Imagemosaic Jdbc Implementation for Geotools ** Build Issues ** None ** Tests ** The standard test is running against an H2 Database. In src/test/resources you find : a zip file containing image material needed for the tests The sample data is downloaded from WGS84 Coordinates (lon/lat) lower left: 9/46 upper right: 17/49 : a template for connect info for db2 online tests : a template for connect info for postgis online tests : a template for connect info for mysql online tests : a template for connect info for oracle online tests Prior to starting the test, will automatically be unzipped into target/resources/. The results of the tests are located in target/h2 target/db2 target/postgis target/mysql target/oracle ** Running Online Tests ** Depending on the db to test, copy the correct property file to ~/.geotools/imagemosaic/. (unix) c:\Document and Settings\userid\.geotools\imagemosaic\. (windows) and adjust the connect params in the file. Requirements: DB2: 1) db2 spatial extender installed 2) created a database 3) have a correct property file (fixture) in your home dir 4) have db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license.jar in your classpath MYSQL: 1) running mysql 2) created a database 3) have a correct property file (fixture) in your home dir PostGis 1) running postgres 2) created a database and enable this db for postgis 3) have a correct property file (fixture) in your home dir Oracle 1) running an oracle instance 2) have a correct property file (fixture) in your home dir 3) have ojdbc14.jar in your classpath Run Maven with: mvn -P online test If an online test is missing its property file (fixture) or cannot load its jdbc driver class, the test is skipped showing a message. ** Further Help ** If you are still having problems getting the tests to work, ask a question via