Parameter --------- The **gt-referencing** module is the first one to use the **Parameter** and **ParameterGroup** data structure defined by **gt-opengis**. These Parameters are a bit odd for Java developers: * They are actually a dynamic type system (you need to inspect the values at runtime in order to learn what values are acceptable) * They are based an ISO Standard, rather than Java Beans * They are strongly typed (you need a ParameterDescriptor in place to create a ParameterValue) * They allow multiplicity, the same parameter can be repeated multiple times if needed. Very similar to how XML elements are allowed to repeat * They allow parameters to be "grouped", similar to how XML supports elements in a sequence ParameterDescriptor and Parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: /images/parameter.PNG A ParameterDescriptor is used to advertise what values are acceptable, the quickest way to show this is to create one.:: final DefaultParameterDescriptor RANGE = new DefaultParameterDescriptor("Range", 15.0, -30.0, +40.0, null) And then ask it questions:: System.out.println( RANGE.getMinimumValue().compareTo( new Double(2) ) ); System.out.println( RANGE.getMaximumValue().compareTo( new Double(20) ) ); Please note that metadata classes such as Identifier are used here:: Identifier name = RANGE.getName(); System.out.println( name ); A ParameterValue is used to hold a single value, within the limits of the ParameterDescriptor.:: ParameterValue value = (ParameterValue) RANGE.createValue(); value.setValue( 2.0 ); You are kind of on the honour system here:: value.setValue( 20.0 ); // out of RANGE value.setValue( 2 ); // wrong type You can actually get very specific with the use of units:: final DefaultParameterDescriptor LIMIT = new DefaultParameterDescriptor( Citations.GEOTOOLS, "Limit", Double.class, null, null, null. null, SI.METER.divide(SI.SECOND), true); You can indicate a set of valid values with a "CodeList" (like a Java 1.4 enum, but allows more values at runtime):: final DefaultParameterDescriptor STATUS = new DefaultParameterDescriptor("Status",Status.GOOD ); ParameterValue status = (ParameterValue) STATUS.createValue(); Here is that code list:: class Status extends CodeList { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; static ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); static Status GOOD = new Status("GOOD"); static Status BAD = new Status("BAD"); static Status UGLY = new Status("UGLY"); private Status( String name){ super( name, values ); } public CodeList[] family() { return (Status[]) values.toArray( new Status[ values.size()]); } } ParameterDescriptorGroup and ParameterGroup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: /images/parametergroup.PNG You can also have groups of parameters (that may repeat if needed as indicated by minOccurs and maxOccurs). Here is a simple example with associating prefix with URI.:: final DefaultParameterDescriptor PREFIX = new DefaultParameterDescriptor( Citations.GEOTOOLS, "Perfix", String.class, null, null, null. null, null, true); final DefaultParameterDescriptor NAMESPACE = new DefaultParameterDescriptor( Citations.GEOTOOLS, "Namespace", URI.class, null, null, null. null, null, true); final DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup REFERENCES = new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup( Citations.GEOTOOLS, "Referneces", new DefaultParameterDescriptor[]{PREFIX,NAMESPACE} ); You can have groups within groups, and so on. You can use a Map to quickly create a citation, incase a constant does not suite you:: Map metadata = new HashMap(); metadata.put( "authority", System.getProperties().get("")); metadata.put( "name", "References2"); metadata.put( "alias", "References II"); final DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup REFERENCES2 = new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup( metadata, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, new DefaultParameterDescriptor[]{PREFIX,NAMESPACE} ); The above example also has the References2 group being optional (minOccurs == 0), and any number of references are allowed (maxOccurs == Integer.MAX_VALUE ).