/* * Geotools 2 - OpenSource mapping toolkit * (C) 2003, Geotools Project Managment Committee (PMC) * (C) 2001, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * This package contains documentation from OpenGIS specifications. * OpenGIS consortium's work is fully acknowledged here. */ package org.geotools.cs; // J2SE dependencies import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.text.Format; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Locale; import javax.media.jai.ParameterList; import org.geotools.ct.MathTransform; import org.geotools.ct.MathTransformFactory; import org.geotools.units.Unit; import org.geotools.util.WeakHashSet; import org.opengis.cs.CS_AngularUnit; import org.opengis.cs.CS_AxisInfo; import org.opengis.cs.CS_CompoundCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory; import org.opengis.cs.CS_DatumType; import org.opengis.cs.CS_Ellipsoid; import org.opengis.cs.CS_FittedCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_GeographicCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_HorizontalDatum; import org.opengis.cs.CS_LinearUnit; import org.opengis.cs.CS_LocalCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_LocalDatum; import org.opengis.cs.CS_PrimeMeridian; import org.opengis.cs.CS_ProjectedCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_Projection; import org.opengis.cs.CS_ProjectionParameter; import org.opengis.cs.CS_Unit; import org.opengis.cs.CS_VerticalCoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cs.CS_VerticalDatum; import org.opengis.cs.CS_WGS84ConversionInfo; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; /** * Builds up complex objects from simpler objects or values. * CoordinateSystemFactory allows applications to make coordinate * systems that cannot be created by a {@link CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory}. * This factory is very flexible, whereas the authority factory is easier to * use. * * So {@link CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory} can be used to make 'standard' * coordinate systems, and CoordinateSystemFactory can be used to * make "special" coordinate systems. * * For example, the EPSG authority has codes for USA state plane coordinate * systems using the NAD83 datum, but these coordinate systems always use * meters. EPSG does not have codes for NAD83 state plane coordinate systems * that use feet units. This factory lets an application create such a hybrid * coordinate system. * * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author OpenGIS (www.opengis.org) * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link org.geotools.referencing.crs.CRSFactory}. */ public class CoordinateSystemFactory { /** * Default coordinate system factory. * Will be constructed only when first needed. */ private static CoordinateSystemFactory DEFAULT; /** * The object to use for parsing Well-Known Text (WKT) strings. * Will be created only when first needed. */ private transient WKTParser parser; /** * Set of weak references to existing coordinate systems. * This set is used in order to return a pre-existing object * instead of creating a new one. */ private final WeakHashSet pool; /** * OpenGIS object returned by {@link #toOpenGIS}. * It may be a hard or a weak reference. */ private transient Object proxy; /** * Constructs a new factory with the specified pool. */ private CoordinateSystemFactory(final WeakHashSet pool) { this.pool = pool; } /** * Default constructor. */ protected CoordinateSystemFactory() { this(new WeakHashSet()); } /** * Returns the default coordinate system factory. */ public static synchronized CoordinateSystemFactory getDefault() { if (DEFAULT==null) { DEFAULT = new CoordinateSystemFactory(Info.pool); } return DEFAULT; } /** * Constructs a geocentric coordinate system. * The X axis points towards the prime meridian. * The Y axis points East or West. * The Z axis points North or South. * * @param name The coordinate system name. * @param unit The linear unit. * @param datum The horizontal datum. * @param meridian The prime meridian. * @param axis The axis info. This is usually an array of length 3. * * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public GeocentricCoordinateSystem createGeocentricCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final Unit unit, final HorizontalDatum datum, final PrimeMeridian meridian, final AxisInfo[] axis) throws FactoryException { return (GeocentricCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new GeocentricCoordinateSystem(name, unit, datum, meridian, axis)); } /** * Creates a geographic coordinate system. This coordinate system will use * longitude/latitude ordinates with longitude values * increasing east and latitude values increasing north. Angular units are * degrees and prime meridian is Greenwich. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param datum Horizontal datum for created coordinate system. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public GeographicCoordinateSystem createGeographicCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final HorizontalDatum datum) throws FactoryException { return createGeographicCoordinateSystem(name, Unit.DEGREE, datum, PrimeMeridian.GREENWICH, AxisInfo.LONGITUDE, AxisInfo.LATITUDE); } /** * Creates a geographic coordinate system, which could be * latitude/longiude or * longitude/latitude. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param unit Angular units for created coordinate system. * @param datum Horizontal datum for created coordinate system. * @param meridian Prime Meridian for created coordinate system. * @param axis0 Details of 0th ordinates. * @param axis1 Details of 1st ordinates. * * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createGeographicCoordinateSystem */ public GeographicCoordinateSystem createGeographicCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final Unit unit, final HorizontalDatum datum, final PrimeMeridian meridian, final AxisInfo axis0, final AxisInfo axis1) throws FactoryException { return (GeographicCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new GeographicCoordinateSystem(name, unit, datum, meridian, axis0, axis1)); } /** * Creates a projected coordinate system using the specified geographic * system. Projected coordinates will be in meters, x values * increasing east and y values increasing north. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param gcs Geographic coordinate system to base projection on. * @param projection Projection from geographic to projected coordinate system. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public ProjectedCoordinateSystem createProjectedCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, final Projection projection) throws FactoryException { return createProjectedCoordinateSystem(name, gcs, projection, Unit.METRE, AxisInfo.X, AxisInfo.Y); } /** * Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param gcs Geographic coordinate system to base projection on. * @param projection Projection from geographic to projected coordinate system. * @param unit Linear units of returned PCS. * @param axis0 Details of 0th ordinates in returned PCS coordinates. * @param axis1 Details of 1st ordinates in returned PCS coordinates. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createProjectedCoordinateSystem */ public ProjectedCoordinateSystem createProjectedCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, final Projection projection, final Unit unit, final AxisInfo axis0, final AxisInfo axis1) throws FactoryException { return (ProjectedCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new ProjectedCoordinateSystem(name, gcs, projection, unit, axis0, axis1)); } /** * Creates a vertical coordinate system from a datum. Units * will be metres and values will be increasing upward. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param datum Datum to use for new coordinate system. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public VerticalCoordinateSystem createVerticalCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final VerticalDatum datum) throws FactoryException { return createVerticalCoordinateSystem(name, datum, Unit.METRE, AxisInfo.ALTITUDE); } /** * Creates a vertical coordinate system from a datum and linear units. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param datum Datum to use for new coordinate system. * @param unit Units to use for new coordinate system. * @param axis Axis to use for new coordinate system. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createVerticalCoordinateSystem */ public VerticalCoordinateSystem createVerticalCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final VerticalDatum datum, final Unit unit, final AxisInfo axis) throws FactoryException { return (VerticalCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new VerticalCoordinateSystem(name, datum, unit, axis)); } /** * Creates a compound coordinate system. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param head Coordinate system to use for earlier ordinates. * @param tail Coordinate system to use for later ordinates. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createCompoundCoordinateSystem */ public CompoundCoordinateSystem createCompoundCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final CoordinateSystem head, final CoordinateSystem tail) throws FactoryException { return (CompoundCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new CompoundCoordinateSystem(name, head, tail)); } /** * Creates a fitted coordinate system. * The units of the axes in the fitted coordinate system will be inferred * from the units of the base coordinate system. If the affine map performs * a rotation, then any mixed axes must have identical units. For example, a * (lat_deg,lon_deg,height_feet) system can * be rotated in the (lat,lon) plane, since both affected * axes are in degrees. But you should not rotate this coordinate system in any * other plane. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param base Coordinate system to base the fitted CS on. * @param toBase The transform from created CS to base CS. * @param axes Axes for fitted coordinate system. The number of axes must match * the source dimension of the transform toBase. If this * argument is null, then axes will be infered from the * base coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createFittedCoordinateSystem */ public FittedCoordinateSystem createFittedCoordinateSystem(final CharSequence name, final CoordinateSystem base, final MathTransform toBase, final AxisInfo[] axes) throws FactoryException { return (FittedCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new FittedCoordinateSystem(name, base, toBase, axes)); } /** * Creates a local coordinate system. * The dimension of the local coordinate system is determined by the size * of the axis array. All the axes will have the same units. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param datum Local datum to use in created CS. * @param unit Units to use for all axes in created CS. * @param axes Axes to use in created CS. * @return The coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createLocalCoordinateSystem */ public LocalCoordinateSystem createLocalCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final LocalDatum datum, final Unit unit, final AxisInfo[] axes) throws FactoryException { return createLocalCoordinateSystem(name, datum, LocalCoordinateSystem.expand(unit, axes.length), axes); } /** * Creates a local coordinate system. The dimension of the local coordinate * system is determined by the size of the axis array. All the axes will * have the same units. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param datum Local datum to use in created coordinate system. * @param units Units to use in created coordinate system. * @param axes Axes to use in created coordinate system. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public LocalCoordinateSystem createLocalCoordinateSystem( final CharSequence name, final LocalDatum datum, final Unit[] units, final AxisInfo[] axes) throws FactoryException { return (LocalCoordinateSystem) pool.canonicalize( new LocalCoordinateSystem(name, datum, units, axes)); } /** * Creates an ellipsoid from radius values. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param semiMajorAxis Equatorial radius in supplied linear units. * @param semiMinorAxis Polar radius in supplied linear units. * @param unit Linear units of ellipsoid axes. * @return The ellipsoid. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createEllipsoid */ public Ellipsoid createEllipsoid(final CharSequence name, final double semiMajorAxis, final double semiMinorAxis, final Unit unit) throws FactoryException { return (Ellipsoid) pool.canonicalize( Ellipsoid.createEllipsoid(name, semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis, unit)); } /** * Creates an ellipsoid from an major radius, and inverse flattening. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param semiMajorAxis Equatorial radius in supplied linear units. * @param inverseFlattening Eccentricity of ellipsoid. * @param unit Linear units of major axis. * @return The ellipsoid. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createFlattenedSphere */ public Ellipsoid createFlattenedSphere(final CharSequence name, final double semiMajorAxis, final double inverseFlattening, final Unit unit) throws FactoryException { return (Ellipsoid) pool.canonicalize( Ellipsoid.createFlattenedSphere(name, semiMajorAxis, inverseFlattening, unit)); } /** * Creates a prime meridian, relative to Greenwich. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param unit Angular units of longitude. * @param longitude Longitude of prime meridian in supplied angular units * East of Greenwich. * @return The prime meridian. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createPrimeMeridian */ public PrimeMeridian createPrimeMeridian(final CharSequence name, final Unit unit, final double longitude) throws FactoryException { return (PrimeMeridian) pool.canonicalize( new PrimeMeridian(name, unit, longitude)); } /** * Creates a projection. The client must ensure that all the linear * parameters are expressed in meters, and all the angular parameters * are expressed in degrees. Also, they must supply * "semi_major" and "semi_minor" parameters. * The set of legal parameters and their default values can be queried * using {@link #createProjectionParameterList}. Example: * *
     *  {@link ParameterList} param = {@link #createProjectionParameterList createProjectionParameterList}("Transverse_Mercator")
     *                                      .setParameter("semi_major", 6378206.4)
     *                                      .setParameter("semi_minor", 6356583.8);
     *  {@link Projection} proj = createProjection("My projection", "Transverse_Mercator", param);
* * @param name Name to give new object. * @param classification Classification string for projection (e.g. "Transverse_Mercator"). * @param parameters Parameters to use for projection. A default set of parameters can * be constructed using {@link #createProjectionParameterList * createProjectionParameterList}(classification) and initialized * using a chain of setParameter(...) calls. * If null, then the default parameters will be used. * @return The projection. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createProjection */ public Projection createProjection(final CharSequence name, final String classification, ParameterList parameters) throws FactoryException { if (parameters == null) { parameters = createProjectionParameterList(classification); } return (Projection) pool.canonicalize( new Projection(name, classification, parameters)); } /** * Convenience method for constructing a projection using the specified * ellipsoid. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param classification Classification string for projection (e.g. "Transverse_Mercator"). * @param ellipsoid Ellipsoid parameter. If non-null, then "semi_major" * and "semi_minor" parameters will be set accordingly. * @param centre Central meridian and latitude of origin, in degrees. If non-null, then * "central_meridian" and "latitude_of_origin" * will be set accordingly. * @param translation False easting and northing, in metres. If non-null, then * "false_easting" and "false_northing" * will be set accordingly. * @return The projection. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public Projection createProjection(final CharSequence name, final String classification, final Ellipsoid ellipsoid, final Point2D centre, final Point2D translation) throws FactoryException { ParameterList param = createProjectionParameterList(classification); param = Projection.init(param, ellipsoid, centre, translation); return createProjection(name, classification, param); } /** * Returns a default parameter list for the specified projection. * * @param classification Classification string for projection (e.g. "Transverse_Mercator"). * @return A default parameter list for the supplied projection class. * * @see #createProjection(CharSequence, String, ParameterList) */ public ParameterList createProjectionParameterList(final String classification) { return Projection.getParameterList(classification); } /** * Creates horizontal datum from ellipsoid and Bursa-Wolf parameters. * Since this method contains a set of Bursa-Wolf parameters, the created * datum will always have a relationship to WGS84. If you wish to create * a horizontal datum that has no relationship with WGS84, then you can * either specify {@link DatumType.Horizontal#OTHER} as the * horizontalDatumType, or create it via WKT. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param type Type of horizontal datum to create. * @param ellipsoid Ellipsoid to use in new horizontal datum. * @param toWGS84 Suggested approximate conversion from new datum to WGS84. * @return The datum. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createHorizontalDatum */ public HorizontalDatum createHorizontalDatum(final CharSequence name, final DatumType.Horizontal type, final Ellipsoid ellipsoid, final WGS84ConversionInfo toWGS84) throws FactoryException { return (HorizontalDatum) pool.canonicalize( new HorizontalDatum(name, type, ellipsoid, toWGS84)); } /** * Creates horizontal datum from an ellipsoid. * The datum type will be {@link DatumType.Horizontal#OTHER}. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param ellipsoid Ellipsoid to use in new horizontal datum. * @return The datum. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. */ public HorizontalDatum createHorizontalDatum(final CharSequence name, final Ellipsoid ellipsoid) throws FactoryException { return createHorizontalDatum(name, DatumType.Horizontal.OTHER, ellipsoid, null); } /** * Creates a vertical datum from an enumerated type value. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param type Type of vertical datum to create. * @return The datum. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createVerticalDatum */ public VerticalDatum createVerticalDatum(final CharSequence name, final DatumType.Vertical type) throws FactoryException { return (VerticalDatum) pool.canonicalize(new VerticalDatum(name, type)); } /** * Creates a local datum. * * @param name Name to give new object. * @param type Type of local datum to create. * @return The datum. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is null * or incompatible with the object to be created. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred during the object creation. * It may be, for example, a network error or a failure on the * server side. * * @see org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemFactory#createLocalDatum */ public LocalDatum createLocalDatum(final CharSequence name, final DatumType.Local type) throws FactoryException { return (LocalDatum) pool.canonicalize(new LocalDatum(name, type)); } /** * Creates a coordinate system object from a Well-Known Text (WKT) string. * WKT are part of Coordinate Transformation Services Specification. For * example, the following is a WKT for a geocentric coordinate system: * *
     * GEOCCS["Geocentric",
     *   DATUM["WGS_1984",
     *     SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
     *     TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
     *   PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Meter",1],
     *   AXIS["X", OTHER],
     *   AXIS["Y", EAST],
     *   AXIS["Z", NORTH]]
* * @param text The Well-Known Text. * @return The coordinate system (never null). * @throws FactoryException if the Well-Known Text can't be parsed, * or if the coordinate system creation failed from some other reason. */ public CoordinateSystem createFromWKT(final String text) throws FactoryException { if (parser == null) { // Not a big deal if we are not synchronized. If this method is invoked in // same time by two different threads, we may have two WKTParser objects // for a short time. It doesn't hurt... parser = new WKTParser(Locale.US, this); } try { return parser.parseCoordinateSystem(text); } catch (ParseException exception) { final Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); if (cause instanceof FactoryException) { throw (FactoryException) cause; } throw new FactoryException(exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception); } } /** * Returns an object to use for parsing and formatting Well-Known Text. * The {@link Format#parseObject(String)} method can be used for parsing coordinate * systems, datum, ellipsoid and prime meridian. * * @param locale The locale for the parser (usually {@link Locale#US}. This locale * will affect the way numbers are parsed. */ public Format getWKTFormat(final Locale locale) { return new WKTParser(locale, this); } /** * Returns an OpenGIS interface for this info. This method first looks in the cache. * If no interface was previously cached, then this method creates a new adapter and * caches the result. * * Note: The returned type is a generic {@link Object} in order * to avoid premature class loading of OpenGIS interface. * * @param adapters The originating {@link Adapters}. * @return The OpenGIS interface for this info. * @throws RemoteException if the object can't be exported. */ final synchronized Object toOpenGIS(final Object adapters) throws RemoteException { if (proxy != null) { if (proxy instanceof Reference) { final Object ref = ((Reference) proxy).get(); if (ref != null) { return ref; } } else { return proxy; } } final Object opengis = new Export(adapters); proxy = new WeakReference(opengis); return opengis; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// OPENGIS ADAPTER //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Wrap an {@link Info} object for use with OpenGIS. This wrapper is a * good place to check for non-implemented OpenGIS methods (just check * for methods throwing {@link UnsupportedOperationException}). This * class is suitable for RMI use. */ private final class Export extends UnicastRemoteObject implements CS_CoordinateSystemFactory { /** * The originating adapter. */ protected final Adapters adapters; /** * Constructs a remote object. */ protected Export(final Object adapters) throws RemoteException { super(); // TODO: Fetch the port number from the adapter. this.adapters = (Adapters)adapters; } /** * Returns the underlying implementation. */ public CoordinateSystemFactory getImplementation() { return CoordinateSystemFactory.this; } /** * Creates a coordinate system object from an XML string. */ public CS_CoordinateSystem createFromXML(final String xml) throws RemoteException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XML parsing not yet implemented"); } /** * Creates a coordinate system object from a Well-Known Text string. */ public CS_CoordinateSystem createFromWKT(String text) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createFromWKT(text)); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a compound coordinate system. */ public CS_CompoundCoordinateSystem createCompoundCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_CoordinateSystem head, final CS_CoordinateSystem tail) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createCompoundCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(head), adapters.wrap(tail))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a fitted coordinate system. * * @task TODO: We should use the Adapter's MathTransformFactory instead of the default one. */ public CS_FittedCoordinateSystem createFittedCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_CoordinateSystem base, final String toBaseWKT, final CS_AxisInfo[] axes) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createFittedCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(base), // adapters.mtFactory.createFromWKT(toBaseWKT), MathTransformFactory.getDefault().createFromWKT(toBaseWKT), adapters.wrap(axes))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a local coordinate system. */ public CS_LocalCoordinateSystem createLocalCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_LocalDatum datum, final CS_Unit unit, final CS_AxisInfo[] arAxes) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createLocalCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(datum), adapters.wrap(unit), adapters.wrap(arAxes))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates an ellipsoid from radius values. */ public CS_Ellipsoid createEllipsoid(final String name, final double semiMajorAxis, final double semiMinorAxis, final CS_LinearUnit linearUnit) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createEllipsoid( name, semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis, adapters.wrap(linearUnit))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates an ellipsoid from a major radius, and inverse flattening. */ public CS_Ellipsoid createFlattenedSphere(final String name, final double semiMajorAxis, final double inverseFlattening, final CS_LinearUnit linearUnit) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createFlattenedSphere( name, semiMajorAxis, inverseFlattening, adapters.wrap(linearUnit))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object. */ public CS_ProjectedCoordinateSystem createProjectedCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, final CS_Projection projection, final CS_LinearUnit linearUnit, final CS_AxisInfo axis0, final CS_AxisInfo axis1) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createProjectedCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(gcs), adapters.wrap(projection), adapters.wrap(linearUnit), adapters.wrap(axis0), adapters.wrap(axis1))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a projection. */ public CS_Projection createProjection(final String name, final String wktProjectionClass, final CS_ProjectionParameter[] parameters) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createProjection( name, wktProjectionClass, adapters.wrap(parameters))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates horizontal datum from ellipsoid and Bursa-Wolf parameters. */ public CS_HorizontalDatum createHorizontalDatum(final String name, final CS_DatumType horizontalDatumType, final CS_Ellipsoid ellipsoid, final CS_WGS84ConversionInfo toWGS84) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createHorizontalDatum( name, (DatumType.Horizontal)adapters.wrap(horizontalDatumType), adapters.wrap(ellipsoid), adapters.wrap(toWGS84))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a prime meridian, relative to Greenwich. */ public CS_PrimeMeridian createPrimeMeridian(final String name, final CS_AngularUnit angularUnit, final double longitude) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createPrimeMeridian( name, adapters.wrap(angularUnit), longitude)); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a GCS, which could be Lat/Lon or Lon/Lat. */ public CS_GeographicCoordinateSystem createGeographicCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_AngularUnit angularUnit, final CS_HorizontalDatum horizontalDatum, final CS_PrimeMeridian primeMeridian, final CS_AxisInfo axis0, final CS_AxisInfo axis1) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createGeographicCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(angularUnit), adapters.wrap(horizontalDatum), adapters.wrap(primeMeridian), adapters.wrap(axis0), adapters.wrap(axis1))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a local datum. */ public CS_LocalDatum createLocalDatum(final String name, final CS_DatumType localDatumType) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createLocalDatum( name, (DatumType.Local)adapters.wrap(localDatumType))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a vertical datum from an enumerated type value. */ public CS_VerticalDatum createVerticalDatum(final String name, final CS_DatumType verticalDatumType) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createVerticalDatum( name, (DatumType.Vertical)adapters.wrap(verticalDatumType))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } /** * Creates a vertical coordinate system from a datum and linear units. */ public CS_VerticalCoordinateSystem createVerticalCoordinateSystem( final String name, final CS_VerticalDatum verticalDatum, final CS_LinearUnit verticalUnit, final CS_AxisInfo axis) throws RemoteException { try { return adapters.export(CoordinateSystemFactory.this.createVerticalCoordinateSystem( name, adapters.wrap(verticalDatum), adapters.wrap(verticalUnit), adapters.wrap(axis))); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw Adapters.serverException(exception); } } } }