basicTypes.xsd Some basic types (simpleContent) required in various places in OWS Sensor Web application schemas Copyright (c) 2007 OGC, All Rights Reserved. For conditions, see OGC Software Notice - Local copy of GML 3.2 uom symbol definition Included for forward compatibility. Note: in future of this specification based on GML 3.2, these will be removed in favour of the GML 3.2 implementation Local copy of GML 3.2 uom URI definition Local copy of GML 3.2 uom identifier definition Property type that indicates unit-of-measure, either by (i) inline definition; (ii) reference; (iii) UCUM code Defines a unit inline Specifies a unit by using a UCUM expression (prefered) Specifies a unit by referencing a dictionary entry (to be used only for units not defined in UCUM) Property type that indicates the codespace Choice of time position encodings, not including numeric representation. A minor variation on gml:TimePositionUnion - carrying "indeterminate value" as content instead of an attribute. Choice of time position encodings, including numeric representation but no frame. A minor variation on gml:TimePositionUnion - carrying "indeterminate value" as content instead of an attribute. Explicit implementation of ISO 19103 ScopedName. Extension of string which also carries a codeSpace attribute. Note: in future versions of this specification based on GML 3.2, this will be removed in favour of gml:CodeWithAuthorityType. Simple list of double-precision numbers. Note: xs:double supports either decimal or scientific notation Pair of double-precision numbers. Note: xs:double supports either decimal or scientific notation Simple list of integers. Pair of integers. Simple list of tokens. Note: xs:token is a string with no embedded white-space allowed Simple list of time positions. Pair of time positions. A generic interval. The type of the two limits will normally be the same. Implicit xs:anyType Implicit xs:anyType A generic interval. The type of the two limits will normally be the same. Inline property type for generic intervals