/* * Geotools2 - OpenSource mapping toolkit * http://geotools.org * (C) 2002, Geotools Project Managment Committee (PMC) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * */ package org.geotools.filter; import java.util.logging.Logger; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.geotools.feature.AttributeType; import org.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeFactory; import org.geotools.feature.Feature; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureTypeFactory; import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException; import org.geotools.feature.SchemaException; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.PrecisionModel; /** * Unit test for expressions. This is a complimentary test suite with the * filter test suite. * * @author James MacGill, CCG * @author Rob Hranac, TOPP * @source $URL$ */ public class ExpressionTest extends TestCase { /** Standard logging instance */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( "org.geotools.defaultcore"); /** Feature on which to preform tests */ private static Feature testFeature = null; /** Schema on which to preform tests */ private static FeatureType testSchema = null; private static AttributeTypeFactory attFactory = AttributeTypeFactory.newInstance(); static FilterFactory filterFactory = FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory(); boolean set = false; /** Test suite for this test case */ TestSuite suite = null; /** * Constructor with test name. * * @param testName DOCUMENT ME! */ public ExpressionTest(String testName) { super(testName); } /** * Main for test runner. * * @param args arguments to run main */ public static void main(String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite()); } /** * Required suite builder. * * @return A test suite for this unit test. */ public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(ExpressionTest.class); return suite; } /** * Sets up a schema and a test feature. * * @throws SchemaException If there is a problem setting up the schema. * @throws IllegalFeatureException If problem setting up the feature. */ protected void setUp() throws SchemaException, IllegalAttributeException { if (set) { return; } set = true; // Create the schema attributes LOGGER.finer("creating flat feature..."); AttributeType geometryAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testGeometry", LineString.class); LOGGER.finer("created geometry attribute"); AttributeType booleanAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testBoolean", Boolean.class); LOGGER.finer("created boolean attribute"); AttributeType charAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testCharacter", Character.class); AttributeType byteAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testByte", Byte.class); AttributeType shortAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testShort", Short.class); AttributeType intAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testInteger", Integer.class); AttributeType longAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testLong", Long.class); AttributeType floatAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testFloat", Float.class); AttributeType doubleAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testDouble", Double.class); AttributeType stringAttribute = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("testString", String.class); // Builds the schema FeatureTypeFactory feaTypeFactory = FeatureTypeFactory.newInstance("test"); feaTypeFactory.addType(geometryAttribute); //testSchema = new FeatureTypeFlat(geometryAttribute); LOGGER.finer("created feature type and added geometry"); feaTypeFactory.addType(booleanAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added boolean to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(charAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added character to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(byteAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added byte to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(shortAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added short to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(intAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added int to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(longAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added long to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(floatAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added float to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(doubleAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added double to feature type"); feaTypeFactory.addType(stringAttribute); LOGGER.finer("added string to feature type"); testSchema = feaTypeFactory.getFeatureType(); // Creates coordinates for the linestring Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[3]; coords[0] = new Coordinate(1, 2); coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 4); coords[2] = new Coordinate(5, 6); // Builds the test feature Object[] attributes = new Object[10]; GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel()); attributes[0] = gf.createLineString(coords); attributes[1] = new Boolean(true); attributes[2] = new Character('t'); attributes[3] = new Byte("10"); attributes[4] = new Short("101"); attributes[5] = new Integer(1002); attributes[6] = new Long(10003); attributes[7] = new Float(10000.4); attributes[8] = new Double(100000.5); attributes[9] = "test string data"; // Creates the feature itself //FlatFeatureFactory factory = new FlatFeatureFactory(testSchema); testFeature = testSchema.create(attributes); LOGGER.finer("...feature created"); } /** * Tests the attribute expression. * * @throws IllegalFilterException if filters mess up. */ public void testAttribute() throws IllegalFilterException { // Test integer attribute Expression testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testInteger"); LOGGER.fine("integer attribute expression equals: " + testAttribute.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Integer(1002), testAttribute.getValue(testFeature)); // Test string attribute testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString"); LOGGER.fine("string attribute expression equals: " + testAttribute.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals("test string data", testAttribute.getValue(testFeature)); } /** * Tests the literal expression. * * @throws IllegalFilterException if there are problems */ public void testLiteral() throws IllegalFilterException { // Test integer attribute Expression testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(1002)); LOGGER.fine("integer literal expression equals: " + testLiteral.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Integer(1002), testLiteral.getValue(testFeature)); // Test string attribute testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("test string data"); LOGGER.fine("string literal expression equals: " + testLiteral.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals("test string data", testLiteral.getValue(testFeature)); } /** * Tests the min function expression. * * @throws IllegalFilterException if filter problems */ public void testMinFunction() throws IllegalFilterException { Expression a = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testInteger"); Expression b = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(1004)); FunctionExpression min = filterFactory.createFunctionExpression("min"); min.setArgs(new Expression[]{a,b}); assertEquals(1002d,((Double)min.getValue(testFeature)).doubleValue(),0); b = filterFactory.createLiteralExpression(new Double(-100.001)); min.setArgs(new Expression[]{a,b}); assertEquals(-100.001,((Double)min.getValue(testFeature)).doubleValue(),0); assertEquals(FunctionExpressionImpl.FUNCTION,min.getType()); assertEquals("Min", min.getName()); assertEquals(2, min.getArgCount()); assertEquals(min.getArgs()[0],a); assertEquals(min.getArgs()[1],b); min.toString(); } public void testNonExistentFunction(){ try{ Expression nochance = filterFactory.createFunctionExpression("%$#%$%#%#$@#%@"); assertNull(nochance); } catch(RuntimeException re){ } } public void testFunctionNameTrim() throws IllegalFilterException { FunctionExpression min = filterFactory.createFunctionExpression("minFunction"); assertTrue(min != null); } /** * Tests the max function expression. * * @throws IllegalFilterException if filter problems */ public void testMaxFunction() throws IllegalFilterException { Expression a = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testInteger"); Expression b = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(1004)); FunctionExpression max = filterFactory.createFunctionExpression( "MaxFunction"); max.setArgs(new Expression[] { a, b }); assertEquals(1004d, ((Double) max.getValue(testFeature)).doubleValue(), 0); b = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(-100.001)); max.setArgs(new Expression[]{a,b}); assertEquals(1002d,((Double)max.getValue(testFeature)).doubleValue(),0); assertEquals("Max", max.getName()); assertEquals(2, max.getArgCount()); assertEquals(max.getArgs()[0],a); assertEquals(max.getArgs()[1],b); max.toString(); } public void testInvalidMath(){ try{ MathExpressionImpl bad = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.ATTRIBUTE); fail("Only math types should be allowed when constructing"); } catch(IllegalFilterException ife){ } } public void testDisalowedLeftAndRightExpressions() throws IllegalFilterException { GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel()); Expression geom = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(2,2))); Expression text = new LiteralExpressionImpl("text"); MathExpressionImpl mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(Expression.MATH_ADD); try{ mathTest.addLeftValue(geom); fail("geometries are not allowed in math expressions"); } catch(IllegalFilterException ife){ } try{ mathTest.addRightValue(geom); fail("geometries are not allowed in math expressions"); } catch(IllegalFilterException ife){ } } public void testIncompleteMathExpression() throws IllegalFilterException { Expression testAttribute1 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(4)); MathExpressionImpl mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_ADD); mathTest.addLeftValue(testAttribute1); try{ mathTest.getValue(testFeature); fail("math expressions should not work if right hand side is not set"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ife){ } mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_ADD); mathTest.addRightValue(testAttribute1); try{ mathTest.getValue(testFeature); fail("math expressions should not work if left hand side is not set"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ife){ } } /** * Tests the math expression. * * @throws IllegalFilterException if filter problems */ public void testMath() throws IllegalFilterException { // Test integer attribute Expression testAttribute1 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(4)); Expression testAttribute2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(2)); // Test addition MathExpressionImpl mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_ADD); mathTest.addLeftValue(testAttribute1); mathTest.addRightValue(testAttribute2); LOGGER.fine("math test: " + testAttribute1.getValue(testFeature) + " + " + testAttribute2.getValue(testFeature) + " = " + mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Double(6), mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); // Test subtraction mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_SUBTRACT); mathTest.addLeftValue(testAttribute1); mathTest.addRightValue(testAttribute2); LOGGER.fine("math test: " + testAttribute1.getValue(testFeature) + " - " + testAttribute2.getValue(testFeature) + " = " + mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Double(2), mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); // Test multiplication mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_MULTIPLY); mathTest.addLeftValue(testAttribute1); mathTest.addRightValue(testAttribute2); LOGGER.fine("math test: " + testAttribute1.getValue(testFeature) + " * " + testAttribute2.getValue(testFeature) + " = " + mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Double(8), mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); // Test division mathTest = new MathExpressionImpl(DefaultExpression.MATH_DIVIDE); mathTest.addLeftValue(testAttribute1); mathTest.addRightValue(testAttribute2); LOGGER.fine("math test: " + testAttribute1.getValue(testFeature) + " / " + testAttribute2.getValue(testFeature) + " = " + mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); assertEquals(new Double(2), mathTest.getValue(testFeature)); } }