/* * Geotools 2 - OpenSource mapping toolkit * (C) 2003, Geotools Project Management Committee (PMC) * (C) 2001, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * This package contains documentation from OpenGIS specifications. * OpenGIS consortium's work is fully acknowledged here. */ package org.geotools.cv; // J2SE dependencies import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; import javax.media.jai.iterator.WritableRectIter; import org.geotools.ct.MathTransform; import org.geotools.ct.MathTransform1D; import org.geotools.pt.CoordinatePoint; import org.geotools.pt.Matrix; import org.geotools.resources.Utilities; import org.geotools.resources.gcs.ResourceKeys; import org.geotools.resources.gcs.Resources; import org.geotools.units.Unit; import org.geotools.util.NumberRange; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException; /** * An immutable list of categories. Categories are sorted by their sample values. * Overlapping ranges of sample values are not allowed. A CategoryList can * contains a mix of qualitative and quantitative categories. The {@link #getCategory} * method is responsible for finding the right category for an arbitrary sample value. * * Instances of {@link CategoryList} are immutable and thread-safe. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link org.geotools.coverage.CategoryList} * in the org.geotools.coverage package. */ class CategoryList extends AbstractList implements MathTransform1D, Comparator, Serializable { /** * Serial number for interoperability with different versions. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2647846361059903365L; /** * The inverse transform, never null. * The following rule must hold: * * */ final CategoryList inverse; /** * The range of values in this category list. This is the union of the range of values * of every categories, excluding NaN values. This field will be computed * only when first requested. */ private transient NumberRange range; /** * List of {@link Category#minimum} values for each category in {@link #categories}. * This array must be in increasing order. Actually, this is the * need to sort this array that determines the element order in {@link #categories}. */ private final double[] minimums; /** * The list of categories to use for decoding samples. This list most be sorted * in increasing order of {@link Category#minimum}. This {@link CategoryList} * object may be used as a {@link Comparator} for that. Qualitative categories * (with NaN values) are last. */ private final Category[] categories; /** * The "main" category, or null if there is none. The main category * is the quantitative category with the widest range of sample values. */ private final Category main; /** * The "nodata" category (never null). The "nodata" category is a * category mapping the geophysics {@link Double#NaN} value. If none has been * found, a default "nodata" category is used. This category is used to transform * geophysics values to sample values into rasters when no suitable category has * been found for a given geophysics value. */ final Category nodata; /** * The category to use if {@link #getCategory(double)} is invoked with a sample value * greater than all sample ranges in this category list. This is usually a reference to * the last category to have a range of real values. A null value means * that no fallback should be used. By extension, a null value also means * that {@link #getCategory} should not try to find any fallback at all if the requested * sample value do not falls in a category range. */ private final Category overflowFallback; /** * The last used category. We assume that this category is the most likely * to be requested in the next transform(...) invocation. */ private transient Category last; /** * true if there is gaps between categories, or false otherwise. * A gap is found if for example the range of value is [-9999 .. -9999] for the first * category and [0 .. 1000] for the second one. */ private final boolean hasGaps; /** * Construct a category list using the specified array of categories. * * @param categories The list of categories. * @param units The geophysics unit, or null if none. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if two or more categories * have overlapping sample value range. */ public CategoryList(final Category[] categories, final Unit units) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(categories, units, false, null); assert isScaled(false); } /** * Construct a category list using the specified array of categories. * * This constructor is for internal use only * * It is not private only because {@link GeophysicsCategoryList} need this constructor. * * @param categories The list of categories. * @param units The geophysics unit, or null if none. * @param searchNearest The policy when {@link #getCategory} doesn't find an exact match * for a sample value. true means that it should search for the nearest * category, while false means that it should returns null. * @param inverse The inverse transform, or null to build it automatically. * This argument can be non-null only if invoked from * {@link GeophysicsCategoryList} constructor. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if two or more categories have overlapping sample value * range. */ CategoryList(Category[] categories, Unit units, boolean searchNearest, CategoryList inverse) throws IllegalArgumentException { /* * Check if we are constructing a geophysics category list, then rescale all cagegories * according. We may loose the user intend by doing so (he may have specified explicitly * a list of GeophysicsCategory), but this is the SampleDimension's job to keep trace of * it. */ final boolean isGeophysics = (this instanceof GeophysicsCategoryList); assert (inverse != null) == isGeophysics; this.categories = categories = (Category[]) categories.clone(); for (int i=0; i=0;) { final Category candidate = categories[i]; final double value = candidate.geophysics(true).minimum; if (Double.isNaN(value)) { nodata = candidate; if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) == nodataBits) { // Give a preference for the standard Double.NaN. // We should have only one such value, since the // range check above prevents range overlapping. break; } } } this.nodata = nodata; /* * Search for what seems to be the "main" category. This loop looks for the * quantitative category (if there is one) with the widest range of sample values. */ double range = 0; Category main = null; for (int i=categories.length; --i>=0;) { final Category candidate = categories[i]; if (candidate.isQuantitative()) { final Category candidatePeer = candidate.geophysics(false); final double candidateRange = candidatePeer.maximum - candidatePeer.minimum; if (candidateRange >= range) { range = candidateRange; main = candidate; } } } this.main = main; this.last = main; /* * Search for the fallback if {@link #getCategory(double)} is invoked with a sample * value greater than all ranges of sample values. This is the last category to have * a range of real numbers. */ Category overflowFallback = null; if (searchNearest) { for (int i=categories.length; --i>=0;) { final Category category = categories[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(category.maximum)) { overflowFallback = category; break; } } } this.overflowFallback = overflowFallback; /* * Set the inverse transform. If no inverse transform has been explicitly specified, then * this is the "normal" construction call (i.e. not the special construction performed by * GeophysicsCategoryList) and we create our internal inverse object. */ if (inverse == null) { inverse = new GeophysicsCategoryList(categories, units, this); } this.inverse = inverse; assert (this instanceof GeophysicsCategoryList) != (inverse instanceof GeophysicsCategoryList); } /** * Compare {@link Category} objects according their {@link Category#minimum} value. * This is used for sorting the {@link #categories} array at construction time. */ public final int compare(final Object o1, final Object o2) { return compare(((Category)o1).minimum, ((Category)o2).minimum); } /** * Compare deux valeurs de type double. Cette méthode * est similaire à {@link Double#compare(double,double)}, excepté * qu'elle ordonne aussi les différentes valeurs NaN. */ private static int compare(final double v1, final double v2) { if (Double.isNaN(v1) && Double.isNaN(v2)) { final long bits1 = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(v1); final long bits2 = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(v2); if (bits1 < bits2) return -1; if (bits1 > bits2) return +1; } return Double.compare(v1, v2); } /** * Vérifie si le tableau de catégories spécifié est bien en ordre croissant. * La comparaison ne tient pas compte des valeurs NaN. Cette * méthode n'est utilisée que pour les assert. */ static boolean isSorted(final Category[] categories) { for (int i=1; i c.maximum) : c; assert !((c=categories[i-1]).minimum > c.maximum) : c; if (compare(categories[i-1].maximum, categories[i].minimum) > 0) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Effectue une recherche bi-linéaire de la valeur spécifiée. Cette * méthode est semblable à {@link Arrays#binarySearch(double[],double)}, * excepté qu'elle peut distinguer différentes valeurs de NaN. * * Note: This method is not private in order to allows testing by {@link CategoryTest}. */ static int binarySearch(final double[] array, final double key) { int low = 0; int high = array.length-1; final boolean keyIsNaN = Double.isNaN(key); while (low <= high) { final int mid = (low + high) >> 1; final double midVal = array[mid]; if (midVal < key) { // Neither val is NaN, midVal is smaller low = mid + 1; continue; } if (midVal > key) { // Neither val is NaN, midVal is larger high = mid - 1; continue; } /* * The following is an adaptation of evaluator's comments for bug #4471414 * (http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4471414.html). * Extract from evaluator's comment: * * [This] code is not guaranteed to give the desired results because * of laxity in IEEE 754 regarding NaN values. There are actually two * types of NaNs, signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. Java doesn't support * the features necessary to reliably distinguish the two. However, * the relevant point is that copying a signaling NaN may (or may not, * at the implementors discretion) yield a quiet NaN -- a NaN with a * different bit pattern (IEEE 754 6.2). Therefore, on IEEE 754 compliant * platforms it may be impossible to find a signaling NaN stored in an * array since a signaling NaN passed as an argument to binarySearch may * get replaced by a quiet NaN. */ final long midRawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(midVal); final long keyRawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(key); if (midRawBits == keyRawBits) { return mid; // key found } final boolean midIsNaN = Double.isNaN(midVal); final boolean adjustLow; if (keyIsNaN) { // If (mid,key)==(!NaN, NaN): mid is lower. // If two NaN arguments, compare NaN bits. adjustLow = (!midIsNaN || midRawBitstoGeophysics is true, returns a list of categories scaled * to geophysics values. This method always returns a list of categories in which * {@link Category#geophysics(boolean) Category.geophysics}(toGeophysics) * has been invoked for each category. */ public CategoryList geophysics(final boolean toGeophysics) { final CategoryList scaled = toGeophysics ? inverse : this; assert scaled.isScaled(toGeophysics); return scaled; } /** * Verify if all categories are scaled to the specified state. * This is used mostly in assertion statements. * * @param toGeophysics The state to test. * @return true if all categories are in the specified state. */ final boolean isScaled(final boolean toGeophysics) { return isScaled(categories, toGeophysics); } /** * Verify if all categories are scaled to the specified state. * * @param categories The categories to test. * @param toGeophysics The state to test. * @return true if all categories are in the specified state. */ static boolean isScaled(final Category[] categories, final boolean toGeophysics) { for (int i=0; inull for the default one. * @return The localized description. If no description was available * in the specified locale, a default locale is used. */ public final String getName(final Locale locale) { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(30); if (main != null) { buffer.append(main.getName(locale)); } else { buffer.append('('); buffer.append(Resources.getResources(locale).getString(ResourceKeys.UNTITLED)); buffer.append(')'); } buffer.append(' '); return String.valueOf(geophysics(true).formatRange(buffer, locale)); } /** * Returns the unit information for quantitative categories in this list. * May returns null if there is no quantitative categories * in this list, or if there is no unit information. *

* This method is to be overriden by {@link GeophysicsCategoryList}. The default * implementation returns null since sample values are not geophysics * values as long as they have not been transformed. The {@link SampleDimension} * class will invoke geophysics(true).getUnits() in order to get a * non-null unit. */ public Unit getUnits() { return null; } /** * Returns the range of values in this category list. This is the union of the range * of values of every categories, excluding NaN values. A {@link NumberRange} * object give more informations than {@link org.opengis.CV_SampleDimension#getMinimum} * and {@link org.opengis.CV_SampleDimension#getMaximum} since it contains also the * type (integer, float, etc.) and inclusion/exclusion informations. * * @return The range of values. May be null if this category list has no * quantitative category. * * @see Category#getRange */ public final NumberRange getRange() { if (range == null) { NumberRange range = null; for (int i=0; ibuffer for convenience. */ private StringBuffer formatRange(StringBuffer buffer, final Locale locale) { final NumberRange range = getRange(); buffer.append('['); if (range != null) { buffer=format(range.getMinimum(), false, locale, buffer); buffer.append(".."); buffer=format(range.getMaximum(), true, locale, buffer); } else { final Unit unit = getUnits(); if (unit != null) { buffer.append(unit); } } buffer.append(']'); return buffer; } /** * Format the specified value using the specified locale convention. * This method is to be overriden by {@link GeophysicsCategoryList}. * The default implementation do not format the value very properly, * since most invocation will be done on geophysics(true).format(...) * anyway. * * @param value The value to format. * @param writeUnit true if unit symbol should be formatted after the number. * Ignored if this category list has no unit. * @param locale The locale, or null for a default one. * @param buffer The buffer where to format. * @return The buffer buffer for convenience. */ StringBuffer format(final double value, final boolean writeUnits, final Locale locale, StringBuffer buffer) { return buffer.append(value); } /** * Returns a color model for this category list. This method builds up the color model * from each category's colors (as returned by {@link Category#getColors}). * * @param visibleBand The band to be made visible (usually 0). All other bands, if any * will be ignored. * @param numBands The number of bands for the color model (usually 1). The returned color * model will renderer only the visibleBand and ignore the others, but * the existence of all numBands will be at least tolerated. Supplemental * bands, even invisible, are useful for processing with Java Advanced Imaging. * @return The requested color model, suitable for {@link RenderedImage} objects with values * in the {@link #getRange} range. */ public final ColorModel getColorModel(final int visibleBand, final int numBands) { int type = DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT; final NumberRange range = getRange(); final Class rt = range.getElementClass(); if (Byte.class.equals(rt) || Short.class.equals(rt) || Integer.class.equals(rt)) { final int min = ((Number)range.getMinValue()).intValue(); final int max = ((Number)range.getMaxValue()).intValue(); if (min >= 0) { if (max < 0x100) { type = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE; } else if (max < 0x10000) { type = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT; } else { type = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT; } } else if (min >= Short.MIN_VALUE && max <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { type = DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT; } else { type = DataBuffer.TYPE_INT; } } return ColorModelFactory.getColorModel(categories, type, visibleBand, numBands); } /** * Returns a color model for this category list. This method builds up the color model * from each category's colors (as returned by {@link Category#getColors}). * * @param visibleBand The band to be made visible (usually 0). All other bands, if any * will be ignored. * @param numBands The number of bands for the color model (usually 1). The returned color * model will renderer only the visibleBand and ignore the others, but * the existence of all numBands will be at least tolerated. Supplemental * bands, even invisible, are useful for processing with Java Advanced Imaging. * @param type The transfer type used in the sample model * @return The requested color model, suitable for {@link RenderedImage} objects with values * in the {@link #getRange} range. */ public final ColorModel getColorModel(final int visibleBand, final int numBands, final int type) { return ColorModelFactory.getColorModel(categories, type, visibleBand, numBands); } /** * Returns the category of the specified sample value. * If no category fits, then this method returns null. * * @param sample The value. * @return The category of the supplied value, or null. */ public final Category getCategory(final double sample) { /* * Recherche à quelle catégorie pourrait appartenir la valeur. * Note: Les valeurs 'NaN' sont à la fin du tableau 'values'. Donc: * * 1) Si 'value' est NaN, alors 'i' pointera forcément sur une catégorie NaN. * 2) Si 'value' est réel, alors 'i' peut pointer sur une des catégories de * valeurs réels ou sur la première catégorie de NaN. */ int i = binarySearch(minimums, sample); // Special 'binarySearch' for NaN if (i >= 0) { // The value is exactly equals to one of Category.minimum, // or is one of NaN values. There is nothing else to do. assert Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sample) == Double.doubleToRawLongBits(minimums[i]); return categories[i]; } if (Double.isNaN(sample)) { // The value is NaN, but not one of the registered ones. // Consequently, we can't map a category to this value. return null; } assert i == Arrays.binarySearch(minimums, sample) : i; // 'binarySearch' found the index of "insertion point" (~i). This means that // 'sample' is lower than 'Category.minimum' at this index. Consequently, if // this value fits in a category's range, it fits in the previous category (~i-1). i = ~i-1; if (i >= 0) { final Category category = categories[i]; assert sample > category.minimum : sample; if (sample <= category.maximum) { return category; } if (overflowFallback != null) { if (++i < categories.length) { final Category upper = categories[i]; // ASSERT: if 'upper.minimum' was smaller than 'value', it should has been // found by 'binarySearch'. We use '!' in order to accept NaN values. assert !(upper.minimum <= sample) : sample; return (upper.minimum-sample < sample-category.maximum) ? upper : category; } return overflowFallback; } } else if (overflowFallback != null) { // If the value is smaller than the smallest Category.minimum, returns // the first category (except if there is only NaN categories). if (categories.length != 0) { final Category category = categories[0]; if (!Double.isNaN(category.minimum)) { return category; } } } return null; } /** * Format a sample value. If value is a real number, then the value may * be formatted with the appropriate number of digits and the units symbol. Otherwise, * if value is NaN, then the category name is returned. * * @param value The sample value (may be NaN). * @param locale Locale to use for formatting, or null for the default locale. * @return A string representation of the sample value. */ public final String format(final double value, final Locale locale) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { Category category = last; if (!(value >= category.minimum && value <= category.maximum) && Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) != Double.doubleToRawLongBits(category.minimum)) { category = getCategory(value); if (category == null) { return Resources.getResources(locale).getString(ResourceKeys.UNTITLED); } last = category; } return category.getName(locale); } return format(value, true, locale, new StringBuffer()).toString(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// I M P L E M E N T A T I O N O F List I N T E R F A C E //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the number of categories in this list. */ public final int size() { return categories.length; } /** * Returns the element at the specified position in this list. */ public final Object get(final int i) { return categories[i]; } /** * Returns all categories in this CategoryList. */ public final Object[] toArray() { return (Category[]) categories.clone(); } /** * Returns a string representation of this category list. * The returned string is implementation dependent. * It is usually provided for debugging purposes only. */ public final String toString() { return toString(this); } /** * Returns a string representation of this category list. * The owner argument allow for a different * class name to be formatted. */ final String toString(final Object owner) { final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(Utilities.getShortClassName(owner)); buffer = formatRange(buffer, null); if (hasGaps) { buffer.append(" with gaps"); } buffer.append(lineSeparator); /* * Ecrit la liste des catégories en dessous. */ for (int i=0; iGeophysicsCategoryList for most serialization/deserialization * operations. Canonicalizing {@link CategoryList} is suffisient because * if two {@link CategoryList} objects are not equal, then we are sure * that their enclosed GeophysicsCategoryList are not equal neither. */ private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return Category.pool.canonicalize(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// I M P L E M E N T A T I O N O F MathTransform1D I N T E R F A C E //////// //////// //////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Gets the dimension of input points, which is 1. */ public final int getDimSource() { return 1; } /** * Gets the dimension of output points, which is 1. */ public final int getDimTarget() { return 1; } /** * Tests whether this transform does not move any points. */ public boolean isIdentity() { return false; } /** * Returns the inverse transform of this object. */ public final MathTransform inverse() { return inverse; } /** * Ensure the specified point is one-dimensional. */ private static void checkDimension(final CoordinatePoint point) { final int dim = point.getDimension(); if (dim != 1) { throw new MismatchedDimensionException(org.geotools.resources.cts.Resources.format( org.geotools.resources.cts.ResourceKeys.ERROR_MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$2, new Integer(dim), new Integer(1))); } } /** * Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst. */ public final CoordinatePoint transform(final CoordinatePoint ptSrc, CoordinatePoint ptDst) throws TransformException { checkDimension(ptSrc); if (ptDst==null) { ptDst = new CoordinatePoint(1); } else { checkDimension(ptDst); } ptDst.ord[0] = transform(ptSrc.ord[0]); return ptDst; } /** * Gets the derivative of this transform at a point. */ public final Matrix derivative(final CoordinatePoint point) throws TransformException { checkDimension(point); return new Matrix(1, 1, new double[] { derivative(point.ord[0]) }); } /** * Gets the derivative of this function at a value. * * @param value The value where to evaluate the derivative. * @return The derivative at the specified point. * @throws TransformException if the derivative can't be evaluated at the specified point. */ public final double derivative(final double value) throws TransformException { Category category = last; if (!(value >= category.minimum && value <= category.maximum) && Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) != Double.doubleToRawLongBits(category.minimum)) { category = getCategory(value); if (category == null) { throw new TransformException(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_NO_CATEGORY_FOR_VALUE_$1, new Double(value))); } last = category; } return category.transform.derivative(value); } /** * Transforms the specified value. * * @param value The value to transform. * @return the transformed value. * @throws TransformException if the value can't be transformed. */ public final double transform(double value) throws TransformException { Category category = last; if (!(value >= category.minimum && value <= category.maximum) && Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) != Double.doubleToRawLongBits(category.minimum)) { category = getCategory(value); if (category == null) { throw new TransformException(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_NO_CATEGORY_FOR_VALUE_$1, new Double(value))); } last = category; } value = category.transform.transform(value); if (overflowFallback != null) { if (value < category.inverse.minimum) return category.inverse.minimum; if (value > category.inverse.maximum) return category.inverse.maximum; } assert category == inverse.getCategory(value).inverse : category; return value; } /** * Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. This implementation can work on * either float or double arrays, since the quasi-totality of the implementation is the * same. Locale variables still double because this is the type used in * {@link Category} objects. * * @task TODO: We could add an optimisation after the loops checking for category change: * if we were allowed to search for nearest category (overflowFallback!=null), * then make sure that the category really changed. There is already a slight * optimization for the most common cases, but maybe we could go a little bit * further. */ private void transform(final double[] srcPts, final float[] srcFloat, int srcOff, final double[] dstPts, final float[] dstFloat, int dstOff, int numPts, final boolean doublePrecision) throws TransformException { final int srcToDst = dstOff-srcOff; Category category = last; double maximum = category.maximum; double minimum = category.minimum; long rawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(minimum); final int direction; if (srcPts!=dstPts || srcOff>=dstOff) { direction = +1; } else { direction = -1; dstOff += numPts-1; srcOff += numPts-1; } /* * Scan every points. Transforms will be performed by blocks, each time * the loop detects that the category has changed. The break point is near * the end of the loop, after we have done the transformation but before * to change category. */ for (int peekOff=srcOff; true; peekOff += direction) { // NOTE: We do not need to setup 'value' since we are not going to use it if // numPts<0. Unfortunatly, the compiler flow analysis doesn't seem to // be sophesticated enough to detect this case. So we have to set a dummy // value in order to avoid compiler error. double value = 0; if (doublePrecision) { // Optimized loop for the 'double' version while (--numPts >= 0) { value = srcPts[peekOff]; if ((value>=minimum && value<=maximum) || Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value)==rawBits) { peekOff += direction; continue; } break; // The category has changed. Stop the search. } } else { while (--numPts >= 0) { // Optimized loop for the 'float' version value = srcFloat[peekOff]; if ((value>=minimum && value<=maximum) || Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value)==rawBits) { peekOff += direction; continue; } break; // The category has changed. Stop the search. } } if (overflowFallback != null) { // TODO: Slight optimization. We could go further by checking if 'value' is closer // to this category than to the previous category or the next category. But // we may need the category index, and binarySearch is a costly operation... if (value > maximum && category==overflowFallback) { continue; } if (value < minimum && category==categories[0]) { continue; } } /* * The category has changed. Compute the start point (which depends of 'direction') * and performs the transformation. If 'getCategory' was allowed to search for the * nearest category, clamp all output values in their category range. */ int count = peekOff-srcOff; // May be negative if we are going backward. if (count < 0) { count = -count; srcOff -= count-1; } if (doublePrecision) { // Optimized loop for the 'double' version. category.transform.transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, srcOff+srcToDst, count); if (overflowFallback != null) { dstOff = srcOff+srcToDst; final double min = category.inverse.minimum; final double max = category.inverse.maximum; while (--count >= 0) { // Optimized loop for the 'double' version. final double check = dstPts[dstOff]; if (check < min) { dstPts[dstOff] = min; } else if (check > max) { dstPts[dstOff] = max; } dstOff++; } } } else { // Optimized loop for the 'float' version. category.transform.transform(srcFloat, srcOff, dstFloat, srcOff+srcToDst, count); if (overflowFallback != null) { dstOff = srcOff+srcToDst; final float min = (float) category.inverse.minimum; final float max = (float) category.inverse.maximum; while (--count >= 0) { // Optimized loop for the 'double' version. final float check = dstFloat[dstOff]; if (check < min) { dstFloat[dstOff] = min; } else if (check > max) { dstFloat[dstOff] = max; } dstOff++; } } } /* * Transformation is now finished for all points in the range [srcOff..peekOff] * (not including 'peekOff'). If there is more points to examine, gets the new * category for the next points. */ if (numPts < 0) { break; } category = getCategory(value); if (category == null) { throw new TransformException(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_NO_CATEGORY_FOR_VALUE_$1, new Double(value))); } maximum = category.maximum; minimum = category.minimum; rawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(minimum); srcOff = peekOff; } last = category; } /** * Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. */ public final void transform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws TransformException { transform(srcPts, null, srcOff, dstPts, null, dstOff, numPts, true); } /** * Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. */ public final void transform(float[] srcPts, int srcOff, float[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws TransformException { transform(null, srcPts, srcOff, null, dstPts, dstOff, numPts, false); } /** * Transform a raster. Only the current band in iterator will be transformed. * The transformed value are write back in the iterator. If a different * destination raster is wanted, a {@link org.geotools.resources.image.DualRectIter} * may be used. * * @param iterator An iterator to iterate among the samples to transform. * @throws RasterFormatException if a problem occurs during the transformation. */ public final void transform(final WritableRectIter iterator) throws RasterFormatException { /* * Category of the lowest minimum and highest maximum value (not including NaN), * or null=0;) { if (!Double.isNaN(categories[i].maximum)) { categoryMax = categories[i]; categoryMin = categories[0]; break; } } Category category = main; if (main == null) { category = nodata; } double maximum = category.maximum; double minimum = category.minimum; long rawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(minimum); MathTransform1D tr = category.transform; double maxTr, minTr; if (overflowFallback == null) { maxTr = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; minTr = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { maxTr = category.inverse.maximum; minTr = category.inverse.minimum; } try { iterator.startLines(); if (!iterator.finishedLines()) do { iterator.startPixels(); if (!iterator.finishedPixels()) do { double value = iterator.getSampleDouble(); if (!(value>=minimum && value<=maximum) && // 'true' if value is NaN... Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) != rawBits) // and the NaN bits changed. { // Category has changed. Find the new category. category = getCategory(value); if (category == null) { category = nodata; } maximum = (category!=categoryMax) ? category.maximum : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; minimum = (category!=categoryMin) ? category.minimum : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; rawBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(minimum); tr = category.transform; if (overflowFallback != null) { maxTr = category.inverse.maximum; minTr = category.inverse.minimum; } } /* * TODO: This assertion fails in some circonstance: during conversions from * geophysics to sample values and when the sample value is outside * the inclusive range but inside the exclusive range... In this case * 'getCategory(double)' may choose the wrong category. The fix would * be to add new fiels in Category: we should have 'minInclusive' and * 'minExclusive' instead of just 'minimum', and same for 'maximum'. * The CategoryList.minimums array would still inclusive, but tests * for range inclusion should use the exclusive extremas. */ assert hasGaps || (category==nodata) || // Disable assertion in those cases (Double.isNaN(value) ? Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) == rawBits : (value>=minimum && value<=maximum)) : value; value = tr.transform(value); if (value > maxTr) { value = maxTr; } else if (value < minTr) { value = minTr; } iterator.setSample(value); } while (!iterator.nextPixelDone()); } while (!iterator.nextLineDone()); } catch (TransformException cause) { RasterFormatException exception = new RasterFormatException(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_BAD_TRANSFORM_$1, Utilities.getShortClassName(tr))); exception.initCause(cause); throw exception; } } }