createSupportedUOMsType(); case Wps10Package.UO_MS_TYPE: return createUOMsType(); case Wps10Package.VALUES_REFERENCE_TYPE: return createValuesReferenceType(); case Wps10Package.WPS_CAPABILITIES_TYPE: return createWPSCapabilitiesType(); case Wps10Package.WSDL_TYPE: return createWSDLType(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public Object createFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { switch (eDataType.getClassifierID()) { case Wps10Package.METHOD_TYPE: return createMethodTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); case Wps10Package.METHOD_TYPE_OBJECT: return createMethodTypeObjectFromString(eDataType, initialValue); case Wps10Package.PERCENT_COMPLETED_TYPE: return createPercentCompletedTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { switch (eDataType.getClassifierID()) { case Wps10Package.METHOD_TYPE: return convertMethodTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); case Wps10Package.METHOD_TYPE_OBJECT: return convertMethodTypeObjectToString(eDataType, instanceValue); case Wps10Package.PERCENT_COMPLETED_TYPE: return convertPercentCompletedTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public BodyReferenceType createBodyReferenceType() { BodyReferenceTypeImpl bodyReferenceType = new BodyReferenceTypeImpl(); return bodyReferenceType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ComplexDataCombinationsType createComplexDataCombinationsType() { ComplexDataCombinationsTypeImpl complexDataCombinationsType = new ComplexDataCombinationsTypeImpl(); return complexDataCombinationsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ComplexDataCombinationType createComplexDataCombinationType() { ComplexDataCombinationTypeImpl complexDataCombinationType = new ComplexDataCombinationTypeImpl(); return complexDataCombinationType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ComplexDataDescriptionType createComplexDataDescriptionType() { ComplexDataDescriptionTypeImpl complexDataDescriptionType = new ComplexDataDescriptionTypeImpl(); return complexDataDescriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ComplexDataType createComplexDataType() { ComplexDataTypeImpl complexDataType = new ComplexDataTypeImpl(); return complexDataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public CRSsType createCRSsType() { CRSsTypeImpl crSsType = new CRSsTypeImpl(); return crSsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DataInputsType createDataInputsType() { DataInputsTypeImpl dataInputsType = new DataInputsTypeImpl(); return dataInputsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DataInputsType1 createDataInputsType1() { DataInputsType1Impl dataInputsType1 = new DataInputsType1Impl(); return dataInputsType1; } /** * * * @generated */ public DataType createDataType() { DataTypeImpl dataType = new DataTypeImpl(); return dataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DefaultType createDefaultType() { DefaultTypeImpl defaultType = new DefaultTypeImpl(); return defaultType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DefaultType1 createDefaultType1() { DefaultType1Impl defaultType1 = new DefaultType1Impl(); return defaultType1; } /** * * * @generated */ public DefaultType2 createDefaultType2() { DefaultType2Impl defaultType2 = new DefaultType2Impl(); return defaultType2; } /** * * * @generated */ public DescribeProcessType createDescribeProcessType() { DescribeProcessTypeImpl describeProcessType = new DescribeProcessTypeImpl(); return describeProcessType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DescriptionType createDescriptionType() { DescriptionTypeImpl descriptionType = new DescriptionTypeImpl(); return descriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DocumentOutputDefinitionType createDocumentOutputDefinitionType() { DocumentOutputDefinitionTypeImpl documentOutputDefinitionType = new DocumentOutputDefinitionTypeImpl(); return documentOutputDefinitionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot() { DocumentRootImpl documentRoot = new DocumentRootImpl(); return documentRoot; } /** * * * @generated */ public ExecuteResponseType createExecuteResponseType() { ExecuteResponseTypeImpl executeResponseType = new ExecuteResponseTypeImpl(); return executeResponseType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ExecuteType createExecuteType() { ExecuteTypeImpl executeType = new ExecuteTypeImpl(); return executeType; } /** * * * @generated */ public GetCapabilitiesType createGetCapabilitiesType() { GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl getCapabilitiesType = new GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl(); return getCapabilitiesType; } /** * * * @generated */ public HeaderType createHeaderType() { HeaderTypeImpl headerType = new HeaderTypeImpl(); return headerType; } /** * * * @generated */ public InputDescriptionType createInputDescriptionType() { InputDescriptionTypeImpl inputDescriptionType = new InputDescriptionTypeImpl(); return inputDescriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public InputReferenceType createInputReferenceType() { InputReferenceTypeImpl inputReferenceType = new InputReferenceTypeImpl(); return inputReferenceType; } /** * * * @generated */ public InputType createInputType() { InputTypeImpl inputType = new InputTypeImpl(); return inputType; } /** * * * @generated */ public LanguagesType createLanguagesType() { LanguagesTypeImpl languagesType = new LanguagesTypeImpl(); return languagesType; } /** * * * @generated */ public LanguagesType1 createLanguagesType1() { LanguagesType1Impl languagesType1 = new LanguagesType1Impl(); return languagesType1; } /** * * * @generated */ public LiteralDataType createLiteralDataType() { LiteralDataTypeImpl literalDataType = new LiteralDataTypeImpl(); return literalDataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public LiteralInputType createLiteralInputType() { LiteralInputTypeImpl literalInputType = new LiteralInputTypeImpl(); return literalInputType; } /** * * * @generated */ public LiteralOutputType createLiteralOutputType() { LiteralOutputTypeImpl literalOutputType = new LiteralOutputTypeImpl(); return literalOutputType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OutputDataType createOutputDataType() { OutputDataTypeImpl outputDataType = new OutputDataTypeImpl(); return outputDataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OutputDefinitionsType createOutputDefinitionsType() { OutputDefinitionsTypeImpl outputDefinitionsType = new OutputDefinitionsTypeImpl(); return outputDefinitionsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OutputDefinitionType createOutputDefinitionType() { OutputDefinitionTypeImpl outputDefinitionType = new OutputDefinitionTypeImpl(); return outputDefinitionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OutputDescriptionType createOutputDescriptionType() { OutputDescriptionTypeImpl outputDescriptionType = new OutputDescriptionTypeImpl(); return outputDescriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OutputReferenceType createOutputReferenceType() { OutputReferenceTypeImpl outputReferenceType = new OutputReferenceTypeImpl(); return outputReferenceType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessBriefType createProcessBriefType() { ProcessBriefTypeImpl processBriefType = new ProcessBriefTypeImpl(); return processBriefType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessDescriptionsType createProcessDescriptionsType() { ProcessDescriptionsTypeImpl processDescriptionsType = new ProcessDescriptionsTypeImpl(); return processDescriptionsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessDescriptionType createProcessDescriptionType() { ProcessDescriptionTypeImpl processDescriptionType = new ProcessDescriptionTypeImpl(); return processDescriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessFailedType createProcessFailedType() { ProcessFailedTypeImpl processFailedType = new ProcessFailedTypeImpl(); return processFailedType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessOfferingsType createProcessOfferingsType() { ProcessOfferingsTypeImpl processOfferingsType = new ProcessOfferingsTypeImpl(); return processOfferingsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessOutputsType createProcessOutputsType() { ProcessOutputsTypeImpl processOutputsType = new ProcessOutputsTypeImpl(); return processOutputsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessOutputsType1 createProcessOutputsType1() { ProcessOutputsType1Impl processOutputsType1 = new ProcessOutputsType1Impl(); return processOutputsType1; } /** * * * @generated */ public ProcessStartedType createProcessStartedType() { ProcessStartedTypeImpl processStartedType = new ProcessStartedTypeImpl(); return processStartedType; } /** * * * @generated */ public RequestBaseType createRequestBaseType() { RequestBaseTypeImpl requestBaseType = new RequestBaseTypeImpl(); return requestBaseType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ResponseBaseType createResponseBaseType() { ResponseBaseTypeImpl responseBaseType = new ResponseBaseTypeImpl(); return responseBaseType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ResponseDocumentType createResponseDocumentType() { ResponseDocumentTypeImpl responseDocumentType = new ResponseDocumentTypeImpl(); return responseDocumentType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ResponseFormType createResponseFormType() { ResponseFormTypeImpl responseFormType = new ResponseFormTypeImpl(); return responseFormType; } /** * * * @generated */ public StatusType createStatusType() { StatusTypeImpl statusType = new StatusTypeImpl(); return statusType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SupportedComplexDataInputType createSupportedComplexDataInputType() { SupportedComplexDataInputTypeImpl supportedComplexDataInputType = new SupportedComplexDataInputTypeImpl(); return supportedComplexDataInputType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SupportedComplexDataType createSupportedComplexDataType() { SupportedComplexDataTypeImpl supportedComplexDataType = new SupportedComplexDataTypeImpl(); return supportedComplexDataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SupportedCRSsType createSupportedCRSsType() { SupportedCRSsTypeImpl supportedCRSsType = new SupportedCRSsTypeImpl(); return supportedCRSsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SupportedUOMsType createSupportedUOMsType() { SupportedUOMsTypeImpl supportedUOMsType = new SupportedUOMsTypeImpl(); return supportedUOMsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public UOMsType createUOMsType() { UOMsTypeImpl uoMsType = new UOMsTypeImpl(); return uoMsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ValuesReferenceType createValuesReferenceType() { ValuesReferenceTypeImpl valuesReferenceType = new ValuesReferenceTypeImpl(); return valuesReferenceType; } /** * * * @generated */ public WPSCapabilitiesType createWPSCapabilitiesType() { WPSCapabilitiesTypeImpl wpsCapabilitiesType = new WPSCapabilitiesTypeImpl(); return wpsCapabilitiesType; } /** * * * @generated */ public WSDLType createWSDLType() { WSDLTypeImpl wsdlType = new WSDLTypeImpl(); return wsdlType; } /** * * * @generated */ public MethodType createMethodTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { MethodType result = MethodType.get(initialValue); if (result == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value '" + initialValue + "' is not a valid enumerator of '" + eDataType.getName() + "'"); return result; } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertMethodTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return instanceValue == null ? null : instanceValue.toString(); } /** * * * @generated */ public MethodType createMethodTypeObjectFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return createMethodTypeFromString(Wps10Package.Literals.METHOD_TYPE, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertMethodTypeObjectToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return convertMethodTypeToString(Wps10Package.Literals.METHOD_TYPE, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public BigInteger createPercentCompletedTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return (BigInteger)XMLTypeFactory.eINSTANCE.createFromString(XMLTypePackage.Literals.INTEGER, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertPercentCompletedTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return XMLTypeFactory.eINSTANCE.convertToString(XMLTypePackage.Literals.INTEGER, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public Wps10Package getWps10Package() { return (Wps10Package)getEPackage(); } /** * * * @deprecated * @generated */ public static Wps10Package getPackage() { return Wps10Package.eINSTANCE; } } //Wps10FactoryImpl