Differences between Geotools's API and OpenGIS specification

The org.geotools.cv, gc and gp packages are basically org.opengis mirrors. Most classes have a 1 to 1 equivalent. However, the Geotools's API is modified in order to make it more "Java friendly" and ease interoperability with other Java packages (specially Java2D and Java Advanced Imaging). The main differences are listed below:

Naming convention, enumeration classes and localization support

All convention described in the Coordinate Transformation Services module (CTS) apply to Grid Coverage Services (GCS) too.

Method's name changes

Classes replacement

Some OpenGIS interfaces have been omitted in order to avoid redundancies with standard Java classes or other OpenGIS classes:
Omitted class or method Replacement
GC_Parameter[] javax.media.jai.ParameterList
GP_ParameterType Instances of java.lang.Class
GP_GridAnalysis Methods moved in GridCoverage and SampleDimension.
CV_PaletteInterpretation No replacement at this time.
GC_ValueInBytePacking No replacement at this time.
GC_ByteInValuePacking java.nio.ByteOrder