Schema for defining position data (location, orientation, etc...) based on aggregate data types Copyright (c) 2007 OGC, All Rights Reserved. For conditions, see OGC Software Notice - Position is given as a group of Vectors/Matrices, each of which can specify location, orientation, velocity, angularVelocity, acceleration or angularAcceleration or a combination of those in a composite state Vector. Each Vector can have a separate frame of reference or inherit the frame from the parent Position object. Points to a spatial reference frame definition. Coordinates of the vector will be expressed in this reference frame Specifies the spatial frame which location and/or orientation is given by the enclosing vector This is a square matrix (so the size is the square of one dimension) which is a DataArray of Quantities. It has a referenceFrame in which the matrix components are described Vector/SquareMatrix is a data-type so usually appears "by value" rather than by reference. Area used to define bounding boxes Is this an aggregate geometry? Envelope described using two vectors specifying lower and upper corner points. This is typically use to define rectangular bounding boxes in any coordinate system. Optionally provides time range during which this bounding envelope applies Points to a spatial reference frame definition. Coordinates of the vector will be expressed in this reference frame Specifies the spatial frame which location and/or orientation is given by the enclosing vector A Vector is a special type of DataRecord that takes a list of numerical scalars called coordinates. The Vector has a referenceFrame in which the coordinates are expressed Vector is a data-type so usually appears "by value" rather than by reference. However, by reference is still useful when objects, for instance, share a location.