SWING MODULE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module Maintainers: Michael Bedward, Jody Garnett IP Review: * Michael Bedward, September 2009 * Jody Garnett, September 2009 STATUS: clean The Swing Module is developed for Geotools and provides classes for GUI elements including a map display pane with associated cursor tools. * org.getools.swing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classes for map display, a progress window and exception reporting dialog * org.geotools.swing.action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classes to link GUI control actions to the map pane. * org.geotools.swing.dndlist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classes that implement a JList with drag and drop reordering of elements; used as a table of contents for map layers. * org.geotools.swing.data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dialog and wizard classes to get user input for data store choices. * org.geotools.swing.event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mouse and map pane event and listener classes. * org.geotools.swing.styling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * org.geotools.swing.table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support a JTable model for feature collections. * org.geotools.swing.tool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cursor tool classes for zooming, panning etc. * org.geotools.swing.wizard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classes to consturct wizards to get user input * org.geotools.swing.icons (resources) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control and cursor icons. Some created specifically for this module by mbedward. Those named with prefix mAction were produced by Robert Szczepane and are distributed under the licence that appears below. As requested in the licence, Robert has been informed of the icons use here. * org.jdesktop.swingworker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SwingWorker class from https://swingworker.dev.java.net/ - under an LGPL license. This class is available in Java 6 but we cannot wait. LICENSE Original GIS icons theme was created by Robert Szczepanek [1] and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License [2]. Fill free to use it for GIS software or for any other purposes. I only ask you to let me know about that and to include licence.txt file in your work. [1] http://robert.szczepanek.pl/ [2] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ TITLE: gis-0.1 DESCRIPTION: GIS icon theme AUTHOR: Robert Szczepanek CONTACT: robert at szczepanek pl SITE: http://robert.szczepanek.pl/ Cracow 2008, Poland