/* * Geotools 2 - OpenSource mapping toolkit * (C) 2003, Geotools Project Management Committee (PMC) * (C) 2001, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * This package contains documentation from OpenGIS specifications. * OpenGIS consortium's work is fully acknowledged here. */ package org.geotools.cv; // Images import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock; import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext; import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.ServerException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.media.jai.ImageFunction; import javax.media.jai.ImageLayout; import javax.media.jai.JAI; import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage; import javax.media.jai.PropertySource; import javax.media.jai.PropertySourceImpl; import javax.media.jai.TiledImage; import javax.media.jai.iterator.RectIterFactory; import javax.media.jai.iterator.WritableRectIter; import javax.media.jai.operator.ImageFunctionDescriptor; import javax.media.jai.util.CaselessStringKey; import org.geotools.cs.AxisOrientation; import org.geotools.cs.CoordinateSystem; import org.geotools.pt.CoordinatePoint; import org.geotools.pt.Dimensioned; import org.geotools.pt.Envelope; import org.geotools.pt.Matrix; import org.geotools.resources.Utilities; import org.geotools.resources.XArray; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; import org.geotools.resources.geometry.XAffineTransform; import org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities; import org.opengis.coverage.CannotEvaluateException; import org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem; import org.opengis.cv.CV_Coverage; import org.opengis.cv.CV_SampleDimension; import org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage; import org.opengis.pt.PT_CoordinatePoint; import org.opengis.pt.PT_Envelope; /** * Base class of all coverage type. The essential property of coverage is to be able * to generate a value for any point within its domain. How coverage is represented * internally is not a concern. For example consider the following different internal * representations of coverage: * * * * {@linkplain org.geotools.gc.GridCoverage Grid coverages} are typically 2D while other * coverages may be 3D or 4D. The dimension of grid coverage may be queried in many ways: * * * * All those methods should returns the same number. Note that the dimension * of grid coverage is not the same than the number of sample * dimensions ({@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length). The later * may be better understood as the number of bands for 2D grid coverage. * A coverage has a corresponding {@link SampleDimension} for each sample * dimension in the coverage. *

* There is no getMetadataValue(...) method in this implementation. * OpenGIS's metadata are called "Properties" in Java Advanced Imaging. * Use {@link #getProperty} instead. * * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author OpenGIS * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @see org.opengis.cv.CV_Coverage * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link org.geotools.coverage.Coverage} * in the org.geotools.coverage package. */ public abstract class Coverage extends PropertySourceImpl implements Dimensioned { /** * The set of default axis name. */ private static final String[] DIMENSION_NAMES = {"x", "y", "z", "t"}; /** * The sample dimension to make visible by {@link #getRenderableImage}. */ private static final int VISIBLE_BAND = 0; /** * The coverage name. */ private final String name; /** * The coordinate system, or null if there is none. */ protected final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem; /** * OpenGIS object returned by {@link #getProxy}. * It may be a hard or a weak reference. */ transient Object proxy; /** * Construct a coverage using the specified coordinate system. If the coordinate system * is null, then the subclasses must override {@link #getDimension()}. * * @param name The coverage name. * @param coordinateSystem The coordinate system. This specifies the coordinate * system used when accessing a coverage or grid coverage with the * evaluate(...) methods. * @param source The source for this coverage, or null if none. * Source may be (but is not limited to) a {@link PlanarImage} or an * other Coverage object. * @param properties The set of properties for this coverage, or null if * there is none. "Properties" in Java Advanced Imaging is what * OpenGIS calls "Metadata". There is no getMetadataValue(...) * method in this implementation. Use {@link #getProperty} instead. Keys may * be {@link String} or {@link CaselessStringKey} objects, while values may * be any {@link Object}. */ protected Coverage(final String name, final CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, final PropertySource source, final Map properties) { super(properties, source); this.name = name; this.coordinateSystem = coordinateSystem; } /** * Construct a new coverage with the same * parameters than the specified coverage. */ protected Coverage(final Coverage coverage) { // NOTE: This constructor keep a strong reference to the // source coverage (through 'PropertySourceImpl'). // In many cases, it is not a problem since GridCoverage // will retains a strong reference to its source anyway. super(null, coverage); this.name = coverage.name; this.coordinateSystem = coverage.coordinateSystem; } /** * Returns the coverage name, localized for the supplied locale. * If the specified locale is not available, returns a name in an * arbitrary locale. The default implementation returns the name * specified at construction time. * * @param locale The desired locale, or null for a default locale. * @return The coverage name in the specified locale, or in an arbitrary locale * if the specified localization is not available. */ public String getName(final Locale locale) { return name; } /** * Returns the coordinate system. This specifies the coordinate system used when * accessing a coverage or grid coverage with the evaluate(...) methods. * It is also the coordinate system of the coordinates used with the math transform * {@link org.geotools.gc.GridGeometry#getGridToCoordinateSystem}. This coordinate * system is usually different than the grid coordinate system of the grid. A grid * coverage can be accessed (re-projected) with new coordinate system with the * {@link org.geotools.gp.GridCoverageProcessor} component. * In this case, a new instance of a grid coverage is created. *

* Note: If a coverage does not have an associated coordinate system, * the returned value will be null. * The {@link org.geotools.gc.GridGeometry#getGridToCoordinateSystem * GridGeometry.gridToCoordinateSystem}) attribute should also be * null if the coordinate system is null. * * @return The coordinate system, or null if this coverage * does not have an associated coordinate system. * * @see CV_Coverage#getCoordinateSystem() * @see org.geotools.gc.GridGeometry#getGridToCoordinateSystem */ public CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem() { return coordinateSystem; } /** * Returns The bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates. * May be null if this coverage has no associated coordinate system. * For grid coverages, the grid cells are centered on each grid coordinate. * The envelope for a 2-D grid coverage includes the following corner positions. * *
     * (Minimum row - 0.5, Minimum column - 0.5) for the minimum coordinates
     * (Maximum row - 0.5, Maximum column - 0.5) for the maximum coordinates
* * The default implementation returns the coordinate system envelope if there is one. * * @return The bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates. * * @see CV_Coverage#getEnvelope() */ public Envelope getEnvelope() { final CoordinateSystem cs = getCoordinateSystem(); return (cs!=null) ? cs.getDefaultEnvelope() : null; } /** * Returns the dimension of the grid coverage. The default implementation * returns the dimension of the underlying {@link CoordinateSystem}. * * @return The number of dimensions of this coverage. */ public int getDimension() { return getCoordinateSystem().getDimension(); } /** * Returns the names of each dimension in this coverage. Typically these names * are "x", "y", "z" and "t". The number of items in the sequence is the number * of dimensions in the coverage. Grid coverages are typically 2D (x, * y) while other coverages may be 3D (x, y, * z) or 4D (x, y, z, t). * The {@linkplain #getDimension number of dimensions} of the coverage is the * number of entries in the list of dimension names. * * The default implementation ask for {@link CoordinateSystem} * axis names, or returns "x", "y"... if this coverage has no coordinate system. * * @param locale The desired locale, or null for the default locale. * @return The names of each dimension. The array's length is equals to {@link #getDimension}. * * @see CV_Coverage#getDimensionNames() */ public String[] getDimensionNames(final Locale locale) { final CoordinateSystem cs = getCoordinateSystem(); if (cs != null) { final String[] names = new String[cs.getDimension()]; for (int i=0; inull to * create a new array. If non-null, this array must be at least * {@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length long. * @return The dest array, or a newly created array if dest was null. * @throws CannotEvaluateException if the values can't be computed at the specified coordinate. * More specifically, {@link PointOutsideCoverageException} is thrown if the evaluation * failed because the input point has invalid coordinates. * * @see CV_Coverage#evaluateAsBoolean */ public boolean[] evaluate(final CoordinatePoint coord, boolean[] dest) throws CannotEvaluateException { final double[] result = evaluate(coord, (double[])null); if (dest == null) { dest = new boolean[result.length]; } for (int i=0; inull to * create a new array. If non-null, this array must be at least * {@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length long. * @return The dest array, or a newly created array if dest was null. * @throws CannotEvaluateException if the values can't be computed at the specified coordinate. * More specifically, {@link PointOutsideCoverageException} is thrown if the evaluation * failed because the input point has invalid coordinates. * * @see CV_Coverage#evaluateAsInteger */ public byte[] evaluate(final CoordinatePoint coord, byte[] dest) throws CannotEvaluateException { final double[] result = evaluate(coord, (double[])null); if (dest == null) { dest = new byte[result.length]; } for (int i=0; i Byte.MAX_VALUE) ? Byte.MAX_VALUE : (byte) value; } return dest; } /** * Returns a sequence of integer values for a given point in the coverage. * A value for each sample dimension is included in the sequence. The default * interpolation type used when accessing grid values for points which fall * between grid cells is nearest neighbor. The coordinate system of the * point is the same as the coverage {@linkplain #getCoordinateSystem * coordinate system}. * * @param coord The coordinate point where to evaluate. * @param dest An array in which to store values, or null to * create a new array. If non-null, this array must be at least * {@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length long. * @return The dest array, or a newly created array if dest was null. * @throws CannotEvaluateException if the values can't be computed at the specified coordinate. * More specifically, {@link PointOutsideCoverageException} is thrown if the evaluation * failed because the input point has invalid coordinates. * * @see CV_Coverage#evaluateAsInteger */ public int[] evaluate(final CoordinatePoint coord, int[] dest) throws CannotEvaluateException { final double[] result = evaluate(coord, (double[])null); if (dest == null) { dest = new int[result.length]; } for (int i=0; i Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) value; } return dest; } /** * Returns a sequence of float values for a given point in the coverage. * A value for each sample dimension is included in the sequence. The default interpolation * type used when accessing grid values for points which fall between grid cells is * nearest neighbor. The coordinate system of the point is the same as the coverage * {@linkplain #getCoordinateSystem coordinate system}. * * @param coord The coordinate point where to evaluate. * @param dest An array in which to store values, or null to * create a new array. If non-null, this array must be at least * {@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length long. * @return The dest array, or a newly created array if dest was null. * @throws CannotEvaluateException if the values can't be computed at the specified coordinate. * More specifically, {@link PointOutsideCoverageException} is thrown if the evaluation * failed because the input point has invalid coordinates. */ public float[] evaluate(final CoordinatePoint coord, float[] dest) throws CannotEvaluateException { final double[] result = evaluate(coord, (double[])null); if (dest == null) { dest = new float[result.length]; } for (int i=0; inull to * create a new array. If non-null, this array must be at least * {@link #getSampleDimensions()}.length long. * @return The dest array, or a newly created array if dest was null. * @throws CannotEvaluateException if the values can't be computed at the specified coordinate. * More specifically, {@link PointOutsideCoverageException} is thrown if the evaluation * failed because the input point has invalid coordinates. * * @see CV_Coverage#evaluateAsDouble */ public abstract double[] evaluate(CoordinatePoint coord, double[] dest) throws CannotEvaluateException; /** * Returns 2D view of this grid coverage as a renderable image. * This method allows interoperability with Java2D. * * @param xAxis Dimension to use for x axis. * @param yAxis Dimension to use for y axis. * @return A 2D view of this grid coverage as a renderable image. */ public RenderableImage getRenderableImage(final int xAxis, final int yAxis) { return new Renderable(xAxis, yAxis); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// RenderableImage / ImageFunction //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Base class for renderable image view of a coverage. Renderable images allow interoperability * with Java2D for a two-dimensional * view of a coverage (which may or may not be a {@linkplain org.geotools.gc.GridCoverage grid * coverage}). * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @see Coverage#getRenderableImage */ protected class Renderable extends PropertySourceImpl implements RenderableImage, ImageFunction { /** * The two dimensional view of the coverage's envelope. */ private final Rectangle2D bounds; /** * Dimension to use for x axis. */ protected final int xAxis; /** * Dimension to use for y axis. */ protected final int yAxis; /** * A coordinate point where to evaluate the function. The point dimension is equals to * the {@linkplain Coverage#getDimension coverage's dimension}. The {@linkplain #xAxis * x} and {@link #yAxis y} ordinates will be ignored, since they will vary for each pixel * to be evaluated. Other ordinates, if any, should be set to a fixed value. For example * a coverage may be three-dimensional, where the third dimension is the time axis. In * such case, coordinate.ord[2] should be set to the point in time where * to evaluate the coverage. By default, all ordinates are initialized to 0. Subclasses * should set the desired values in their constructor if needed. */ protected final CoordinatePoint coordinate = new CoordinatePoint(getDimension()); /** * Construct a renderable image. * * @param xAxis Dimension to use for x axis. * @param yAxis Dimension to use for y axis. */ public Renderable(final int xAxis, final int yAxis) { super(null, Coverage.this); this.xAxis = xAxis; this.yAxis = yAxis; final Envelope envelope = getEnvelope(); bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(envelope.getMinimum(xAxis), envelope.getMinimum(yAxis), envelope.getLength (xAxis), envelope.getLength (yAxis)); } /** * Returns null to indicate that no source information is available. */ public Vector getSources() { return null; } /** * Returns true if successive renderings with the same arguments may * produce different results. The default implementation returns false. * * @see org.geotools.gc.GridCoverage#isDataEditable */ public boolean isDynamic() { return false; } /** * Returns false since values are not complex. */ public boolean isComplex() { return false; } /** * Gets the width in coverage coordinate space. * * @see Coverage#getEnvelope * @see Coverage#getCoordinateSystem */ public float getWidth() { return (float)bounds.getWidth(); } /** * Gets the height in coverage coordinate space. * * @see Coverage#getEnvelope * @see Coverage#getCoordinateSystem */ public float getHeight() { return (float)bounds.getHeight(); } /** * Gets the minimum X coordinate of the rendering-independent image data. * This is the {@linkplain Coverage#getEnvelope coverage's envelope} minimal value * for the {@linkplain #xAxis x axis}. * * @see Coverage#getEnvelope * @see Coverage#getCoordinateSystem */ public float getMinX() { return (float)bounds.getX(); } /** * Gets the minimum Y coordinate of the rendering-independent image data. * This is the {@linkplain Coverage#getEnvelope coverage's envelope} minimal value * for the {@linkplain #yAxis y axis}. * * @see Coverage#getEnvelope * @see Coverage#getCoordinateSystem */ public float getMinY() { return (float)bounds.getY(); } /** * Returns a rendered image with a default width and height in pixels. * * @return A rendered image containing the rendered data */ public RenderedImage createDefaultRendering() { return createScaledRendering(512, 0, null); } /** * Creates a rendered image with width width and height height * in pixels. If width is 0, it will be computed automatically from * height. Conversely, if height is 0, il will be computed * automatically from width. * * The default implementation creates a render context with {@link #createRenderContext} * and invokes {@link #createRendering(RenderContext)}. * * @param width The width of rendered image in pixels, or 0. * @param height The height of rendered image in pixels, or 0. * @param hints Rendering hints, or null. * @return A rendered image containing the rendered data */ public RenderedImage createScaledRendering(int width, int height, final RenderingHints hints) { final double boundsWidth = bounds.getWidth(); final double boundsHeight = bounds.getHeight(); if (!(width > 0)) { // Use '!' in order to catch NaN if (!(height > 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format( ErrorKeys.UNSPECIFIED_IMAGE_SIZE)); } width = (int)Math.round(height * (boundsWidth/boundsHeight)); } else if (!(height > 0)) { height = (int)Math.round(width * (boundsHeight/boundsWidth)); } return createRendering(createRenderContext(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), hints)); } /** * Creates a rendered image using a given render context. This method will uses * an "{@link ImageFunctionDescriptor ImageFunction}" operation if possible * (i.e. if the area of interect is rectangular and the affine transform contains * only translation and scale coefficients). * * @param context The render context to use to produce the rendering. * @return A rendered image containing the rendered data */ public RenderedImage createRendering(final RenderContext context) { final AffineTransform csToGrid = context.getTransform(); final Shape area = context.getAreaOfInterest(); final Rectangle gridBounds; if (true) { /* * Compute the grid bounds for the coverage bounds (or the area of interest). * The default implementation of Rectangle uses Math.floor and Math.ceil for * computing a box which contains fully the Rectangle2D. But in our particular * case, we really want to round toward the nearest integer. */ final Rectangle2D bounds = XAffineTransform.transform(csToGrid, (area!=null) ? area.getBounds2D() : this.bounds, null); final int xmin = (int)Math.round(bounds.getMinX()); final int ymin = (int)Math.round(bounds.getMinY()); final int xmax = (int)Math.round(bounds.getMaxX()); final int ymax = (int)Math.round(bounds.getMaxY()); gridBounds = new Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin); } /* * Compute some properties of the image to be created. */ final Dimension tileSize = ImageUtilities.toTileSize(gridBounds.getSize()); final SampleDimension[] sampleDimensions = getSampleDimensions(); final ColorModel colorModel = sampleDimensions[VISIBLE_BAND].getColorModel( VISIBLE_BAND, sampleDimensions.length); final SampleModel sampleModel = colorModel.createCompatibleSampleModel( tileSize.width, tileSize.height); /* * If the image can be created using the ImageFunction operation, do it. * It allow JAI to defer the computation until a tile is really requested. */ final PlanarImage image; if ((area==null || area instanceof Rectangle2D) && csToGrid.getShearX()==0 && csToGrid.getShearY()==0) { image = JAI.create("ImageFunction", new ParameterBlock() .add(this) // The functional description .add(gridBounds.width) // The image width .add(gridBounds.height) // The image height .add((float)(1/csToGrid.getScaleX())) // The X scale factor .add((float)(1/csToGrid.getScaleY())) // The Y scale factor .add((float) csToGrid.getTranslateX()) // The X translation .add((float) csToGrid.getTranslateY()), // The Y translation new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, new ImageLayout() .setMinX (gridBounds.x) .setMinY (gridBounds.y) .setTileWidth (tileSize.width) .setTileHeight (tileSize.height) .setSampleModel(sampleModel) .setColorModel (colorModel))); } else { /* * Creates immediately a rendered image using a given render context. This block * is run when the image can't be created with JAI's ImageFunction operator, for * example because the affine transform swap axis or because there is an area of * interest. */ // Clones the coordinate point in order to allow multi-thread invocation. final CoordinatePoint coordinate = new CoordinatePoint(this.coordinate); final TiledImage tiled = new TiledImage(gridBounds.x, gridBounds.y, gridBounds.width, gridBounds.height, 0, 0, sampleModel, colorModel); final Point2D.Double point2D = new Point2D.Double(); final int numBands = tiled.getNumBands(); final double[] samples = new double[numBands]; final double[] padNaNs = new double[numBands]; Arrays.fill(padNaNs, Double.NaN); final WritableRectIter iterator = RectIterFactory.createWritable(tiled, gridBounds); if (!iterator.finishedLines()) try { int y=gridBounds.y; do { iterator.startPixels(); if (!iterator.finishedPixels()) { int x=gridBounds.x; do { point2D.x = x; point2D.y = y; csToGrid.inverseTransform(point2D, point2D); if (area==null || area.contains(point2D)) { coordinate.ord[xAxis] = point2D.x; coordinate.ord[yAxis] = point2D.y; iterator.setPixel(evaluate(coordinate, samples)); } else { iterator.setPixel(padNaNs); } x++; } while (!iterator.nextPixelDone()); assert(x == gridBounds.x + gridBounds.width); y++; } } while (!iterator.nextLineDone()); assert(y == gridBounds.y + gridBounds.height); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { final IllegalArgumentException e= new IllegalArgumentException("RenderContext"); e.initCause(exception); throw e; } image = tiled; } /* * Add a 'gridToCoordinateSystem' property to the image. This is an important * information for constructing a GridCoverage from this image later. */ try { image.setProperty("gridToCoordinateSystem", csToGrid.createInverse()); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { // Can't add the property. Too bad, the image has been created anyway. // Maybe the user know what he is doing... Utilities.unexpectedException("org.geotools.cv", "Coverage.Renderable", "createRendering", exception); } return image; } /** * Initialize a render context with an affine transform that maps the coverage envelope * to the specified destination rectangle. The affine transform mays swap axis in order * to normalize their order (i.e. make them appear in the (x,y) * order), so that the image appears properly oriented when rendered. * * @param gridBounds The two-dimensional destination rectangle. * @param hints The rendering hints, or null if none. * @return A render context initialized with an affine transform from the coverage * to the grid coordinate system. This transform is the inverse of * {@link org.geotools.gc.GridGeometry#getGridToCoordinateSystem2D}. * * @see org.geotools.gc.GridGeometry#getGridToCoordinateSystem */ protected RenderContext createRenderContext(final Rectangle2D gridBounds, final RenderingHints hints) { final Matrix matrix; final Envelope srcEnvelope = new Envelope(bounds); final Envelope dstEnvelope = new Envelope(gridBounds); final CoordinateSystem cs = getCoordinateSystem(); if (cs != null) { final AxisOrientation[] axis = new AxisOrientation[] { cs.getAxis(xAxis).orientation, cs.getAxis(yAxis).orientation }; final AxisOrientation[] normalized = (AxisOrientation[]) axis.clone(); if (true) { // Normalize axis: Is it really a good idea? // We should provide a rendering hint for configuring that. Arrays.sort(normalized); for (int i=normalized.length; --i>=0;) { normalized[i] = normalized[i].absolute(); } } normalized[1] = normalized[1].inverse(); // Image's Y axis is downward. matrix = Matrix.createAffineTransform(srcEnvelope, axis, dstEnvelope, normalized); } else { matrix = Matrix.createAffineTransform(srcEnvelope, dstEnvelope); } return new RenderContext(matrix.toAffineTransform2D(), hints); } /** * Returns the number of elements per value at each position. This is the maximum * value plus 1 allowed in getElements(...) methods invocation. The * default implementation returns the number of sample dimensions in the coverage. */ public int getNumElements() { return getSampleDimensions().length; } /** * Returns all values of a given element for a specified set of coordinates. * This method is automatically invoked at rendering time for populating an * image tile, providing that the rendered image is created using the * "{@link ImageFunctionDescriptor ImageFunction}" operator and the image * type is not double. The default implementation invokes * {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint,float[])} recursively. */ public void getElements(final float startX, final float startY, final float deltaX, final float deltaY, final int countX, final int countY, final int element, final float[] real, final float[] imag) { int index = 0; float[] buffer = null; // Clones the coordinate point in order to allow multi-thread invocation. final CoordinatePoint coordinate = new CoordinatePoint(this.coordinate); coordinate.ord[1] = startY; for (int j=0; jdouble. The default implementation invokes * {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint,double[])} recursively. */ public void getElements(final double startX, final double startY, final double deltaX, final double deltaY, final int countX, final int countY, final int element, final double[] real, final double[] imag) { int index = 0; double[] buffer = null; // Clones the coordinate point in order to allow multi-thread invocation. final CoordinatePoint coordinate = new CoordinatePoint(this.coordinate); coordinate.ord[1] = startY; for (int j=0; jdispose() * are undefined. * * @see PlanarImage#dispose */ public void dispose() { // To be overriden by subclasses. // Note: implementing this method in GridCoverage is tricky. We must ensure that: // 1) The PlanarImage is not used by somebody else (i.e. is not a user supplied // image, or the user didn't got a reference with getRenderedImage()). // 2) If the image is the result of a GridCoverageProcessor operation, it must // removes itself from the WeakValueHashMap. } /** * Returns a string représentation of this coverage. This string is * for debugging purpose only and may change in future version. */ public String toString() { final Locale locale = null; final StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer(Utilities.getShortClassName(this)); buffer.append("[\""); buffer.append(getName(locale)); buffer.append('"'); final Envelope envelope = getEnvelope(); if (envelope != null) { buffer.append(", "); buffer.append(envelope); } final CoordinateSystem cs = getCoordinateSystem(); if (cs != null) { buffer.append(", "); buffer.append(Utilities.getShortClassName(cs)); buffer.append("[\""); buffer.append(cs.getName().getCode()); buffer.append("\"]"); } buffer.append(']'); return buffer.toString(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// OPENGIS ADAPTER //////////////// //////////////// //////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Export a Geotools {@link Coverage} as an OpenGIS {@link CV_Coverage} object. * This class is suitable for RMI use. User should not create instance of this * class directly. The method {@link Adapters#export(Coverage)} should be used * instead. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ protected class Export extends UnicastRemoteObject implements CV_Coverage, PropertySource { /** * The originating adapter. */ protected final Adapters adapters; /** * Constructs a remote object. This object is automatically added to the cache in * the enclosing {@link Coverage} object. The cached Export instance * can be queried with {@link Adapters#export(Coverage)}. * * @param adapters The originating adapter. * @throws RemoteException if this object can't be exported through RMI. */ protected Export(final Adapters adapters) throws RemoteException { super(); // TODO: Fetch the port number from the adapter. this.adapters = adapters; proxy = new WeakReference(this); } /** * Returns the underlying implementation. Note: This method is not available or remote * machine, since we don't implement {@link org.geotools.resources.RemoteProxy}. This * is because {@link Coverage} may not be serializable. For example, * {@link org.geotools.gc.GridCoverage} will usually contains a non-serializable * {@link java.awt.image.RenderedImage}. */ final Coverage getImplementation() { return Coverage.this; } /** * Returns the names of each dimension in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#getDimensionNames}. * * @return the names of each dimension in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public String[] getDimensionNames() throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.getDimensionNames(null); } /** * Returns The number of sample dimensions in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#getSampleDimensions}. * * @return the number of sample dimensions in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public int getNumSampleDimensions() throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.getSampleDimensions().length; } /** * Retrieve sample dimension information for the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#getSampleDimensions}. * * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public CV_SampleDimension getSampleDimension(int index) throws RemoteException { return adapters.export(Coverage.this.getSampleDimensions()[index]); } /** * Returns the number of grid coverages which the grid coverage was derived from. * The default implementation returns 0. * * @return the number of grid coverages which this coverage was derived from. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public int getNumSources() throws RemoteException { return 0; } /** * Returns the source data for a grid coverage. * The default implementation throws an {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException}, * since {@link #getNumSources} returned 0. * * @param sourceDataIndex Source grid coverage index. Indexes start at 0. * @return the source data for a grid coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public GC_GridCoverage getSource(int sourceDataIndex) throws RemoteException { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(sourceDataIndex); } /** * Returns the list of metadata keywords for a coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link #getPropertyNames}. * * @return the list of metadata keywords for a coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public String[] getMetadataNames() throws RemoteException { return getPropertyNames(); } /** * Retrieve the metadata value for a given metadata name. * The default implementation invokes {@link #getProperty} * and replace {@link java.awt.Image#UndefinedProperty} by * null. * * @param name Metadata keyword for which to retrieve data. * @return the metadata value for a given metadata name. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public String getMetadataValue(String name) throws RemoteException { final Object value = getProperty(name); return (value!=null && value!=Image.UndefinedProperty) ? value.toString() : null; } /** * Returns an array of {@link String}s recognized as names by this property source. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#getPropertyNames()}. * * @return an array of strings giving the valid property names, or null. */ public String[] getPropertyNames() { return Coverage.this.getPropertyNames(); } /** * Returns an array of {@link String}s recognized as names by this property source * that begin with the supplied prefix. The default implementation invokes {@link * Coverage#getPropertyNames(String)}. * * @return an array of strings giving the valid property names. */ public String[] getPropertyNames(final String prefix) { return Coverage.this.getPropertyNames(prefix); } /** * Returns the class expected to be returned by a request for the property with * the specified name. If this information is unavailable, null will * be returned. * * @param name the name of the property. * @return The class expected to be return by a request for the value * of this property, or null. */ public Class getPropertyClass(final String name) { return Coverage.this.getPropertyClass(name); } /** * Returns the value of a property. If the property name is not recognized, * then {@link java.awt.Image#UndefinedProperty} will be returned. * * @param name the name of the property. * @return the value of the property, or the value * {@link java.awt.Image#UndefinedProperty}. */ public Object getProperty(final String name) { return Coverage.this.getProperty(name); } /** * Returns coordinate system used when accessing a coverage or grid coverage * with the evaluate methods. The default implementation invokes * {@link Coverage#getCoordinateSystem}. * * @return the coordinate system used when accessing a coverage or * grid coverage with the evaluate methods. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public CS_CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem() throws RemoteException { return adapters.CTS.export(Coverage.this.getCoordinateSystem()); } /** * Returns the bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#getEnvelope}. * * @return the bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public PT_Envelope getEnvelope() throws RemoteException { return adapters.CTS.export(Coverage.this.getEnvelope()); } /** * Return the value vector for a given point in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes one of other CV_Coverage method * (for example {@link #evaluateAsDouble}) according the underlying data type. * * @param point point at which to find the grid values. * @return the value vector for a given point in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. * * @task TODO: Check the underlying data type. */ public Object evaluate(PT_CoordinatePoint point) throws RemoteException { return evaluateAsDouble(point); } /** * Return a sequence of Boolean values for a given point in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint, boolean[])}. * * @param point point at which to find the coverage values. * @return a sequence of boolean values for a given point in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public boolean[] evaluateAsBoolean(PT_CoordinatePoint point) throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.evaluate(adapters.CTS.wrap(point), (boolean[]) null); } /** * Return a sequence of unsigned byte values for a given point in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint, byte[])}. * * @param point point at which to find the coverage values. * @return a sequence of unsigned byte values for a given point in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public byte[] evaluateAsByte(PT_CoordinatePoint point) throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.evaluate(adapters.CTS.wrap(point), (byte[]) null); } /** * Return a sequence of integer values for a given point in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint, int[])}. * * @param point point at which to find the grid values. * @return a sequence of integer values for a given point in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public int[] evaluateAsInteger(PT_CoordinatePoint point) throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.evaluate(adapters.CTS.wrap(point), (int[]) null); } /** * Return a sequence of double values for a given point in the coverage. * The default implementation invokes {@link Coverage#evaluate(CoordinatePoint, double[])}. * * @param point point at which to find the grid values. * @return a sequence of double values for a given point in the coverage. * @throws RemoteException if a remote call failed. More specifically, the exception will * be an instance of {@link ServerException} if an error occurs on the server side. */ public double[] evaluateAsDouble(PT_CoordinatePoint point) throws RemoteException { return Coverage.this.evaluate(adapters.CTS.wrap(point), (double[]) null); } } }