DB2 Plugin ---------- Supports direct access to a DB2 database. A couple of really good things have happened for DB2 support recently. We have obtained permission to distribute the DB2 driver with GeoTools, and you can now download a free community version of DB2 . References: * http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/db2/express/ Connection Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | +=============+==============================================+ | "dbtype" | Must be the string "db2" | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "host" | Machine name or IP address to connect to | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "port" | Port number to connect to, default 50000 | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "tabschema" | The database schema to access | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "database" | The database to connect to | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "user" | User name | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "passwd" | Password | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ Creating ^^^^^^^^ Here is an example of connecting:: Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("dbtype", "db2"); //must be db2 or DB2 params.put("host", "localhost"); //the name or ip address of the machine running DB2 params.put("port", "50000"); //the port that DB2 is running on (generally 50000) params.put("database", "geotools"); //the name of the database to connect to. params.put("user", "db2admin"); //the user to connect with params.put("passwd", "adminpw"); //the password of the user params.put("tabschema", "SPEAR"); //the table schema DataStore datastore = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(params); Advanced Connection Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Additional connection parameters are available to configure connection pool use, or to feed in your own DataSource. For more information check the java docs for: * DB2NGJNDIDataStoreFactory * DB2NGDataStoreFactory