Naming Conventions =================== Naming conventions is another one of those things that are fun to learn working with a new codebase. We tend to follow normal Java naming for things; we have had some fun with unicode variable names over the years so please be careful and think of others. Naming Files and Directories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GeoTools makes use of the following naming conventions. * Directory ext/validation Directory names shall be all lower case with no spaces. * Package org.geotools.filter Packages are all lower case with no spaces and should be located in *org.geotools package* * Interface DataStore GeoTools interfaces are usually located in the *gt-opengis* or *gt-api* modules. Interfaces should be called * Implementation ShapefileDataStore Append the name of the interface being implemented * Default DefaultQuery QueryImpl Default implementations should be called or * Abstract AbstractDataStore Abstract implementations should be called * Javadoc doc-files/ Javadoc makes use of doc-files directories in the package hierarchy to allow the inclusion of rich content in generated api documentation. * JUnit test-data/ JUnit test cases make use of test-data directories in the package hierarchy * Test SampleTest JUnit test, picked up by maven build process * online test ServerOnlineTest JUnit test making use of line resource such as a web service Some versions of windows do not distinguish between upper and lower case, and in unix, writing spaces in filenames is painful. Notes: * both test-data and doc-files do not follow the package naming convention allowing them to be easily distinguished from normal code * both Test and OnineTest are picked out by the maven build process for special treatment Naming Conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We tend to follow normal java development naming conventions. Classes start with Capital letters and use CamelCase, variable start with a lower case letter and use camelCase, constants and enumerations are ALL_CAPITALS etc.. * Interface Renderer Use camel case and start with a capital letter * Interface RendererFactory When defining an interface you often need a factory to handle construction * Class DefaultRenderer Use camel case and start with a capital letter. Try and end with the interface name * Class RendererImpl Used to quickly implement an interface when we expect only one implementation * Variable xDelta Start with lower case using camel case to separate words * Constant MAX_LIMIT Use all capitals and an underscore to separate words. This applies to enumeration constants as well Tools that can Help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * FindBugs * PMD Running these static analysis tools on your code will find all sorts of mistakes; in addition to checking that your names follow accepted practice.