LUTgeodesy.xsd Codelists used in geodesy and surveying 2003-07-15 Copyright (c) 2004 CSIRO - see Projected coordinate reference systems (equivalent code from EPSG Geodetic reference systems database v6.3) Map grid of Australia zone 48 - EPSG projected CRS code 28348 Map grid of Australia zone 49 - EPSG projected CRS code 28349 Map grid of Australia zone 50 - EPSG projected CRS code 28350 Map grid of Australia zone 51 - EPSG projected CRS code 28351 Map grid of Australia zone 52 - EPSG projected CRS code 28352 Map grid of Australia zone 53 - EPSG projected CRS code 28353 Map grid of Australia zone 54 - EPSG projected CRS code 28354 Map grid of Australia zone 55 - EPSG projected CRS code 28355 Map grid of Australia zone 56 - EPSG projected CRS code 28356 Map grid of Australia zone 57 - EPSG projected CRS code 28357 Map grid of Australia zone 58 - EPSG projected CRS code 28358 Geodetic datums (equivalent code from EPSG Geodetic reference systems database v6.3) Australian geodetic datum 1966 - lon-lat/DD - no epsg code World Geodetic System 1984 - lon-lat/DMSH - as in epsg:4326 but with axis order switched World Geodetic System 19845 - lon-lat/DD - as in epsg:6326640 but with axis order switched Australian geodetic datum 1984 - lon-lat/DD - as in epsg:62036405 but with axis order switched Geodetic datum of Australia 1994 - lon-lat/DD - as in epsg:62836405 but with axis order switched Geodetic datum of Australia 1994 - lon-lat-h/DDm - as in epsg:62836413 but with 2D axis order switched Height datums (equivalent code from EPSG Geodetic reference systems database v6.3) Australian height datum - epsg:5711 Codes used in the Geoscience Australia corporate database Height is picked off a topographic map Height computed from pressure gauge readings Micro-barometer recording technique Digitally recording barometer technique Heights determined by photogrammetry Heights measured by aircraft altimeter Height derived from satellite measurements Water depths derived from sonar recording Hand held GPS height value (not very reliable) Heights derived from post processed or real time dual frequency GPS recording Heights determined by optical surveying methods or taken at surveyed points First order geodetic height determination Alternative codes for the Geoscience Australia corporate database 0 Unknown 1 GPS 2 GPS 3 GPS 4 GPS 5 Astronomical observation 6 Surveyed from ground control 7 Published report 8 Unpublished report 10 Non-standard topographic map 11 - 1:25 000 topographic map 12 - 1:50 000 topographic map 13 - 1:100 000 topographic map 14 - 1:250 000 topographic map 15 - 1:500 000 topographic map 16 - 1:1 000 000 topographic map 20 Non-standard geological map 21 - 1:25 000 geological map 22 - 1:50 000 geological map 23 - 1:100 000 geological map 24 - 1:250 000 geological map 25 - 1:500 000 geological map 26 - 1:1 000 000 geological map 30 Differential GPS - Survey quality 31 Differential GPS 35 Averaged GPS 40 Orthophoto image 41 Orthophoto image 1:25 000 scale 50 Company supplied location - method unkown 51 State/NT supplied location - method unkown Codes used in the Geoscience Australia gravity database Height computed from pressure gauge readings Micro-barometer recording technique Digitally recording barometer technique Height above ground surface measured by ruler Heights measured by aircraft altimeter Height difference estimated from equipment type