This is an introductory demonstration of the Geotools code library. The demo opens a window with a series of buttons on the left hand side. Pushing each highlighted button in turn will step through the demonstration. The gui can be run from this directory, as follows: (Assume an SVN checkout where trunk/gt/ is at $GEOTOOLS_ROOT) Because Geotools is built with maven, we only need one jar in the classpath and java will find all the other classes AS LONG AS they are in jars in the same directory, in this example $GEOTOOLS_ROOT/target java -classpath $GEOTOOLS_ROOT/target/gt2-demo-introduction-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar \ org.geotools.demo.introduction.QuickStartGUI Known isssues: * Buttons are not all the same size * Text area doesn't scroll as new text is added * Countries.sld looks for a font that doesn't necessarily exist * Projection doesn't work * Lots of rountines are missing; some buttons do nothing. License: This code is placed in the public domain. Note that this is different from the Geotools library code itself which is licensed under the terms of the "Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Enjoy. Adrian Custer Friday, 18 August 2006 Brussels, Belgium