event.xsd Components required to establish the top-level of the om:Event substitution group Copyright © 2005 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http://www.opengeospatial.org/about/?page=ipr Description of an event, particularly that causes transformation, creation or destruction of a feature. The event may be transport or administrative. Use gml:description to describe the nature of the event or action, or to point to a description of it. Specialised event types may be derived from this type. The Time when the event occurred (mandatory). This may be given * in absolute terms as a TimeInstant or TimePeriod * in approximate terms or relative to an absolute position using the indeterminatePosition attribute * or using a TimeTopology element (TimeEdge or TimeNode), which provides the option of giving a time relative to other edges or nodes, either directly (gml) or indirectly (xmml) * as a TimeGeometricComplex if it is a recurring or repeating event Location where the event took place (optional) Description of, or pointer to, preceding event(s) Description of, or pointer to, following event(s)