Coordinate Transformations implementation. A {@link org.geotools.ct.CoordinateTransformation} object is a transformation between two {@link org.geotools.cs.CoordinateSystem} objects (for example a map projection from a {@link org.geotools.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem} to a {@link org.geotools.cs.ProjectedCoordinateSystem}). Coordinate transformations can be built with the following steps:

The CoordinateTransformationFactory class analyze source and target coordinate systems and try to build a transformation path. It can swap axis order and orientation when necessary (for example from ({@link org.geotools.cs.AxisOrientation#NORTH NORTH},{@link org.geotools.cs.AxisOrientation#WEST WEST}) to ({@link org.geotools.cs.AxisOrientation#EAST EAST},{@link org.geotools.cs.AxisOrientation#NORTH NORTH})), apply units conversions and of course performs map projections.

CoordinateTransformationFactory is a kind of high-level API. User wanting more control on transformation creation can use a low-level API: {@link org.geotools.ct.MathTransformFactory}. For example, a mercator cylindrical projection can be created by the following code:

{@link org.geotools.ct.MathTransformFactory} factory = MathTransformFactory.getDefault();
{@link} parameters = factory.getMathTransformProvider("Mercator_1SP").getParameterList();
parameters.setParameter("semi_major", 6378137.0);
parameters.setParameter("semi_minor", 6356752.314);
{@link org.geotools.ct.MathTransform} projection = factory.createParameterizedTransform(parameters);

The "Mercator_1SP" string is the classification name for the mercator cylindrical projection. This package support the following classification names:

ClassificationEPSG code
Geocentric_To_Ellipsoid 9602
Ellipsoid_To_Geocentric 9602
Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP 9801
Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP 9802
Mercator_1SP 9804
Mercator_2SP 9805
Transverse_Mercator 9807
Oblique_Stereographic 9809
Polar_Stereographic 9810
Albers_Conic_Equal_Area 9822

Notes on transformation accuracy

Incompatibles changes since last release