observation.xsd An implementation of the OandM model for SWE Copyright (c) 2005 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http://www.opengeospatial.org/about/?page=ipr Base type for Observations. Concrete Observation types must extend this type with a "result" of the appropriate type. The following properties are inherited from EventType: In the context of an Observation, the interpretation of some of the properties shall be refined as follows: time - the date/Time at which the procedure was executed location - the location of the procedure (sensor, intrument, computational engine) at the time of the observation event For "in situ" procedures the value of the location will usually be the same as the location of the featureOfInterest. For "remote" procedures the location will normally be removed from the location of the featureOfInterest Link to a description of the property or phenomenon whose value is being described or estimated through observation for example "wavelength", "grass-species", "power", "intensity in the waveband x-y", etc. It is this feature-property that provides the (semantic) type of the observation. Note that the description of the phenomenon may be quite specific and constrained. In general the precise details of the constraints describing the observe properties require attention to the procedure used in making the observation: e.g. an optical sensor typically has a wavelength-dependent response. This property may be provided for client convenience, to allow comparison between and aggregation of observations of the same property made using different procedures. the Feature regarding which the observations are being made, sometimes called the target or subject of the observation, such as a specimen, station, tract, mountain, pixel, etc. The spatial properties (location) of the feature of interest are typically of most interest for spatial analysis of the observation result. If any of the properties are time dependent, then the values at the Observation/eventTime should appear. Head of Observation substitution group Observation event. carries a generic "result" properties of type "anyType". Allows additional soft-typing information concerning the result structure to be recorded locally. Typically this will be a "schema" for the result-tuple, needed to complete the description of the result structure where its type is Record or NumericRecord. an xsi:type attribute may appear in the instance to indicate the type of the result Generic Observation event Observation collection, using the "Composite" pattern A "Station" is an identified position (0-D geospatial feature). It may be revisited for various purposes, in particular to retrieve multiple specimens or make repeated or complementary observations. The position property of the station provides the value of the position property of observations an specimens associated with the station. The procedureHosted property allows the user to point to one or more sensors or other procedures that are relevant to this station. By using the Station feature, this position information and any metadata associated with it may be encoded in one place, i.e. normalised, and then re-used _by reference_ on other feature instances associated with it.