/* * Geotools 2 - OpenSource mapping toolkit * (C) 2003, Geotools Project Managment Committee (PMC) * (C) 2002, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.geotools.resources; // Collections import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.geotools.resources.cts.ResourceKeys; import org.geotools.resources.cts.Resources; /** * An element in a Well Know Text (WKT). * A WKTElement is made of {@link String}, {@link Number} * and other {@link WKTElement}. For example: * *
 * PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["some authority", "Greenwich"]]
* * Each WKTElement object can contains an arbitrary amount of other elements. * The result is a tree, which can be printed with {@link #print}. * Elements can be pull in a first in, first out order. * * @version $Id$ * @author Remi Eve * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @deprecated Rempaced by {@link org.geotools.referencing.wkt.Element}. */ public final class WKTElement { /** * The position where this element starts in the string to be parsed. */ private final int offset; /** * Keyword of this entity. For example: "PRIMEM". */ public final String keyword; /** * An ordered list of {@link String}s, {@link Number}s and other {@link WKTElement}s. * May be null if the keyword was not followed by a pair of brackets * (e.g. "NORTH"). */ private final List list; /** * Construct a root element. * * @param element The only children for this root. */ WKTElement(final WKTElement singleton) { offset = 0; keyword = null; list = new LinkedList(); list.add(singleton); } /** * Construct a new WKTElement. * * @param text The text to parse. * @param position In input, the position where to start parsing from. * In output, the first character after the separator. * @param separator The character to search. */ WKTElement(final WKTFormat format, final String text, final ParsePosition position) throws ParseException { /* * Find the first keyword in the specified string. If a keyword is found, then * the position is set to the index of the first character after the keyword. */ int lower = position.getIndex(); final int length = text.length(); while (lower= format.openingBrackets.length) { list = null; return; } } while (!parseOptionalSeparator(text, position, format.openingBrackets[bracketIndex])); list = new LinkedList(); /* * Parse all elements inside the bracket. Elements are parsed sequentially * and their type are selected according their first character: * * - If the first character is a quote, then the element is parsed as a String. * - Otherwise, if the first character is a unicode identifier start, then the * element is parsed as a chidren WKTElement. * - Otherwise, the element is parsed as a number. */ do { if (position.getIndex() >= length) { throw missingCharacter(format.closingBracket, length); } // // Try to parse the next element as a quoted string. We will take // it as a string if the first non-blank character is a quote. // if (parseOptionalSeparator(text, position, format.textDelimitor)) { lower = position.getIndex(); upper = text.indexOf(format.textDelimitor, lower); if (upper < lower) { position.setErrorIndex(++lower); throw missingCharacter(format.textDelimitor, lower); } list.add(text.substring(lower, upper).trim()); position.setIndex(upper + 1); continue; } // // Try to parse the next element as a number. We will take it as a number if // the first non-blank character is not the begining of an unicode identifier. // lower = position.getIndex(); if (!Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(text.charAt(lower))) { final Number number; synchronized (format.number) { number = format.number.parse(text, position); } if (number == null) { // Do not update the error index; it is already updated by NumberFormat. throw unparsableString(text, position); } list.add(number); continue; } // Otherwise, add the element as a child element. list.add(new WKTElement(format, text, position)); } while (parseOptionalSeparator(text, position, format.elementSeparator)); parseSeparator(text, position, format.closingBrackets[bracketIndex]); } /** * Returns true if the next non-whitespace character is the specified separator. * Search is performed in string text from position position. If the * separator is found, then the position is set to the first character after the separator. * Otherwise, the position is set on the first non-blank character. * * @param text The text to parse. * @param position In input, the position where to start parsing from. * In output, the first character after the separator. * @param separator The character to search. * @return true if the next non-whitespace character is the separator, * or false otherwise. */ private static boolean parseOptionalSeparator(final String text, final ParsePosition position, final char separator) { final int length = text.length(); int index = position.getIndex(); while (index < length) { final char c = text.charAt(index); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { index++; continue; } if (c == separator) { position.setIndex(++index); return true; } break; } position.setIndex(index); // MANDATORY for correct working of the constructor. return false; } /** * Moves to the next non-whitespace character and checks if this character is the * specified separator. If the separator is found, it is skipped. Otherwise, this * method thrown a {@link ParseException}. * * @param text The text to parse. * @param position In input, the position where to start parsing from. * In output, the first character after the separator. * @param separator The character to search. * @throws ParseException if the separator was not found. */ private void parseSeparator(final String text, final ParsePosition position, final char separator) throws ParseException { if (!parseOptionalSeparator(text, position, separator)) { position.setErrorIndex(position.getIndex()); throw unparsableString(text, position); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// Construction of a ParseException when a string can't be parsed //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns a {@link ParseException} with the specified cause. A localized string * "Error in <{@link #keyword}>" will be prepend to the message. * The error index will be the starting index of this WKTElement. * * @param cause The cause of the failure, or null if none. * @param message The message explaining the cause of the failure, or null * for reusing the same message than cause. * @return The exception to be thrown. */ public ParseException parseFailed(final Exception cause, String message) { if (message == null) { message = cause.getLocalizedMessage(); } ParseException exception = new ParseException(complete(message), offset); exception = trim("parseFailed", exception); exception.initCause(cause); return exception; } /** * Returns a {@link ParseException} with a "Unparsable string" message. The error message * is built from the specified string starting at the specified position. Properties * {@link ParsePosition#getIndex} and {@link ParsePosition#getErrorIndex} must be accurate * before this method is invoked. * * @param text The unparsable string. * @param position The position in the string. * @return An exception with a formatted error message. */ private ParseException unparsableString(final String text, final ParsePosition position) { final int lower = position.getErrorIndex(); int upper = lower; final int length = text.length(); if (upper < length) { final int type = Character.getType(text.charAt(upper)); while (++upper < length) { if (Character.getType(text.charAt(upper)) != type) { break; } } } return trim("unparsableString", new ParseException(complete( Resources.format(ResourceKeys.ERROR_UNPARSABLE_STRING_$2, text.substring(position.getIndex()), text.substring(lower, upper))), lower)); } /** * Returns an exception saying that a character is missing. * * @param c The missing character. * @param position The error position. */ private ParseException missingCharacter(final char c, final int position) { return trim("missingCharacter", new ParseException(complete( Resources.format(ResourceKeys.ERROR_MISSING_CHARACTER_$1, new Character(c))), position)); } /** * Returns an exception saying that a parameter is missing. * * @param key The name of the missing parameter. */ private ParseException missingParameter(final String key) { return trim("missingParameter", new ParseException(complete( Resources.format(ResourceKeys.ERROR_MISSING_PARAMETER_$1, key)), offset + keyword.length())); } /** * Append a prefix "Error in : " before the error message. * * @param message The message to complete. * @return The completed message. */ private String complete(String message) { if (keyword != null) { message = Resources.format(ResourceKeys.ERROR_IN_$1, keyword) + ' ' + message; } return message; } /** * Remove the exception factory method from the stack trace. The factory is * not the place where the failure occurs; the error occurs in the factory's * caller. * * @param factory The name of the factory method. * @param exception The exception to trim. * @return exception for convenience. */ private static ParseException trim(final String factory, final ParseException exception) { StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace(); if (trace!=null && trace.length!=0) { if (factory.equals(trace[0].getMethodName())) { trace = (StackTraceElement[]) XArray.remove(trace, 0, 1); exception.setStackTrace(trace); } } return exception; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// Pull elements from the tree //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Removes the next {@link Number} from the list and returns it. * * @param key The parameter name. Used for formatting * an error message if no number are found. * @return The next {@link Number} on the list as a double. * @throws ParseException if no more number is available. */ public double pullDouble(final String key) throws ParseException { final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object object = iterator.next(); if (object instanceof Number) { iterator.remove(); return ((Number)object).doubleValue(); } } throw missingParameter(key); } /** * Removes the next {@link Number} from the list and returns it * as an integer. * * @param key The parameter name. Used for formatting * an error message if no number are found. * @return The next {@link Number} on the list as an int. * @throws ParseException if no more number is available, or the number * is not an integer. */ public int pullInteger(final String key) throws ParseException { final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object object = iterator.next(); if (object instanceof Number) { iterator.remove(); final Number number = (Number) object; if (number instanceof Float || number instanceof Double) { throw new ParseException(complete(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2, key, number)), offset); } return number.intValue(); } } throw missingParameter(key); } /** * Removes the next {@link String} from the list and returns it. * * @param key The parameter name. Used for formatting * an error message if no number are found. * @return The next {@link String} on the list. * @throws ParseException if no more string is available. */ public String pullString(final String key) throws ParseException { final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object object = iterator.next(); if (object instanceof String) { iterator.remove(); return (String)object; } } throw missingParameter(key); } /** * Removes the next {@link WKTElement} from the list and returns it. * * @param key The element name (e.g. "PRIMEM"). * @return The next {@link WKTElement} on the list. * @throws ParseException if no more element is available. */ public WKTElement pullElement(final String key) throws ParseException { final WKTElement element = pullOptionalElement(key); if (element != null) { return element; } throw missingParameter(key); } /** * Removes the next {@link WKTElement} from the list and returns it. * * @param key The element name (e.g. "PRIMEM"). * @return The next {@link WKTElement} on the list, * or null if no more element is available. */ public WKTElement pullOptionalElement(String key) { key = key.toUpperCase(); final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object object = iterator.next(); if (object instanceof WKTElement) { final WKTElement element = (WKTElement) object; if (element.list!=null && element.keyword.equals(key)) { iterator.remove(); return element; } } } return null; } /** * Removes and returns the next {@link WKTElement} with no bracket. * The key is used only for only for formatting an error message. * * @param key The parameter name. Used only for formatting an error message. * @return The next {@link WKTElement} in the list, with no bracket. * @throws ParseException if no more void element is available. */ public WKTElement pullVoidElement(final String key) throws ParseException { final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object object = iterator.next(); if (object instanceof WKTElement) { final WKTElement element = (WKTElement) object; if (element.list == null) { iterator.remove(); return element; } } } throw missingParameter(key); } /** * Returns the next element, or null if there is no more * element. The element is not removed from the list. */ public Object peek() { return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0); } /** * Close this element. * * @throws ParseException If the list still contains some unprocessed elements. */ public void close() throws ParseException { if (list!=null && !list.isEmpty()) { throw new ParseException(complete(Resources.format( ResourceKeys.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER_$1, list.get(0))), offset+keyword.length()); } } /** * Returns the keyword. This overriding is needed for correct * formatting of the error message in {@link #close}. */ public String toString() { return keyword; } /** * Print this WKTElement as a tree. * This method is used for debugging purpose only. * * @param out The output stream. * @param level The indentation level (usually 0). */ public void print(final PrintWriter out, final int level) { final int tabWidth = 4; out.print(Utilities.spaces(tabWidth * level)); out.println(keyword); if (list == null) { return; } final int size = list.size(); for (int j=0; j